Pink Lemonade acro conditions

yeah, mine has gotten the longer polyp, but not as far as that, but I think it's pretty typical for this coral. I may give my frag another month where it is, and if it's not looking better I'm going to find a lower spot in the tank for it.
Mine was dark green when i got it. The base is yellow< but its only about 1/8th of an inch around the frag so that may be why its not blue yet, Or because its getting a ton of light and that may be why its yellow instead of blue. (I think youre right on the higher the light is the more yellow)
I preffere the yellow though.
where did you all get yours from ? I got mine from Atlantis Aquarium but I have not seen any green on mine but I do have pink polyps and a yellow base to the acro ?
IME, hugo's PL has more of a tendency to stay green and doesn't like high light. In fact, each time i've tried raising it, it bleaches. Atlantis PL has a tendency to stay yellow and loves high light. yes i have both under radiums
I been checking Atlantis for the past 3 months or more and they haven't had them in stock do you have a frag you would be willing to sell or know someone who does?
I just have gotten mine from ming about a 2 months ago. I ordered a lot form them and I asked him for one and he sold a frag to me and it has been doing well but I have not seen any growth ?
ming in the owner of Atlantis Aquarium and i think that Matt may have some frags but may not have them listed on the website but i don't know so that would be you best bet of getting one.
Thanks Corn, I'll try and email them again, I sent Atlantis a email about it back when our club was doing a group buy to see if they had one but it went unanswered.
The PL frag from Atlantis is showing not available as there is already a waiting list for it. You will need to email them and ask to be added to the list.
I know, it hasn't been available for months, I already emailed them once and didn't get a reply, hopefully I'll get a response from them this time so I can get on the list, until then I'm still looking for a frag :)
well I don't know what to tell you I would sell you a frag but mine is to small and just was stung by another coral S#!T