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Sumpless with a HOB skimmer

Stock list

5 blue/green chromis
1 or 2 longfin fairy wrasse
1 yellow tang
1 White Tail Bristletooth Tang
1 Powder brown or powder blue

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I have an open top tank right now so the wrasses are out of the question unless I do 1/4 mesh top correct?
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Sumpless with a HOB skimmer

Stock list

5 blue/green chromis
1 or 2 longfin fairy wrasse
1 yellow tang
1 White Tail Bristletooth Tang
1 Powder brown or powder blue

Three tangs are unlikely to peacefully coexist long term and your filtration is not the most efficacious. You are correct that fairy wrasses require a mesh top. The 5 chromis are likely to winnow down to one or at most two in the long run.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I have an open top tank right now so the wrasses are out of the question unless I do 1/4 mesh top correct?
I have been getting my first saltwater tank set up and running for the past few months. It is a 40 breeder with a 20 gallon sump, and about 50 lbs of liverock, 20 pounds of sand.

My current stock list is:
pair- Ocellaris clowns

Various snails
4 - hermit crabs (got these before I joined here. Probably a bad idea?)
1 - cleaner shrimp
1 - peppermint shrimp

Proposed stock list:
Flasher Wrasse - not sure which one carpenters or McCosker's maybe
Gold Assessor OR Royal Gramma - Which would be a better choice?
Purple Firefish
Bluespotted watchman goby OR Bicolor Blenny - any one better than the other?
Mandarin (after fuge is up and running for a few months) OR Red scooter if more suitable.

Thanks in advance for the help.
I have been getting my first saltwater tank set up and running for the past few months. It is a 40 breeder with a 20 gallon sump, and about 50 lbs of liverock, 20 pounds of sand.

My current stock list is:
pair- Ocellaris clowns which will become aggressive once sexually mature and bonded

Various snails
4 - hermit crabs (got these before I joined here. Probably a bad idea?) If you do not have nor plan to have snails, it will be ok; my preference would always be a variety of snails
1 - cleaner shrimp
1 - peppermint shrimp

Proposed stock list:
Flasher Wrasse - not sure which one carpenters or McCosker's maybe requires a bit larger tank and a mesh top with 1/4 inch holes
Gold Assessor OR Royal Gramma - Which would be a better choice? Either would be fine, gramma loretto has more brilliant coloration
Purple Firefish ideally should be introduced first, also requires a top with 1/4 inch holes
Bluespotted watchman goby OR Bicolor Blenny - any one better than the other? they are different as one is a carnivore and the other a herbivore
Mandarin (after fuge is up and running for a few months) OR Red scooter if more suitable. red scooter is more likely to survive

Thanks in advance for the help.

Thanks for the reply.

I have the screen top kit from BRS that I will be installing before I get any other fish.

How does this look for the order of additions:
Purple firefish- will this be ok even though I have added the clowns already?
Bluespotted Watchman OR Bicolor Blenny - Is it easier to keep one over the other? Watchman is the carnivore and bicolor being the herbivore, correct?
Flasher Wrasse - Which would work for my size tank? Filamented maybe? Or should I just plan on a possum wrasse?
Gold Assessor OR Royal Gramma
Red Scooter - after fuge has been set up for several months.

Is this a compatible stock list? This wont be too much for my size tank?

Thanks again!
Thanks for the reply.

I have the screen top kit from BRS that I will be installing before I get any other fish.

How does this look for the order of additions:
Purple firefish- will this be ok even though I have added the clowns already? juvenile clowns should not be a problem
Bluespotted Watchman OR Bicolor Blenny - Is it easier to keep one over the other? Watchman is the carnivore and bicolor being the herbivore, correct? Both are about the same level of difficulty, but having a herbivore may be valuable
Flasher Wrasse - Which would work for my size tank? Filamented maybe? Or should I just plan on a possum wrasse?

I LOVE possum wrasses which would be better given that a flasher wrasse is much more active and your tank is on the smaller side

Gold Assessor OR Royal Gramma
Red Scooter - after fuge has been set up for several months.

Is this a compatible stock list? This wont be too much for my size tank?

Thanks again!

Should be fine.
Thanks for the reply Steve.

How does this sound, added in this order.

several Crab, shrimp, snail
2 clown fish
2 blenny not sure what kind yet
6-7 Trimma goby I hear they school around well
1 longnose hawkfish
1 Golden dwarf eel
1 yellow tang
i love this tread, so much usefull info!

im out of town, about 3 hours away from the tank, and i spotted a beautiful female bluethroat trigger (probably around 5'' or so, didnt really size it up all that much) in a shop here, and let me say, its looks amazing.

I have a standard 90g tank, about 90lbs of rock, 20g sump, monster huge MRC MC2 skimmer (its a beast...), and a penguin 350 that i use as a spot for carbon and phosban. i also use filtersocks on my returns and i clean / swap them bi-daily. Current stocking: Juvi yellow tang (quite shy) 3 green cromis, and a juvi 13'' SFE. (also a smalll maroon clown in my nano that will be moving over sometime soon as well.)

Ive been reading about triggers for the past few months, mostly around a bluethroat or a pink tail ( im considering going reef this summer, with the addition of better lighting). CUC consists of white/red/blue hermits, tons of cerith snails, nerites, and some narssius snails, and a serpent star.

Would this fish be a good addition to my tank?
Thanks for the advice :)
Me Again!

Hi Steve..

40g Long (4ft) sumpless, HOB skimmer and refugium hope to be at least a softie reef, mebbe softie + LPS, almost have everything up and running now.

Ok definite fish:
1 x gold neon goby
1 x hector's goby
2 x black snowflake clowns

if I can ever find them:
2 x green banded goby

flameback angel (not sold on either african or brazil so far)
Tominic tang
cherub angel
kole tang
coral beauty

damnit i want my cake too...
Thanks for the reply Steve.

How does this sound, added in this order.

several Crab, shrimp, snail
2 clown fish
2 blenny not sure what kind yet
6-7 Trimma goby I hear they school around well Red Striped Goby (Trimma cana) if that is what you are referring to will group but not school
1 longnose hawkfish will eat shrimp and small fish
1 Golden dwarf eel
1 yellow tang one of the Ctenochaetus tangs would be better as yellows will be aggressive
i love this tread, so much usefull info!

I am glad you find it interesting, it certainly keeps me busy

im out of town, about 3 hours away from the tank, and i spotted a beautiful female bluethroat trigger (probably around 5'' or so, didnt really size it up all that much) in a shop here, and let me say, its looks amazing.

I have a standard 90g tank, about 90lbs of rock, 20g sump, monster huge MRC MC2 skimmer (its a beast...), and a penguin 350 that i use as a spot for carbon and phosban. i also use filtersocks on my returns and i clean / swap them bi-daily. Current stocking: Juvi yellow tang (quite shy) 3 green cromis, and a juvi 13'' SFE. (also a smalll maroon clown in my nano that will be moving over sometime soon as well.)

Ive been reading about triggers for the past few months, mostly around a bluethroat or a pink tail ( im considering going reef this summer, with the addition of better lighting). CUC consists of white/red/blue hermits, tons of cerith snails, nerites, and some narssius snails, and a serpent star.

Would this fish be a good addition to my tank?

In my opinion, your tank is a bit small as a 125 gallon or larger aquarium is preferred. The Blue Throat will rearrange the landscaping and rocks. It is said to "talk," which is actually a grunting sound similar to that of an Emperor Angel.

The Blue Throat Triggerfish needs a varied diet of meaty foods including; squid, krill, clams, small fish and hard shelled shrimp to help wear down their ever growing teeth. it would be rather hard on any clean up crew.

Thanks for the advice :)
Me Again!

Hi Steve..

40g Long (4ft) sumpless, HOB skimmer and refugium hope to be at least a softie reef, mebbe softie + LPS, almost have everything up and running now.

Ok definite fish:
1 x gold neon goby
1 x hector's goby
2 x black snowflake clowns

if I can ever find them:
2 x green banded goby

questions.. no tangs in a 40 gallon tank, sorry.
flameback angel (not sold on either african or brazil so far)
Tominic tang
cherub angel
kole tang
coral beauty dwarf angels are probably not going to be reef safe.

damnit i want my cake too...
Hi Snorvich,

First off, I want to say thank you. I could never stay on top of something like this, constantly answering our questions like you do!! I love reading through the thread!

Previously I had asked about livestock in my 28g cube. I had been okay'd with a firefish, a royal purple gramma, and a clown. Now I've been looking at inverts.

I'd always loved shrimp. And I've been trying to decide what would be the most interesting additions to a 28g cube. Then, on a trip to my local pet/fish store for my pup Dixon, I spied the most beautiful lavender purple reef lobster ever, rivaling the ones I've seen online even! :inlove: But I have read that they can be a hazard to peaceful fish, and other inverts if kept in a smaller tank.

I guess my question in a nutshell is, would a reef lobster be compatible with a firefish, royal purple gramma and a clown? And if so, would I have to choose between it, and a few shrimp? And lastly, in your opinion, which would be the most active within my tank? I'd hate to buy the little guy, only to never ever ever see him. D:
Hi there! Thanks for organizing a place for the newbs.

We are still shopping for tanks but I am partial to a 100 gallon 48x31x15, reef tank. Probably 30gallon sump. We are concerned about a 31" deep- will 2 250watt halides do for softies? Or should we steer towards LEDs? They do seem more affordable to maintain.

As to fish- We like the copperband butterfly, a pair of perculas, and flame angel. I love the green mandarin, after 6 months or a year setting up, would the copepod population be large enough to maintain him? My fiance loves tangs but we hate to stunt some of the bigger swimmers in a 4ft-er. He loves the Achilles, Blue Hippo and the Sailfin Tang- would any of these be possible?

How much live rock would you all suggest?


55 gallon tank mates for shrimp/goby pair?

55 gallon tank mates for shrimp/goby pair?

55 gallon with 2" to 4" sand bed (mostly fine with an area of scattered rubble bits) and live rock. Bak-Pak skimmer and hang on Emperor power filter w/Bio wheel. Additional Rio 600(?) powerhead for circulation attached to homemade DIY on/off "wavemaker".
OTHER INFO: A couple of large hairy mushroom colonies and some trumpet coral are making their home there and doing great.Tank has been running for 3 years, but previous occupant has since been removed (RIP:10 year old Black Velvet Damsel) and now time to restock with some hopefully peaceful fish/shrimp.

Here's what I'm hoping for:
1) Yellow Watchman Goby
2) Tiger Pistol Shrimp
3) Yellow Wrasse (Halichoeres chrysus)
4) Purple Firefish (Nemateleotris decora)
5) Banded Coral Shrimp (Stenopus hispidus)

Basically, I've got my heart set on a goby/shrimp pair and a peaceful sand burying wrasse to take advantage of the sand bed. I was even thinking of another Halichoeres wrasse in place of firefish, but was thinking it would be crowding. Really wanting an interesting and peaceful as possible community.
Thank you very much!
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Hey, I have a 20 gal reef, with a CPR aquaforce skimmer, 20lbs live rock and running carbon. Currently have mated pair of occelaris clown fish, and a skunk cleaner shrimp.

wanted fish (added in this order)
-green banded goby
-bangaii cardinal
-sixline wrasse

Will this work?How do green banded gobies behave? I have trouble finding info on them
Hi Snorvich,

First off, I want to say thank you. I could never stay on top of something like this, constantly answering our questions like you do!! I love reading through the thread!

Previously I had asked about livestock in my 28g cube. I had been okay'd with a firefish, a royal purple gramma, and a clown. Now I've been looking at inverts.

I'd always loved shrimp. And I've been trying to decide what would be the most interesting additions to a 28g cube. Then, on a trip to my local pet/fish store for my pup Dixon, I spied the most beautiful lavender purple reef lobster ever, rivaling the ones I've seen online even! :inlove: But I have read that they can be a hazard to peaceful fish, and other inverts if kept in a smaller tank.

I guess my question in a nutshell is, would a reef lobster be compatible with a firefish, royal purple gramma and a clown? And if so, would I have to choose between it, and a few shrimp? And lastly, in your opinion, which would be the most active within my tank? I'd hate to buy the little guy, only to never ever ever see him. D:

Reef lobsters are indeed gorgeous but are not reef safe to fish and other inverts. While this thread is really about fish, occasionally I diverge just a bit. Check out alpheus soror pistol shrimp and you will get the gorgeous coloration combined with being fish and invert safe. Various other shrimp will do equally well but I would stay away from coral banded shrimp. Now back to fish . . .
Hi there! Thanks for organizing a place for the newbs.

We are still shopping for tanks but I am partial to a 100 gallon 48x31x15, reef tank. Probably 30gallon sump. We are concerned about a 31" deep- will 2 250watt halides do for softies? Or should we steer towards LEDs? They do seem more affordable to maintain.

I am reluctant to recommend equipment in this thread as it is about fish.

As to fish- We like the copperband butterfly, a pair of perculas, and flame angel. I love the green mandarin, after 6 months or a year setting up, would the copepod population be large enough to maintain him? My fiance loves tangs but we hate to stunt some of the bigger swimmers in a 4ft-er. He loves the Achilles, Blue Hippo and the Sailfin Tang- would any of these be possible?

A year should be sufficient with adequate live rock for a mandarin. In your sized tank, one Ctenochaetus would work, but the ones you mention require larger tanks

How much live rock would you all suggest?

Again, this thread is about fish. So sorry.


55 gallon with 2" to 4" sand bed (mostly fine with an area of scattered rubble bits) and live rock. Bak-Pak skimmer and hang on Emperor power filter w/Bio wheel. Additional Rio 600(?) powerhead for circulation attached to homemade DIY on/off "wavemaker".
OTHER INFO: A couple of large hairy mushroom colonies and some trumpet coral are making their home there and doing great.Tank has been running for 3 years, but previous occupant has since been removed (RIP:10 year old Black Velvet Damsel) and now time to restock with some hopefully peaceful fish/shrimp.

Here's what I'm hoping for:
1) Yellow Watchman Goby
2) Tiger Pistol Shrimp
3) Yellow Wrasse (Halichoeres chrysus)
4) Purple Firefish (Nemateleotris decora)
5) Banded Coral Shrimp (Stenopus hispidus) Unfortunately these can take fish

Basically, I've got my heart set on a goby/shrimp pair and a peaceful sand burying wrasse to take advantage of the sand bed. I was even thinking of another Halichoeres wrasse in place of firefish, but was thinking it would be crowding. Really wanting an interesting and peaceful as possible community.
Thank you very much!

Your stocking list looks fine but I doubt you can mix in another Halichoeres wrasse
Hey, I have a 20 gal reef, with a CPR aquaforce skimmer, 20lbs live rock and running carbon. Currently have mated pair of occelaris clown fish, and a skunk cleaner shrimp.

wanted fish (added in this order)
-green banded goby
-bangaii cardinal
-sixline wrasse

A pair of clownfish is really the max for a 20 gallon tank. If you wanted to add a green banded goby, or even two, that might work. The Greenbanded Goby formerly known as Gobiosoma multifasciatum, has since been reclassified as Elacatinus multifasciatus. This beautiful fish makes a wonderful addition to the smaller reef or fish only aquarium. This small peaceful species is a vivid green with thin iridescent green bands running vertically down the body. A white head with a brownish red band runs across each red eye.

The Greenbanded Goby should be housed in a 10 gallon or larger aquarium. Hovering around rockwork and décor, this species can be housed in small groups of 3 or more individuals.

It is common for the Greenbanded Goby to spawn in an aquarium, laying its eggs in a crevice or empty shell.

These gobies feed on a variety of live and frozen brine shrimp, frozen mysis shrimp, table shrimp, and frozen food preparations for carnivores.

Will this work?How do green banded gobies behave? I have trouble finding info on them
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