PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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If we stuck with just soft coral could we still get a coral beauty or flame angel?


What would be the potential risk with the dottyback?

In my opinion, fairly high. Gorgeous fish but terrors

Are any angelfish reef safe?

The various Genicanthus species
I haven't posted in this thread for quite some time.

I have a 135 gallon aquarium.

My current inhabitants are:
2 O. Clowns
1 Mandarin
1 Hippo Tang
1 Chevron Tang
1 Coral Beauty
1 Bangaii Cardinal

These guys have all been in my aquarium for the last 6-7 years except the Chevron Tang which was an addition in 2010.

I want to add:

Potter's Angel
Flame Angel
Harlequin Tusk

I'm currently on a waitlist that is apparently 1 year long for the Aussie Tusk so that won't be soon.

With a highly established Coral Beauty, there will be some chasing when adding any additional dwarf angel. The Potter's is more delicate and may not tolerate that.

I'm thinking of buying the Flame next week and the Potter some time in the summer. Thoughts? I don't know how housing a Coral Beauty, Flame and Potters will do but help is appriciated
I have a splendid dottyback and a royal. The splendid is very aggressive and I think killed my royal gramma and sunrise dottyback. My royal isn't aggressive at all and fortunately successfully evades attacks from the splendid and my saphire damselfish. He keeps a home under my lr and sleeps there. During the day he carries sand from his home and spits it out. I'm also new to this and only telling you what I've seen.

Best of luck.

This thread is an expert level thread and is answered only by Reef Central Staff. While your participation in any other thread is encouraged, we would appreciate your refraining from posting in this thread. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

We currently have a 125 gallon (6' long x 18" deep x 22" high) that is fully cycled, (almost 5 weeks now, no spikes in more then 2 weeks)

What we currently have:
4 emerald crabs
10 micro hermits
11 turbo snails
1 skunk cleaner shrimp
1 fire cleaner shrimp

We want a very colorful tank, and are hoping to add soft coral.

We want to start with these 3 fish:

1 Royal Gramma
1 Flame Angel
1 Coral Beauty

After that thinking:

2 Cardinals
1 velvet Wrasse
2 picasso Clownfish
1 Chevron Tang ( will go in last )
2 Mandarin Dragonette ( hopefully in next )

I have an order in with a LFS for a harem (1 male and 2-3 females) of Carberryi or Threadfin Anthias (Nemanthias carberryi) for my 6', 125 gal DT. The LFS (and everywhere else) says it may be awhile to get those, but he has plenty of Bimaculatus/TwoSpot/Scribbled Anthias (Pseudanthias bimaculatus). Unfortunately, my wife and I prefer the way the Threadfins look. She was asking me if we could do a harem of each. I'm hesitant, but I figured I'd ask the expert (who is not trying to sell me something).

Here's my current bioload (I lost my Tail Spot Blenny yesterday when he figured out how to get out of the DT :sad2:)

10 small bumblebee snails
30 nerite snails
~16 cerith snails
3 small (1/2"-3/4") red-legged hermit crabs [still waiting for them to die and stop eating my cerith]

1 large (2") pistol shrimp
13 small (1/4"-1/2") sexy shrimp
4 medium (1.5") scarlet/skunk cleaner shrimps
2 medium (1.5") blood red fire shrimp

1 medium/large (4" dia.) brown BTA
1 large (2" dia.) Hawaiian Feather Duster
3 medium (1/2", 3/4" & 1" dia.) purple feather dusters

1 yellowtail damselfish (1.5")
1 Randall's Prawn Goby (2.5")
1 bicolor blenny (2")

Thank you again,

I have an order in with a LFS for a harem (1 male and 2-3 females) of Carberryi or Threadfin Anthias (Nemanthias carberryi) for my 6', 125 gal DT. The LFS (and everywhere else) says it may be awhile to get those, but he has plenty of Bimaculatus/TwoSpot/Scribbled Anthias (Pseudanthias bimaculatus). Unfortunately, my wife and I prefer the way the Threadfins look. She was asking me if we could do a harem of each. I'm hesitant, but I figured I'd ask the expert (who is not trying to sell me something).

The problem is that Pseudanthias bimaculatus, which tend to be semiaggressive tend to get larger than Nemanthias carberryi which are peaceful (other than males herding females which is normal social interaction). In a much larger tank, I might risk it but not in your sized tank. Also Nemanthias carberryi can be very successfully maintained with two feedings per day (mysis, capelin fish roe, nutramar ova, etc) whereas Pseudanthias bimaculatus would do best with more frequent feedings. Both are gorgeous, however, although I personally prefer the look of Nemanthias carberryi.

Here's my current bioload (I lost my Tail Spot Blenny yesterday when he figured out how to get out of the DT :sad2:)

10 small bumblebee snails
30 nerite snails
~16 cerith snails
3 small (1/2"-3/4") red-legged hermit crabs [still waiting for them to die and stop eating my cerith] They don't die which is why I don't stock them

1 large (2") pistol shrimp Alpheus soror? I have a pair in one of my tanks
13 small (1/4"-1/2") sexy shrimp
4 medium (1.5") scarlet/skunk cleaner shrimps
2 medium (1.5") blood red fire shrimp

1 medium/large (4" dia.) brown BTA
1 large (2" dia.) Hawaiian Feather Duster
3 medium (1/2", 3/4" & 1" dia.) purple feather dusters

1 yellowtail damselfish (1.5")
1 Randall's Prawn Goby (2.5")
1 bicolor blenny (2")

Thank you again,

We currently have a 125 gallon (6' long x 18" deep x 22" high) that is fully cycled, (almost 5 weeks now, no spikes in more then 2 weeks)

What we currently have:
4 emerald crabs careful with these
10 micro hermits will kill your snails for their shells
11 turbo snails
1 skunk cleaner shrimp
1 fire cleaner shrimp

We want a very colorful tank, and are hoping to add soft coral.

We want to start with these 3 fish:

1 Royal Gramma
1 Flame Angel If you can, QT and add both dwarf angels concurrently, but ideally after the tank is more mature. Remember these fish are algae grazers
1 Coral Beauty

After that thinking:

2 Cardinals If Bangaii, must be a pair of male + female
1 velvet Wrasse
2 picasso Clownfish
1 Chevron Tang ( will go in last ) I love chevron tangs, but again as an algae grazer would do best down the road a bit
2 Mandarin Dragonette ( hopefully in next )

An eight month old tank will be fine for one mandarin, marginal at best for two.
Current stock in a 125g 6ft tank:

False Percula
pair of firefish
green goby
Royal gramma
lawnmower blenny
yellow watchman goby
yellow tang
foxface lo
assorted snails for cuc
1 peppermint shrimp
1 skunk cleaner shrimp
A few corals (softies)

I would like to add a Powder Blue Tang. Any thoughts on compatibility w/ the yellow tang?

I know this will be kind of heavy on the algae grazers. I currently supplement feedings with a small 2" x 3" sheet of nori 2-3x a week for the algae grazers. They still graze a lot, but I add the nori to make sure they getting enough.

Thanks for your help!
Current stock in a 125g 6ft tank:

False Percula
pair of firefish
green goby
Royal gramma
lawnmower blenny
yellow watchman goby
yellow tang
foxface lo
assorted snails for cuc
1 peppermint shrimp
1 skunk cleaner shrimp
A few corals (softies)

I would like to add a Powder Blue Tang. Any thoughts on compatibility w/ the yellow tang?

An established yellow is unlikely to easily tolerate another tang.

I know this will be kind of heavy on the algae grazers. I currently supplement feedings with a small 2" x 3" sheet of nori 2-3x a week for the algae grazers. They still graze a lot, but I add the nori to make sure they getting enough.

As long as you are supplementing, it should be fine, I am more concerned about aggression especially in that sized tank.

Thanks for your help!
Tank- 34g Solana
Stock- pair of mated ocellaris, starry blenny and yasha goby. few hermits, few snails, cleaner shrimp, lps, softies and a few sps frags. Tank is 7 months old. water is perfect. well at least when i test it.

I would like to add one last fish... 1 of these fish but not sure which one would work if any.....

Blackcap Basslet

Tailspot Blenny

Neon Dottyback

Pygmy Wrasse

Tank- 34g Solana
Stock- pair of mated ocellaris, starry blenny and yasha goby. few hermits, few snails, cleaner shrimp, lps, softies and a few sps frags. Tank is 7 months old. water is perfect. well at least when i test it.

I would like to add one last fish... 1 of these fish but not sure which one would work if any.....

Blackcap Basslet

Tailspot Blenny should do fine

Neon Dottyback Would kill your fish

Pygmy Wrasse A superb choice as any of the possum wrasses (Wetmorella) would do well

Back again with more fish compatability questions ready to get shot down...
Here is what I already ahve in my 150g

2(paired) O. Clown
1 Bi-color Blenny
1 4 stripped damsel(will find a new home when i can catch him)
1 Snowflake eel (will catch him when i can find a new home)
1 Tomini Tang
some muchrooms/rics
1 favia
1 frogspawn
adding more coral slowley

Saw a Kelp Wrasse at the LFS and like the colors, it was something different you just dont see many green fish.
will it be ok with what I have?
will I be able to add another wrasse some time down the road? (some type of fairy wrasse, I seem to like most of those but I havent decided which type)
Back again with more fish compatability questions ready to get shot down...
Here is what I already ahve in my 150g

2(paired) O. Clown
1 Bi-color Blenny
1 4 stripped damsel(will find a new home when i can catch him)
1 Snowflake eel (will catch him when i can find a new home)
1 Tomini Tang
some muchrooms/rics
1 favia
1 frogspawn
adding more coral slowley

Saw a Kelp Wrasse at the LFS and like the colors, it was something different you just dont see many green fish.
will it be ok with what I have?
will I be able to add another wrasse some time down the road? (some type of fairy wrasse, I seem to like most of those but I havent decided which type)

I have never seen nor heard anything about a Kelp Wrasse which may mean that there is some issue with it. If it is endemic to kelp forest areas, it likely requires cooler temperatures. In any case I cannot offer advice.
Hi - I'm new to the hobby. Just purchased an ELOS 50 gallon tank. The system will be a reef system and will include other inverts and fish(es). Here are some of the animals I"ve had my eye on:

blue spotted jawfish
watchman goby (can this one coexist with the jawfish in the same tank?)
shrimp (most likely several peppermint shrimp)
bicolor blenny
1 conch
1 clam
assorted SPS
psychedelic dragonette (planning on adding after about 6 months to a year)
I also like crabs and hermits but I keep hearing bad things about them. What gives?

Also, I'm really enamored with tangs (yellow and powder blue) but I don't believe that my system will be big enough to keep them. Any suggestions on colorful and active fish that I could add in lieu of these?

Hi - I'm new to the hobby. Just purchased an ELOS 50 gallon tank. The system will be a reef system and will include other inverts and fish(es). Here are some of the animals I"ve had my eye on:

blue spotted jawfish this fish does better at cooler temperatures e.g. 75F. Requires sand, ideally with prebuilt PVC home embedded
watchman goby (can this one coexist with the jawfish in the same tank?) Problematic
shrimp (most likely several peppermint shrimp)
bicolor blenny
1 conch
1 clam
assorted SPS
psychedelic dragonette (planning on adding after about 6 months to a year) marginal in your sized tank

I also like crabs and hermits but I keep hearing bad things about them. What gives?

crabs are opportunistic feeders which can include fish, corals, whatever. Hermits kill snails for their shells

Also, I'm really enamored with tangs (yellow and powder blue) but I don't believe that my system will be big enough to keep them.

Your tank is not large enough for any tang. We don't really provide suggestions but would be happy to comment on any possible stocking list.

Any suggestions on colorful and active fish that I could add in lieu of these?


New one here!! I added most of my information in the MY RC section for reference.

Look at getting (in addition to existing) in the next few months:

x2 Black and White Ocellaris
Anemone for hosting? If sufficient lighting
x1 Royal Gramma
x1 Flame or Coral Beauty Angel
1-2 Cleaner Shrimp

A few easy corals down the road

Already have:

x5 green chromis
Foxface (small to medium)
Powder Blue Tang (small) - keeping this one until it outgrows the tank.
Few crabs and snails - looking for snail cleaner crew after reading about the hermits.

Too much?
New one here!! I added most of my information in the MY RC section for reference.

Look at getting (in addition to existing) in the next few months:

x2 Black and White Ocellaris
Anemone for hosting? If sufficient lighting needs a more mature tank
x1 Royal Gramma
x1 Flame or Coral Beauty Angel
1-2 Cleaner Shrimp

A few easy corals down the road

Already have:

x5 green chromis will reduce to one or at most two
Foxface (small to medium)
Powder Blue Tang (small) - keeping this one until it outgrows the tank. Along with your Foxface, this is a problem.
Few crabs and snails - looking for snail cleaner crew after reading about the hermits.

Too much?

I hope this is an acceptable place to ask this question, if not I apologize. Is the likely reduction in chromis you noted in the previous post due to the tank size in this scenario or is it just the nature of these fish? I ask as I have some and have experienced this (down to one) in a 72G and am in the process of setting up a 180G (still working out a livestock list). Thanks!
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