this list is for a (near) future FOWLR...
1 hoppo tang really needs a larger tank, these fish reach one foot in length
1 yellow tang
1 harlequin tusk
1 bicolor goat fish A very large fish for a six foot tank
1 coral beauty
1 flame angle
1 black knox angle-(optional)
4-5 mono sabae this is a brackish water fish
1 sea betta a largish fish
1 banana wrass-(optional)
1 porcupine puffer a high bioload fish
its for a 180 gallon fowlr w/200+ lbs of LR a 55-75 sump with 20-30 refugium.
sounds like a lot of fish but i can cut down to..
3 mono sabae if that makes it better.
down the road i would like to add a magnificent foxface, possible?
That is a lot of largish fish for a moderately sized (six foot) tank. I feel it will be overstocked and have too many algae grazers.