I'd appreciate input on my stocking list for my 60 gallon shallow reef tank:
- Flame Hawkfish
- Black and White Percula
- True Percula
- Blue Assessor
- Melanurus Wrasse not shrimp safe
- Hooded Fairy Wrasse
- Midas Blenny
My CUC will consist of nerites, nassarius, and a tonga fighting conch. I've also built a lid with soft mesh netting for the jumpers.
Several jumpers in this group so the top must have 1/4 inch mesh
Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!
i have a 24 gallon aquapod, for right now i want to just have a FOWLR tank, and later on once i learn more add corals, any ideas? so far i have one Watchmen, and im going to get a clown or two. any ideas?
Is the flame hawkish reef safe?
Thoughts on...
Ocellaris Clownfish
Orchid Dottyback could be a problem with flasher wrasses; this is the least aggressive dottyback, still . . .
Flame Angel or African Flameback
Watanabei Angelfish
Flasher wrasse either Carpenters or McCoskers
Fairy wrasse either Long Fin or Whip Fin can be aggressive towards flasher wrasse
Red Spotted Blenny
Yellow tang must be after the other largish fish
Green Mandarin
For a 125 mixed reef. Mostly soft and polyp corals.
I had two of the normal firefish (white with red tails) and they got along great then when I was on a trip one died.
I would like to add a purple firefish, any concerns on the existing firefish getting along with the new purple one?
I'm having plans of putting a possum wrasse in my tank and would love to know if they would be compatible with my Bartlett anthias, royal gramma, purple fire fish and a geometric Pygmy hawkish................ I have 2 carpenter wrasses but I hope to take them out soon.
I have decided that I really want a Copperband Butterfly or Moorish Idol or both (if possible). And also a starfish.
My tank is 120 gallons (4ft)
bare bottom (BB?)
~80lbs live rock (I continue to gather dead, dry rock and add it)
20-30 gallon sump and refugium
large skimmer (reef Octopus 200?)
2 200w 12k MH
My current livestock is:
2 false clowns (Ocelarris?)
3 green/blue Chromis (sort of jerks, hubby's favorite... lol)
1 bicolor blenny
1 sixlined wrasse (in the sump since he was bullying the blenny to death)
1 dusky jawfish
2 peppermint shrimp (one carrying eggs I hope to give raising fry a try)
5(ish) nassarius snails
several turbo and astrea snails
3 large hermits and several smaller(no longer buying hermits and thinkin about removing all together)
2 large anemones that are quiet comfy cuddling at all times. I think they are of a giant sort, but I don't know enough to really ID them. I know I saved one from my parents killing it. It was bleached white and has gotten nicely colored next to mine.
I also have white small stars that are always splitting.
hammer coral (working on splitting itself, braching)
some frag that I don't know what it is.
green star corals
Kenya tree
Copperband butterfly compatible? Copperbands are difficult because some will not eat in captivity. If you do, clams on the half shell and live blackworms are good starter foods
Moorish Idol compatible? I suggest you read the moorish idol primer as they too are not easy
what star should I look into getting? most starfish will starve in tanks that are not highly established and large. Wish I could give you more encouragement :thumbsup:
Thank you for your help!
Thinking twice about the Copperband if he won't switch over easily, I'm home all day and can try and try, but it worries me. In my five years of being in saltwater tanks I've only had one fish and one starfish not take to food eventually and that was a terrible unresearched mistake. LFS told me he was eating fine and he looked nice and plump, but he did not eat in my tank at all. I should have asked to see him be fed. Lesson learned.
I will go and learn more about the Moorish Idol asap.
And as far as starfish go, the tank is (I think) well established. It's been up for about 3-4 months.
A little back info for you: I had a 55 and a 25 running with one sump and upgraded to the 120. Moved all of the water and rock into the new tank and added water, very tiny cycle, everything lived. I think because I used all of my old rock that it is established. I was thinking brittle star as that's the only star I've ever kept successfully. Any other stars that may do well in a bare bottom tank? I also have coraline(sp?) growing on the bottom of my tank and rocks which makes me extremely happy since I've never killed it off, but it's never prospered in my tanks either.
Again, thank you so much for your input!
I have a 90 gal tank fowler with deep sand bed, 75 lbs pukani. I can see lots of copepods on my glass in dt plus alot in my 29 gal sump w cheato. How do I know if I have enough copepods to support one mandarin?
I was wondering if it's possible to keep two groups of anthias in a 125 gallon tank.
I was thinking
4x carberryi anthias
4x resplendent anthias
The rest of the proposed stocking list is as follows.
Occelaris Clown (currently in the system)
Chevron Tang
Red Mandarin (I have a refugium that has been online for sevenmonths now)
blue/green chromis (currently in the system)
McCosker's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus mccoskeri)
Gold Assessor Basslet (Assessor flavissimus)
Lawnmower Blenny (currently in the system)
Pink Anemone (currently in the system)
Fire Shrimp (currently in the system)
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp x2
Is this possible in this size tank? Would it be better just to stick with one species and add more than four? If it is doable should they be added in at the same time or separately?