I just ordered my stuff for a 90g mixed reef tank. 30g sump w/ fuge, Bubble Mag NAC7 skimmer, mag drive 9.5, 2-Evo 1050, 2" sand, 80# live rock. I have seen some really great feedback on this post. So I thought I would give it a try. Plan on doing some zoos, paly's, ric's, move into some sps and if the tank allows it some lps.
Well, first of all, WELCOME TO REEF CENTRAL! Glad you chose to join use here. Don't worry, I am always kind, but always very straight forward!
Wishlist for fish:
2-O. Clownfish (possibly designer species)
1-Orchid Dottyback
can be aggressive
1-Yellow Pyramid Butterfly
1-Diamond Watchman Golby
1-Lawnmower Blenny
1-Flame Angle
1-Kole Tang
1-Majestic Angle
In your sized tank, you really should not look at fish that can grow to a foot in length; also large angels will eat many of your intended corals
Other Fish that I am considering as substitutes:
1-Lepoard Wrasse
not a good beginner fish and requires a very mature tank with peaceful inhabitants
1-Longnose Hawkfish
will preclude shrimp but a fun fish
1-Royal Gamma
nice coloration but may have a problem with your dottyback
I know there are risks with any angle fish. Seems to be that there has been success with these two. I have also read in some posts that Majestics have thrived in a 90g. So that is why I am hopeful.
Reading posts requires that you assess the skill and experience level of the poster. I would not recommend a large angel in a 90 gallon tank
Also wondering if this bio load is going to be too much for a reef tank. I guess I would pull out the Blenny first from the list. Then I suppose the Dottyback.
If you did all that you listed, it would be marginal from a bioload perspective with large fish using more bioload
Please be strait forward on your thoughts. You won't be able to see my tears