PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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80 gallon (but 6ft wide), 110 pounds of live rock, system 6 months old.

Already in tank:
occelaris Clown x2

I'm trying to decide between a yellow tang and a lipstick tang. Lipsticks are cheaper at LFS I go to, but they get bigger, too big??? Also foxface and yellow tang might be too much yellow in the tank. what do you guys recommend???

Thanks in advance.

80 gallon (but 6ft wide), 110 pounds of live rock, system 6 months old.

Already in tank:
occelaris Clown x2

I'm trying to decide between a yellow tang and a lipstick tang. Lipsticks are cheaper at LFS I go to, but they get bigger, too big??? Also foxface and yellow tang might be too much yellow in the tank. what do you guys recommend???

Thanks in advance.

In a smallish tank, two grazers may be problematical; Naso tangs get way too large for your tank, but the yellow may become aggressive since the food supply is somewhat limited.
I have a 40g nano. Well established.
Lots of gsp, some small chalice frags, small lps frags, and mini nems.
One red hermit
thinking of adding one fish (flameback angel)
I have a 40g nano. Well established.
Lots of gsp, some small chalice frags, small lps frags, and mini nems.
One red hermit
thinking of adding one fish (flameback angel)

While this is one of my favorite fish, on occasion, this fish may nip at SPS and some species of polyp corals in the reef aquarium. I would not trust it with meaty LPS corals for sure.
While this is one of my favorite fish, on occasion, this fish may nip at SPS and some species of polyp corals in the reef aquarium. I would not trust it with meaty LPS corals for sure.

I will remove the acan frags. Do they just pick at coral or is it actually food for survival?
I will remove the acan frags. Do they just pick at coral or is it actually food for survival?

Generally they are omnivores and their diet should include Spirulina, marine algae, high-quality angelfish preparations, mysis or frozen shrimp, Nutramar Ova, capelin fish roe (Reef Caviar) and other meaty foods. If you feed frequently, in small quantities, I think it is worth a try. They are a NICE fish
Generally they are omnivores and their diet should include Spirulina, marine algae, high-quality angelfish preparations, mysis or frozen shrimp, Nutramar Ova, capelin fish roe (Reef Caviar) and other meaty foods. If you feed frequently, in small quantities, I think it is worth a try. They are a NICE fish

75g Mixed Reef

75g Mixed Reef

Cycling my 75g tank (and ~12g sump) - plan on being a mixed reef with soft corals possibly LPS. I doubt we will be adding SPS. Will probably be adding a Clean up crew first, then some sort of coral like a zoa or mushroom, then considering the following fish:

Dwarf Half Black Angel
Dwarf Bicolor Angel
Yellow or Pink Spotted Watchman Goby
Six Line Wrasse
Couple of Clown Fish
Possibly a couple of Firefish as well

I know there is a chance the angel will nip at corals and I'm fine with that.
Cycling my 75g tank (and ~12g sump) - plan on being a mixed reef with soft corals possibly LPS. I doubt we will be adding SPS. Will probably be adding a Clean up crew first, then some sort of coral like a zoa or mushroom, then considering the following fish:

Dwarf Half Black Angel
Dwarf Bicolor Angel
Yellow or Pink Spotted Watchman Goby
Six Line Wrasse probably too aggressive for firefish or other wrasses
Couple of Clown Fish
Possibly a couple of Firefish as well for two, must be a male + female

I know there is a chance the angel will nip at corals and I'm fine with that.

angels and meaty LPS will be problematical
Will probably pass on the firefish then. Devinitely like the six line much more. Fiance also like the flame hawkfish so that should probably be added to the list.

Any other small fish (no more than 6") that would go well with the above?
Will probably pass on the firefish then. Devinitely like the six line much more. Fiance also like the flame hawkfish so that should probably be added to the list.

Any other small fish (no more than 6") that would go well with the above?

Flame Hawkfish means no shrimp. I don't really make recommendations but would be happy to supply commentary on any candidates for addition.
I currently have an indigo dottyback and a pair of maroon clowns in a 40 gallon. Thinking about adding a small species of angel, flame or coral beauty. Also thinking about adding a goby, not sure what species yet (suggestions/favorites?). I would love to have an ORA mandarin but I know they are a hard to keep in small systems. Any suggestions on small fish that are active in the water column? Everyone I have now tends to stay hidden or low in the tank.

My tank has been set p for a year and a half and has steady water parameters and currently not very many corals.
I currently have an indigo dottyback and a pair of maroon clowns in a 40 gallon. Thinking about adding a small species of angel, flame or coral beauty. Also thinking about adding a goby, not sure what species yet (suggestions/favorites?). I would love to have an ORA mandarin but I know they are a hard to keep in small systems. Any suggestions on small fish that are active in the water column? Everyone I have now tends to stay hidden or low in the tank.

My tank has been set p for a year and a half and has steady water parameters and currently not very many corals.

With the fish you have now, adding additional fish is going to be very, very difficult. A sexually mature pair of maroon clowns will want to control about 50 gallons of tank space and the dottyback will not be kind to any water column fish. You might be able to get away with a shrimp goby pair because it inhabits a space not owned by either of the other two species.
I just ordered my stuff for a 90g mixed reef tank. 30g sump w/ fuge, Bubble Mag NAC7 skimmer, mag drive 9.5, 2-Evo 1050, 2" sand, 80# live rock. I have seen some really great feedback on this post. So I thought I would give it a try. Plan on doing some zoos, paly's, ric's, move into some sps and if the tank allows it some lps.

Wishlist for fish:
2-O. Clownfish (possibly designer species)
1-Orchid Dottyback
1-Yellow Pyramid Butterfly
1-Diamond Watchman Golby
1-Lawnmower Blenny
1-Flame Angle
1-Kole Tang
1-Majestic Angle

Other Fish that I am considering as substitutes:
1-Lepoard Wrasse
1-Longnose Hawkfish
1-Royal Gamma

I know there are risks with any angle fish. Seems to be that there has been success with these two. I have also read in some posts that Majestics have thrived in a 90g. So that is why I am hopeful.

Also wondering if this bio load is going to be too much for a reef tank. I guess I would pull out the Blenny first from the list. Then I suppose the Dottyback.

Please be strait forward on your thoughts. You won't be able to see my tears;)
New to saltwater, my tank is about to cycle.

New to saltwater, my tank is about to cycle.

I have a 75g tank with a 25g berlin sump (I am waiting on a pump before i set it up). I have about 20lbs of liverock, 30/40lbs of live sand. What are the first things too put in the tank? thanks
I just ordered my stuff for a 90g mixed reef tank. 30g sump w/ fuge, Bubble Mag NAC7 skimmer, mag drive 9.5, 2-Evo 1050, 2" sand, 80# live rock. I have seen some really great feedback on this post. So I thought I would give it a try. Plan on doing some zoos, paly's, ric's, move into some sps and if the tank allows it some lps.

Well, first of all, WELCOME TO REEF CENTRAL! Glad you chose to join use here. Don't worry, I am always kind, but always very straight forward!

Wishlist for fish:
2-O. Clownfish (possibly designer species)
1-Orchid Dottyback can be aggressive
1-Yellow Pyramid Butterfly
1-Diamond Watchman Golby
1-Lawnmower Blenny
1-Flame Angle
1-Kole Tang
1-Majestic Angle In your sized tank, you really should not look at fish that can grow to a foot in length; also large angels will eat many of your intended corals

Other Fish that I am considering as substitutes:
1-Lepoard Wrasse not a good beginner fish and requires a very mature tank with peaceful inhabitants
1-Longnose Hawkfish will preclude shrimp but a fun fish
1-Royal Gamma nice coloration but may have a problem with your dottyback

I know there are risks with any angle fish. Seems to be that there has been success with these two. I have also read in some posts that Majestics have thrived in a 90g. So that is why I am hopeful.

Reading posts requires that you assess the skill and experience level of the poster. I would not recommend a large angel in a 90 gallon tank

Also wondering if this bio load is going to be too much for a reef tank. I guess I would pull out the Blenny first from the list. Then I suppose the Dottyback.

If you did all that you listed, it would be marginal from a bioload perspective with large fish using more bioload

Please be strait forward on your thoughts. You won't be able to see my tears;)
I have a 75g tank with a 25g berlin sump (I am waiting on a pump before i set it up). I have about 20lbs of liverock, 30/40lbs of live sand. What are the first things too put in the tank? thanks

This thread is about marine fish and I would be quite happy to provide commentary on a desired fish list. However questions other than about fish will get better responses as a separate post in New to the Hobby.
Hate Bristleworms!

Hate Bristleworms!

Thanks for the quick response. I had a FOWLR tank for 7 years and had a big problem with Bristleworms that drove me nuts. I chose the Orchid Dotty because it will eat them. I was worried about the semi-aggressive nature of it though. I have been looking forever for a pieceful fish that feasts on these pest but have not been able to find any. Can I get steered in the right direction?
Just wanted to run an updated fish wishlist past you. Since the tank (90 gal tank, 40 gal sump) is 2 weeks or so away from being ready ready, and since I have a few new interests fish-wise, I wanted to see if these would work together:

1. *Black ocellaris clownfish x 2
2. *Yellowheaded jawfish x 4
3. *Yellow clown goby x 3
4. *Green chomis x 3
5. *Lyretail anthias x 3 (1m+2f)
6. *Orchid dottyback x 1

It is a reef tank with 4-6 in aragonite sandbed. I have read that the jawfish do well in groups, and am very interested in featuring them in this tank. If 4 is too many, that's fine, just would like to do a small colony if possible. The anthias are a point of interest as well. I understand they can be aggressive, and usually need a larger tank with larger groups, but if they could work, I'd like to try. If there is a better suggestion for a species of anthias for a 90 reef community tank, then I may give them a look. As always, thank you for your help and suggestions,
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