I've been patiently waiting for a small harem of Threadfin/Carberryi Anthias (
Nemanthias carberryi) for my 6' 125g tank (
you previously gave that the nod). I haven't been able to get them, and today a LFS has plenty of Bartlett's Anthias (
Pseudanthias bartlettorum).
Both anthia species are supposed to leave ornamental crustaceans, like my Sexy Shrimp, alone, and I still only have the Bicolor Blenny, small Yellowtail Damsel (who can go back to the LFS if he gets too naughty), and the Randall's Watchman with the pistol shrimp. So I won't waste space reprinting my full list.
My tank has fairly bright LEDs and is 19" from the surface of the water to the substrate, as I plan on adding coral in the next few months. My question is, are the Bartlett's a "deeper" species than the Threadfin that may be annoyed or stressed by the lights? A follow-up is, are the Bartlett's a good fish to have, or are the Threadfin superior enough that I should continue waiting?
Thank you in advance,