PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Are you saying maybe the 2 yellows and one hippo? or just the 2 yellows at the same time (and I guess that's still a maybe)?


One yellow and one hepatus tang added at the same time should work. Even two yellows concurrently may or may not work. The greater the maturity, the less the chances are.

I've been patiently waiting for a small harem of Threadfin/Carberryi Anthias (Nemanthias carberryi) for my 6' 125g tank (you previously gave that the nod). I haven't been able to get them, and today a LFS has plenty of Bartlett's Anthias (Pseudanthias bartlettorum).

Both anthia species are supposed to leave ornamental crustaceans, like my Sexy Shrimp, alone, and I still only have the Bicolor Blenny, small Yellowtail Damsel (who can go back to the LFS if he gets too naughty), and the Randall's Watchman with the pistol shrimp. So I won't waste space reprinting my full list.

My tank has fairly bright LEDs and is 19" from the surface of the water to the substrate, as I plan on adding coral in the next few months. My question is, are the Bartlett's a "deeper" species than the Threadfin that may be annoyed or stressed by the lights? A follow-up is, are the Bartlett's a good fish to have, or are the Threadfin superior enough that I should continue waiting?

Thank you in advance,

I've been patiently waiting for a small harem of Threadfin/Carberryi Anthias (Nemanthias carberryi) for my 6' 125g tank (you previously gave that the nod). I haven't been able to get them, and today a LFS has plenty of Bartlett's Anthias (Pseudanthias bartlettorum).

Both anthia species are supposed to leave ornamental crustaceans, like my Sexy Shrimp, alone, and I still only have the Bicolor Blenny, small Yellowtail Damsel (who can go back to the LFS if he gets too naughty), and the Randall's Watchman with the pistol shrimp. So I won't waste space reprinting my full list.

My tank has fairly bright LEDs and is 19" from the surface of the water to the substrate, as I plan on adding coral in the next few months. My question is, are the Bartlett's a "deeper" species than the Threadfin that may be annoyed or stressed by the lights? A follow-up is, are the Bartlett's a good fish to have, or are the Threadfin superior enough that I should continue waiting?

Thank you in advance,

Barlett's tend to all become male and hence problematical but they have no particular lighting requirements. They are characterized as semi-aggressive whereas carberryi are characterized as peaceful.
that depends on species (one of the smaller ones) and other tank inhabitants

Here is my revised list for my 60 gallon shallow reef tank:

- Flame Hawkfish
- Black and White Percula
- True Percula
- Hooded Fairy Wrasse
- Elegant Blenny
- Blue Assessor
- Sunburst Anthias

Proposed stocking list in order:

1 x The Ocellaris already in QT ( Day 13 of minimum 4 weeks )
1 x Neon Blue Goby - (Elacatinus oceanops) ( Gobiosoma oceanops ?)
1 x Royal Gramma Basslet "“ (Gramma loreto)
1 x Possum Wrasse - (Wetmorella tanakai) or (Wetmorella albofasciata)
3 x Resplendent / Carberry Anthias
1 x Blue Reef Chromis "“ (Chromis cyaneus)
1 x Green Mandarin Dragonet "“ (Synchiropus splendidus) After 1 year.
1 x Yellow Tang - (Zebrasoma flavescens)

My preference for the yellow tang over Ctenochaetus tangs is based on appearance. If the temperament of the yellow tang would be too problematic, I could substitute a Ctenochaetus flavicauda, Ctenochaetus tominiensis, or Ctenochaetus strigosus.

I will also add a cleaner shrimp - (Lysmata debelius)

Hello Steve,
My father and I have already checked our proposed stock list with you, however we have our eye on a fish there that is labelled as a red grubfish. It has been at the store several weeks, and is about 2 inches long.

We have done some research online, and it seems to be Parapercis schauinslandii, AKA redspotted sand perch.

It has been difficult to find very much reliable information online about this fish, and we are wondering if you know anything about Parapercis schauinslandii, and if it will cause any issues in our stocking list.

Hello Steve,
My father and I have already checked our proposed stock list with you, however we have our eye on a fish there that is labelled as a red grubfish. It has been at the store several weeks, and is about 2 inches long.

We have done some research online, and it seems to be Parapercis schauinslandii, AKA redspotted sand perch.

It has been difficult to find very much reliable information online about this fish, and we are wondering if you know anything about Parapercis schauinslandii, and if it will cause any issues in our stocking list.


They are an ambush predator similar to hawkfish. I recommend against. Generally, if it is very difficult to find information about a species there is a good reason for that.
Im wondering about compatibility of a foxface lo and a copperbanded butterfly? I currently have

2 B&W Clownfish
1 foxface lo
1 blue mandarin(almost 2 months now, hes constantly grazing, looks pretty healthy)

the foxface is quite friendly and is friends with the mandarin and the clownfish. However, he can be skiddish.

58 Gallon DT
29 Gallon sump/refugium
refugium has 5 chocolate chips starfish btw
Probably 80lbs LR total + ~70lbs live sand
protein skimmer
nitrates at 0.
Im wondering about compatibility of a foxface lo and a copperbanded butterfly? I currently have

2 B&W Clownfish
1 foxface lo
1 blue mandarin(almost 2 months now, hes constantly grazing, looks pretty healthy)

the foxface is quite friendly and is friends with the mandarin and the clownfish. However, he can be skiddish.

A copperband butterfly is a difficult fish to get eating. Normally a foxface will not pay attention to it (actually fish are never friends, best you can hope for is indifference) but your tank is smallish. How big is the foxface and the CBB? Do you have a QT to get the CBB eating?

58 Gallon DT
29 Gallon sump/refugium
refugium has 5 chocolate chips starfish btw
Probably 80lbs LR total + ~70lbs live sand
protein skimmer
nitrates at 0.
Yeah, I bought a CBB about 6-7 months ago when I had my 55gallon up and running and it didnt last long. I would blame it more on not having a quarantine tank and I had a damsel at the time that probably killed it.

I do have a quarantine tank set up(10 gallon) and running. I haven't heard the greatest success stories with CBB, I've heard some fish stores only give them about a 20% chance of survival. I figure Ill scope out the local fish store and try and find an eating one, any other suggestions?
I'm setting up a predator tank and i would like to know if a 6" marine betta, a 5" panther grouper and a 6" Emperor Red Snapper can live together peacefully. Also if i can add any more fish, can i add a 5-6" french or queen angel?
Yeah, I bought a CBB about 6-7 months ago when I had my 55gallon up and running and it didnt last long. I would blame it more on not having a quarantine tank and I had a damsel at the time that probably killed it.

I do have a quarantine tank set up(10 gallon) and running. I haven't heard the greatest success stories with CBB, I've heard some fish stores only give them about a 20% chance of survival. I figure Ill scope out the local fish store and try and find an eating one, any other suggestions?

Australian ones are more probable but not guaranteed. A CBB is easily intimidated and if you have fish in your display tank that are other than peaceful, it will not work.
I'm setting up a predator tank and i would like to know if a 6" marine betta, a 5" panther grouper and a 6" Emperor Red Snapper can live together peacefully. Also if i can add any more fish, can i add a 5-6" french or queen angel?

I am so sorry, I do not provide assistance on predator tanks.
Australian ones are more probable but not guaranteed. A CBB is easily intimidated and if you have fish in your display tank that are other than peaceful, it will not work.

You and this thread( are making me rethink getting a CBB.

I am interested in getting another mandarin though. I know my tank would be smallish for two mandarins but I consistently see large populations of pods on the glass. I was also thinking about making around ~15 pod piles in the sump(using gutter grate and LR rubble). How long should I wait with my current mandarin before I go ahead with this? I may start culturing copepods in the future, but I don't want to have to rely on this. If I get the new mandarin to eat frozen food, would my tank setting be sufficient along with the pod pile.
You and this thread( are making me rethink getting a CBB.

I am interested in getting another mandarin though. I know my tank would be smallish for two mandarins but I consistently see large populations of pods on the glass. I was also thinking about making around ~15 pod piles in the sump(using gutter grate and LR rubble). How long should I wait with my current mandarin before I go ahead with this? I may start culturing copepods in the future, but I don't want to have to rely on this. If I get the new mandarin to eat frozen food, would my tank setting be sufficient along with the pod pile.

Short answer is no, your tank is marginal for even one. Pod piles will help a lot, a refugium also helps. I am extremely reluctant to give you the go ahead on a second copepod eater be it mandarin or other.
Thanks for the advice snorvich. I will wait a minimum of 4 months before I consider getting another. I want to ensure that the one I have can stay well off and have consistent food. Itll probably have to wait until I start breeding copepods and get some sort of automation up and running.
Thanks for the advice snorvich. I will wait a minimum of 4 months before I consider getting another. I want to ensure that the one I have can stay well off and have consistent food. Itll probably have to wait until I start breeding copepods and get some sort of automation up and running.

There are people who have done it. I don't have links (sorry).
Hey there. Planning my new tank. 180 gallon, standard 72x24x24. Will have a 75 gallon sump. Refugium for pod production and hold additional live rock. Nice big skimmer. Probably 100-125lbs live rock in the display. Here's what I'd like.

1 tang as my show fish. Achilles is my favorite, or maybe powder blue or white cheek. Just 1 of these 3, not all.
1 yellow tang.
Potters angel
Flame angel
Royal gramma
Pair of clowns, not sure which. Ocellaris maybe? Black & white? Maybe Picasso?
5 anthias? Maybe. Carberryi or dispar?
Watchman goby / pistol shrimp
Cleaner wrasse
Flasher wrasse maybe.
Green mandarin like a year or so down the line.

This list sound possible?

Thank you for the help.
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