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29g cube stocking list

29g cube stocking list

First, Steve thanks for your advice about the Flasher wrasses. I don't want to put one in a 29g even though some have done it. Observing them in the LFS I can see how active they are and how they would do better in a 50g or more.

So, my 29g cube is done cycling. It is FOWLR, no sump (yet).

Current fish:
Yellow Watchman Goby (transferring to the new tank tonight)

Stocking list (in this order...will take it slow and add about 1 fish every 6 weeks)

Purple Firefish
Possum Wrasse (Yellow-Banded or Tanaka's)
Tailspot Blenny (perhaps a Bicolor or Smith's)
Yellow Assessor


5 small fish too many?
(I'm hopefull that this mix will allow each to have a unique area of the tank.)

If I decide to keep it at 4 fish I will likely forego the Blenny and add the Assessor last.

Will the Firefish be bullied by the Assessor? They are basslets after all...

Do the Purple Firefish do well as a single?

Is there anything to the notion that one fish that is more active can actually "draw out" shy fish like the Possum Wrasse or Firefish?

Thanks in advance!
I am currently downgrading from a 205 gallon bowfront to a standard 125 gallon tank and wanted to check my proposed list for that tank.

Currently in the system
Occelaris Clown (Amphiprion ocellaris)
Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens)
blue/green chromis (Chromis viridis)
Lawnmower Blenny (Salarias fasciatus)

The rest of the proposed stocking list is as follows.
4x carberryi anthias (Nemanthias carberryi)
Red Mandarin (I have a refugium that has been online for eight months now)
McCosker's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus mccoskeri)
Gold Assessor Basslet (Assessor flavissimus)
Yellow Prawn Goby (Cryptocentrus cinctus) how much of a sand bed is needed for one of these? would it be good to build "homes" for it in the sand?

Pink Anemone (currently in the system)
Fire Shrimp (currently in the system)
Skunk Cleaner Shrimp x2

Thanks again!

Your stocking list is fine. No need to build homes for the prawn goby, but have various little rocks around for them to use for structure. "Building houses" is useful for Blue spot jawfish.
I have the 28g JBJ Nano Cube CF-Quad, plan on getting a Nano JBJ Protein Skimmer, an InTank mediabasket but currently using the stock filters. I have 27lbs of live rock and ~40 lbs of live sand. The following is what I want to have in my tank listed in the order I would introduce them to the tank:

Pearly Jawfish
Mated pair of Firefish
Barnacle Blenny
Horned Blenny or Lawnmower Blenny
A mated pair of Ocellaris Clown fish or True Percula Clown fish

I also want a few pieces of coral:

A hammer/frogspawn/torch for the clown fish to host
A variety of zoos
A colony of mushrooms

Thanks in advance for the advice, Steve!
I am looking for some fish for my new tank, it's a 40 breeder SPS dominated tank. I am looking for active fish, no clown fish. The tank is about two months old and I won't be adding any fish for another two months because I made the mistake of putting fish without qting them and they had ich and black ich. Right now I have a yasha goby sitting in my qt tank and a starry blenny in a smaller reef tank that I may put in the new tank. Will the starry blenny and the midas blenny get along with each other?

Probably not. Midas blennies are aggressive especially in small tanks

So far I would like to get:
Centropyge eibli
Midas blenny
Some kind of anthias (my LFS can get them when they are less than an inch long and feed them all day long)

It is not fish size that is relevant it is fish activity level. I do not recommend anthias in this sized tank.

Let me know what you guys would suggest me putting or not putting in my tank?

Thanks in advance
First, Steve thanks for your advice about the Flasher wrasses. I don't want to put one in a 29g even though some have done it. Observing them in the LFS I can see how active they are and how they would do better in a 50g or more.

So, my 29g cube is done cycling. It is FOWLR, no sump (yet).

Current fish:
Yellow Watchman Goby (transferring to the new tank tonight)

Stocking list (in this order...will take it slow and add about 1 fish every 6 weeks)

Purple Firefish
Possum Wrasse (Yellow-Banded or Tanaka's)
Tailspot Blenny (perhaps a Bicolor or Smith's)
Yellow Assessor


5 small fish too many? should be fine
(I'm hopefull that this mix will allow each to have a unique area of the tank.)

If I decide to keep it at 4 fish I will likely forego the Blenny and add the Assessor last.

Will the Firefish be bullied by the Assessor? They are basslets after all...

should be fine

Do the Purple Firefish do well as a single? better as a single than as an unmated pair

Is there anything to the notion that one fish that is more active can actually "draw out" shy fish like the Possum Wrasse or Firefish? No, not really.

Thanks in advance!
I have the 28g JBJ Nano Cube CF-Quad, plan on getting a Nano JBJ Protein Skimmer, an InTank mediabasket but currently using the stock filters. I have 27lbs of live rock and ~40 lbs of live sand. The following is what I want to have in my tank listed in the order I would introduce them to the tank:

Pearly Jawfish
Mated pair of Firefish
Barnacle Blenny
Horned Blenny or Lawnmower Blenny
A mated pair of Ocellaris Clown fish or True Percula Clown fish

those clowns will be aggressive once sexually mature and will be problematical. Otherwise fine.

I also want a few pieces of coral:

A hammer/frogspawn/torch for the clown fish to host careful. Clown fishes may or may not associate with LPS corals and if they do, can damage the coral. The correct terminology is the hammer "hosts", the clown "associates with".
A variety of zoos
A colony of mushrooms

Thanks in advance for the advice, Steve!
I am looking for some fish for my new tank, it's a 40 breeder SPS dominated tank. I am looking for active fish, no clown fish. The tank is about two months old and I won't be adding any fish for another two months because I made the mistake of putting fish without qting them and they had ich and black ich. Right now I have a yasha goby sitting in my qt tank and a starry blenny in a smaller reef tank that I may put in the new tank. Will the starry blenny and the midas blenny get along with each other?

Probably not. Midas blennies are aggressive especially in small tanks

So far I would like to get:
Centropyge eibli
Midas blenny
Some kind of anthias (my LFS can get them when they are less than an inch long and feed them all day long)

It is not fish size that is relevant it is fish activity level. I do not recommend anthias in this sized tank.

Let me know what you guys would suggest me putting or not putting in my tank?

Thanks in advance

So the angel fish will be fine with the midas blenny, and I shouldn't add the starry blenny. I forgot to mention that I also have a yasha goby that will be going in that tank as well.

Fish list:
Centropyge eibli
Midas blenny
Yasha Goby
Red Hawkfish (Cyprinocirrhites polyactus)
Fire fish x2
Gobiodon atrangulatus

Will these fish be good with SPS?

Thanks again for the help
I feel like a dork saying it wrong the whole time! What if I had a single clown fish instead? If that's the case would I be able to get one of the darker, more aggressive clowns like a maroon or the black one if they're not paired?

I also forgot to mention the inverts:

one skunk cleaner shrimp
one pom pom crab
10 dwarf hermit crabs (zebra or red tip)
10 Nassarius and Cerith Snails
10 Astraea Snails
10 Nerite Snails
2 Turbo snails
So the angel fish will be fine with the midas blenny, and I shouldn't add the starry blenny. I forgot to mention that I also have a yasha goby that will be going in that tank as well.

Fish list:
Centropyge eibli
Midas blenny on the aggressive side; may be an issue with firefish
Yasha Goby
Red Hawkfish (Cyprinocirrhites polyactus) precludes shrimp
Fire fish x2 Must be a male + female
Gobiodon atrangulatus

Will these fish be good with SPS? No dwarf angel is entirely safe with corals

Thanks again for the help
I feel like a dork saying it wrong the whole time! What if I had a single clown fish instead? If that's the case would I be able to get one of the darker, more aggressive clowns like a maroon or the black one if they're not paired? No. The juvenile will become female and hence a terror

I also forgot to mention the inverts:

one skunk cleaner shrimp
one pom pom crab
10 dwarf hermit crabs (zebra or red tip) I do not recommend crabs, they will kill your snails
10 Nassarius and Cerith Snails
10 Astraea Snails
10 Nerite Snails
2 Turbo snails
I have a 132 gallons tank with a sump and a 26 gallons still empty refugium
on the main tank i have the following fish:
1 Labroides dimidatus
3 Nemateleotris magnifica
1 Calloplesiops altivelis
1 Siganus vulpinus
4 chromis "small size"
2 Centropyge bicolor "one couple"
2 Lysmata wundermanni "seen only at night"
2 Calcinus Elegans
1 nudibrachi Fryeria picta
different snails
lots of corals and one quadricolor anemone

can I buy the following fish?

1 couple of Amphiprion ocellaris
1 Ctenochetus strigosus
1 Zebrasoma flavescens

or which other fish do you recommend?
and what about the refugium? so far it is still empty.. what fish do you recommend me to have there? something i can't have on the main tank
thanks in advance for your time...
I have a 132 gallons tank with a sump and a 26 gallons still empty refugium
on the main tank i have the following fish:
1 Labroides dimidatus
3 Nemateleotris magnifica Having more than a single mated pair will not be long term viable
1 Calloplesiops altivelis
1 Siganus vulpinus
4 chromis "small size" most often these are winnowed down to just one or two
2 Centropyge bicolor "one couple"
2 Lysmata wundermanni "seen only at night"
2 Calcinus Elegans
1 nudibrachi Fryeria picta generally nudbranchs starve once their food supply is exhausted
different snails
lots of corals and one quadricolor anemone

can I buy the following fish?

1 couple of Amphiprion ocellaris
1 Ctenochetus strigosus
1 Zebrasoma flavescens The first two are no problem, if you get a second tang, it had best be the last fish. Stocking will be a bit heavy.

or which other fish do you recommend?
and what about the refugium? so far it is still empty.. what fish do you recommend me to have there? something i can't have on the main tank
thanks in advance for your time...
wow.. what a quick answe... thanks alot

well.. the 3 Nemateleotris magnifica ... two are always together and the third one is all day hidding in a very small hall, but they all sleep in that place

the 4 chromis I have them since january... only three went together.. and the fourth one was never with them.. now they are always together... nice to see them swimming

for the nudibranchi.. i don't clean my back glass.. perhaps thats why it is always there.. because of the food.. thanks for the explanation :-)

so.. you recommend me only one tang? which one? i would go for a heavy algae eater..
I like so much Acanthurus leucosterno.. but I am afraid of white dots..
so I will listen to your advice.. just one tang.. instaed of the other one can i get Chelmon rostratus ? or Synchiropus splendidus?
46g bowfront info

46g bowfront info

Hey guys im brand new on here and in this hobby and i have a few questions.
I have a 46g bow front tank with a wet dry filter with bio balls in it, 40lbs of live sand and no rock.
I want just fish no corals or anything, now my problem is i wanted a lion fish or a fiji puffer and a star fish.
What other advice fish wise or anything else would you guys have
thanks a lot
wow.. what a quick answe... thanks alot

well.. the 3 Nemateleotris magnifica ... two are always together and the third one is all day hidding in a very small hall, but they all sleep in that place

Sounds like you have a pair plus one; the one may be intimidated and starve long term

the 4 chromis I have them since january... only three went together.. and the fourth one was never with them.. now they are always together... nice to see them swimming

Hopefully I am wrong, but usually they reduce their number to one or two

for the nudibranchi.. i don't clean my back glass.. perhaps thats why it is always there.. because of the food.. thanks for the explanation :-)

so.. you recommend me only one tang? which one? i would go for a heavy algae eater..
I like so much Acanthurus leucosterno.. but I am afraid of white dots..

Read my blog on the way to acclimate fish using tank transfer; ich should not be a problem if you do it as I suggest.

so I will listen to your advice.. just one tang.. instaed of the other one can i get Chelmon rostratus ? or Synchiropus splendidus?

The former is a roll your dice fish, sometimes they eat, sometimes not. Chelmon meulleri is better; but in your sized tank Synchiropus splendidus should work once the tank is 8 months old.
Hey guys im brand new on here and in this hobby and i have a few questions.
I have a 46g bow front tank with a wet dry filter with bio balls in it, 40lbs of live sand and no rock.
I want just fish no corals or anything, now my problem is i wanted a lion fish or a fiji puffer and a star fish.
What other advice fish wise or anything else would you guys have
thanks a lot

Your tank would be marginal for Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish (Dendrochirus brachypterus or Antennata Lionfish (Pterois antennata). Any larger would not work. Any other fish would become dinner.
90 gal reef, 55 sump with fuge. LR with 2" SB.

90 gal reef, 55 sump with fuge. LR with 2" SB.

I plan on having soft coral only...

(1) Yellow Clown Goby
(2) Peppermint Shrimp
(2) False Percs (already in tank)
(2) Black Axel Chromis
(1) Fairy Wrasse
(1) Coral Beauty
(1) Yellow Tang
I plan on having soft coral only...

(1) Yellow Clown Goby
(2) Peppermint Shrimp
(2) False Percs (already in tank)
(2) Black Axel Chromis
(1) Fairy Wrasse
(1) Coral Beauty
(1) Yellow Tang

should be fine, add the yellow tang last
Thanks Steve. I guess I should have added that this was the order in which I planned to introduce them to the tank also.
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