Wow, in looking back, I see it's been more than a year since I originally posted my stocking plan...and I just FINALLY got my tank up and running about a week ago. Still working on the cycle, but now that the tank is a reality I wanted to revisit my 'plan'. To refresh your memory:
I'm striving for an Indo-Pacific reef biotope that highlights several of the interesting symbiotic/commensal relationships seen in ocean ecosystems. I settled on a 48" x 24" x 24" (120g) display tank with a 30 g sump/refugium w/ live rock aquascaped into 2 islands and ~2" substrate. I also sprang for a fabulous dimmable LED fixture which I'm not running yet (tank is still cycling).
Ah, yes, I am recalling now our prior discussion. I like the aquascaping.
Intended occupants:
-1 Ctenochaetus strigosus as a grazer I always suggest adding tangs last as the tank will have matured and this will be your most "aggressive" fish
-2 Amphiprion ocellaris or A. percula with anemone (prefer less feisty ocellaris or percs...but would also like to stay with tank-raised BTA and avoid issues with some of the other anemones) I personally like A. percula but either would be fine
-Shrimp/goby pair (which pairing depends on availability)
-mated pair of Pterapogon kauderni with Echinothrix diadema urchin Go for tank raised as they are hardier by far
-2 Gobiodon citrinus (once I have some sturdy enough SPS coral) remember that eggs can damage coral
-1 Ecsenius stigmatura (okay, I can't really justify this one as part of a symbiotic relationship, but I really like these guys!)
-a couple of Tridacna crocea clams
-mixed stony corals, featuring primarily LPS
-assorted indo-pacific shrimps (cleaners)
-mated pair of Alpheus soror
-porcelain or other coral crabs (filter-feeders only)
-snails, serpent stars, and other clean-up crew add some fighting conch as well
Down the road, I'd like to add a small grouping of Nemanthias carberryi as open swimmers...and possibly a Synchiropus splendidus even further down the road.
Just looking for feedback on this latest draft of the plan. I would also like some input on the order in which to add the fish. I'm planning to start with the tang, but not sure where to go from there?? I think the plan is good; I annotated as indicated and feel free to stop back with questions.
Thanks! I've enjoyed reading of everyone's plans over the past year and am eager to start (cautiously) assembling my own little piece of the reef.