PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Looking for affordable and reliable recommendations for a:
*Water pump - to return water from my sump (under tank - not in basement) to my drilled 55 gal.
*Skimmer - for this sump
*Fish - if any: I think I am at/near my limit...but any recommendations based on personality, color, ease?

Tank: I am transferring from my 29 gallon to a 55 gallon in a few weeks (let the cycling begin this weekend! :)).
Corals: I have small frags of: torch, hammer, zoas, trumpet/candy cane, lavender mushrooms, Ora Blue Chalice, star polyps, kenya tree 1 green slimer (out of everyone else's reach) and a long tentacled anemone (bubble-tip is MIA).
Livestock: maroon/yellow-stripe clown, 6 line wrasse, bicolor blenny, watchman goby & tiger pistol shrimp, fire goby, peppermint shrimp, cleaner shrimp, emerald crab, various snails and hermit crabs.

Thank you SO much for your advice!!
Yes, I'm absolutely thinking peaceful fairy and flasher wrasses.

Are any of these species not considered peaceful? I'd probably go for 3-4 males from this list:

Whip Fin Fairy Wrasse
Exquisite Fairy Wrasse
Longfin Fairy Wrasse mildly aggressive
Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse
McCosker's Flasher Wrasse
Filamented Flasher Wrasse

Thanks again for all the help!
Looking for affordable and reliable recommendations for a:
*Water pump - to return water from my sump (under tank - not in basement) to my drilled 55 gal.
*Skimmer - for this sump

This thread is about reef fish compatibility. Equipment questions are best as a separate thread in New to the Hobby.

*Fish - if any: I think I am at/near my limit...but any recommendations based on personality, color, ease?

Tank: I am transferring from my 29 gallon to a 55 gallon in a few weeks (let the cycling begin this weekend! :)).
Corals: I have small frags of: torch, hammer, zoas, trumpet/candy cane, lavender mushrooms, Ora Blue Chalice, star polyps, kenya tree 1 green slimer (out of everyone else's reach) and a long tentacled anemone (bubble-tip is MIA).
Livestock: maroon/yellow-stripe clown, 6 line wrasse, bicolor blenny, watchman goby & tiger pistol shrimp, fire goby, peppermint shrimp, cleaner shrimp, emerald crab, various snails and hermit crabs.

Your maroon clown and six line wrasse are aggressive and may be problematic. However I do not make recommendations for a variety of reasons but will be very happy to comment on compatibility of your intended stock list.

Thank you SO much for your advice!!
75 gallon reef with a sump.

2 Percula Clown fish

1 Royal Gramma

1 Fire fish goby

1 blue stripe neon goby

1 Gunnelichthys Curiosus

1 Striped fang blenny

Elacatinus multifasciatus

Amblygobius rainfordi

will these eat or pick on the following,

Lettuce Nudibranch ,Elysia Crispata Im not sure how many I want

Tiger Tail Cucumber, Baseodiscus sp. Im not sure how many I want

sexy shrimp several Thor amboinensis

my local fish store has a white tube anemone it is full grown and I cannot remember the name of it and it is about 2 or 3 inches the tips are red or pink.

Siganus vulpinus would this guy kill anything on the list? How many more gobies can I get away with if the foxface is a no go?
75 gallon reef with a sump.

2 Percula Clown fish

1 Royal Gramma

1 Fire fish goby

1 blue stripe neon goby

1 Gunnelichthys Curiosus

1 Striped fang blenny

Elacatinus multifasciatus

Amblygobius rainfordi

will these eat or pick on the following,

Lettuce Nudibranch ,Elysia Crispata Im not sure how many I want

Tiger Tail Cucumber, Baseodiscus sp. Im not sure how many I want

sexy shrimp several Thor amboinensis

my local fish store has a white tube anemone it is full grown and I cannot remember the name of it and it is about 2 or 3 inches the tips are red or pink.

Siganus vulpinus would this guy kill anything on the list? How many more gobies can I get away with if the foxface is a no go?

I think your stocking list is fine but I would be careful about adding too many nudibranchs and cucumbers because your tank is newish and they may not enough to eat.
I have a 4 gal Nano with LR, 2 heads Duncan, Xenia, and Frogspawn.
Also a couple Nass and Nerite snails. I really would like to add a "swimming" Goby such as a Court Jester or Hectors. I say "swimming" because I seem to see these guys moving more in the water column rather than dug-in under the rocks. Am I correct about this and would a small goby be OK in a 4g?
I have a 4 gal Nano with LR, 2 heads Duncan, Xenia, and Frogspawn.
Also a couple Nass and Nerite snails. I really would like to add a "swimming" Goby such as a Court Jester or Hectors. I say "swimming" because I seem to see these guys moving more in the water column rather than dug-in under the rocks. Am I correct about this and would a small goby be OK in a 4g?

A swimming goby really needs a 10 gallon tank. Sorry.
I'm in the process of setting up a 60" 90 gallon FOWLR. It's going to have +/- 100 lbs of live rock and a 1" sand floor. There is also a 20 gallon wet/dry filter attached. I'm pretty sure that this is going to be too heavy of a bioload. I'm trying to get an idea of what I can have so I can plan accordingly. I'm not sure of the specific species if they aren't named.

Tang - either a Kole or a Bristletooth
Pair of ocellaris clowns
flame angel and possibly another dwarf angel in they can coexist in a 90
starry blenny
Jester or clown goby or maybe a jawfish
fairy or flasher wrasse
mandarin once and if I can sustain a copepod population


Chocolate chip star
Serpent star
fighting conch
cleaner shrimp
2-3 peppermint shrimp
decorator crab
mix of snails

Please let me know if that's going to be too many fish and if there's too many grazers. Also I'd like to know if anything is going to stress the copepod population, I'd really like to get a mandarin.
I'm in the process of setting up a 60" 90 gallon FOWLR. It's going to have +/- 100 lbs of live rock and a 1" sand floor. There is also a 20 gallon wet/dry filter attached. I'm pretty sure that this is going to be too heavy of a bioload. I'm trying to get an idea of what I can have so I can plan accordingly. I'm not sure of the specific species if they aren't named.

Tang - either a Kole or a Bristletooth
Pair of ocellaris clowns
flame angel and possibly another dwarf angel in they can coexist in a 90
starry blenny
Jester or clown goby or maybe a jawfish
fairy or flasher wrasse
mandarin once and if I can sustain a copepod population

I do think you will have too many grazers. And I am a bit skeptical about a mandarin.


Chocolate chip star
Serpent star
fighting conch
cleaner shrimp
2-3 peppermint shrimp
decorator crab
mix of snails

Please let me know if that's going to be too many fish and if there's too many grazers. Also I'd like to know if anything is going to stress the copepod population, I'd really like to get a mandarin.
Thanks for the response. I plan on cycling sometime within the next month. Once I'm ready to add fish I'll run a revised list by you. Why are you skeptical about the mandarin?
Thanks for the response. I plan on cycling sometime within the next month. Once I'm ready to add fish I'll run a revised list by you. Why are you skeptical about the mandarin?

Well in a tank that is close to where I feel the minimum size for copepod production (75 gallon reef), with no refugium, and a butterfly which may pick, I can not say for certain if there copepod supply will be adequate.
Current setup:

55gal. 2" sand bed. 80+ lb live rock. Wet/dry sump ~ 10 gal, w/chaeto. 5 mos. old

Current inhabitants: 2 b+w clowns ( juvenile )
2 RBTA ( it recently split)
2 leather corals
75-100 blue/green mushrooms
Handful of zoas
3 turbo snails
About 8 small hermits
Countless small snails
1 emerald crab. (picked him up to eat bubble algae, but he doesn't eat it)
1 peppermint shrimp (have only seen him once since adding a month ago and not in 2+ weeks. A good hider or dead? No ammonia spike)

I'd like to add some more playful fish.

I'm thinking of a 6 line wrasse ( ive got some flat worms)
2 pajama cardinals
1 Banded or fire shrimp
1 more peppermint shrimp

Down the road I'd like a dwarf angel, bicolor, pigmy, or flame
And a mandarin. Will the mandarin and wrasse compete for copepods? Should I stock with them first to ensure a healthy population before adding either of these fish?

Current setup:

55gal. 2" sand bed. 80+ lb live rock. Wet/dry sump ~ 10 gal, w/chaeto. 5 mos. old

Current inhabitants: 2 b+w clowns ( juvenile )
2 RBTA ( it recently split)
2 leather corals
75-100 blue/green mushrooms
Handful of zoas
3 turbo snails
About 8 small hermits
Countless small snails
1 emerald crab. (picked him up to eat bubble algae, but he doesn't eat it) I would remove since they can take fish when larger
1 peppermint shrimp (have only seen him once since adding a month ago and not in 2+ weeks. A good hider or dead? No ammonia spike) superb hider, more nocturnal than diurnal

I'd like to add some more playful fish.

I'm thinking of a 6 line wrasse ( ive got some flat worms) will preclude any future mandarin
2 pajama cardinals
1 Banded or fire shrimp coral banded can take fish, fire or cleaner shrimp are fine
1 more peppermint shrimp

Down the road I'd like a dwarf angel, bicolor, pigmy, or flame

One of these, but this precludes meaty LPS corals

And a mandarin. Will the mandarin and wrasse compete for copepods? Should I stock with them first to ensure a healthy population before adding either of these fish?

If you do a six line, no mandarin, if you want to try a mandarin (your tank size is marginal) no six line

Originally Posted by Fish Biscuit
Thanks Steve for the good advise as usual. I think I'll skip the clown all together & go w/ the other 3 unless I find a firefish pair I can't say no to. I'm leaning towards the Helfrichi.

I have Helfrichi in one tank, purple in the other. Both are pretty tough but the purple is tougher. Easy to keep, easy to feed.

& if you can recommend a LFS in IL to find that sugar daddy at, feel free to PM me that information

Unlikely to find one at an LFS . . .

Thanks for the additional info on the purple & the Helfrichi, I think I'll see what Old Town has when I'm ready for them. I should've know there would be no sugar daddies at the LFS, you guys spend all your $$ on fish & corals. Oh well, I guess that means there will be a six line in my future :(
Originally Posted by Fish Biscuit
Thanks Steve for the good advise as usual. I think I'll skip the clown all together & go w/ the other 3 unless I find a firefish pair I can't say no to. I'm leaning towards the Helfrichi.

I have Helfrichi in one tank, purple in the other. Both are pretty tough but the purple is tougher. Easy to keep, easy to feed.

& if you can recommend a LFS in IL to find that sugar daddy at, feel free to PM me that information

Unlikely to find one at an LFS . . .

Thanks for the additional info on the purple & the Helfrichi, I think I'll see what Old Town has when I'm ready for them.

Hi Michele, Old town is the ultimate. Lots of rare and interesting fish, not so great corals.

I should've know there would be no sugar daddies at the LFS, you guys spend all your $$ on fish & corals.

Not necessarily so . . .

Oh well, I guess that means there will be a six line in my future :(

I HOPE not!
Originally Posted by Fish Biscuit
Originally Posted by Fish Biscuit
Thanks Steve for the good advise as usual. I think I'll skip the clown all together & go w/ the other 3 unless I find a firefish pair I can't say no to. I'm leaning towards the Helfrichi.

I have Helfrichi in one tank, purple in the other. Both are pretty tough but the purple is tougher. Easy to keep, easy to feed.

& if you can recommend a LFS in IL to find that sugar daddy at, feel free to PM me that information

Unlikely to find one at an LFS . . .

Thanks for the additional info on the purple & the Helfrichi, I think I'll see what Old Town has when I'm ready for them.

Hi Michele, Old town is the ultimate. Lots of rare and interesting fish, not so great corals.

I should've know there would be no sugar daddies at the LFS, you guys spend all your $$ on fish & corals.

Not necessarily so . . .

Oh well, I guess that means there will be a six line in my future

I HOPE not!

I love Old Town, been there twice & fish are insane there. Sometimes it makes me contemplate selling the horse to end up with a nicer tank. I agree about the corals, I have some good resources closer to home & there's always online too.
Hey! I have a 55g that is going to be upgraded into a 125g possibly a 180g. Let's plan on a 125 to be safe. 100+lbs of live rock, 30g sump w/ fuge.

Current inhabitants:
2 Ocellaris Clowns
1 BiColor Blenny
1 Scopas Tang
1 Blue/Green Mandarin (10 months in and only getting fatter!)
1 Peppermint Shrimp
Various snails (Nassarius, Astrea, Turbos)

Future inhabitants:
1 Purple Firefish
1 Royal Gramma
1 Kauderns Cardinals
1 Flame Angel
3 Anthias or a Flasher Wrasse
3 Blue/Green Chromis
1 Hippo Tang
1 Naso Tang
1 Powder Blue Tang

I know I'm pushing it with all those tangs in there, and the Hippo and Naso especially will get large, but how close can I get to that "wish list" of tangs in a 125? What about a 180?
Hey! I have a 55g that is going to be upgraded into a 125g possibly a 180g. Let's plan on a 125 to be safe. 100+lbs of live rock, 30g sump w/ fuge.

Current inhabitants:
2 Ocellaris Clowns
1 BiColor Blenny
1 Scopas Tang
1 Blue/Green Mandarin (10 months in and only getting fatter!)
1 Peppermint Shrimp
Various snails (Nassarius, Astrea, Turbos)

Future inhabitants:
1 Purple Firefish
1 Royal Gramma
1 Kauderns Cardinals
1 Flame Angel
3 Anthias or a Flasher Wrasse
3 Blue/Green Chromis
1 Hippo Tang
1 Naso Tang
1 Powder Blue Tang

I know I'm pushing it with all those tangs in there, and the Hippo and Naso especially will get large, but how close can I get to that "wish list" of tangs in a 125? What about a 180?

I cannot recommend adding any of the large tangs to a 180. A fish that exceeds a foot in length in a six foot tank will not work well. A powder blue might be ok in the 180 but not with another tang in a 125.
I cannot recommend adding any of the large tangs to a 180. A fish that exceeds a foot in length in a six foot tank will not work well. A powder blue might be ok in the 180 but not with another tang in a 125.

Okay, so my "Tang wish list" will remain a wish after-all. Any comment on the other fish?
Can an Imperator angel and queen angel (both about 3-4") be placed in an aquarium together? (over 300gal) I know they will have some squabbles, but i want to know if just like tangs, place them in the same time and give them space.
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