PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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So it looks like my post here from earlier got misplaced? If this is repeated....sorry

Ok tank info
90gal bowfront, 90 gal sump in basement, eshopps overflow currently 2 mag 950 pumps returning, marineland 300 p skimmer, not using ro water, yet to get system.
Approx 100lbs live rock
10 red leg hermits, 6 blue legs, 5 turbos, an assortment of copepods from the live sand I got from a friend tearin his tanks apart.
A few assorted zoas frags, a frogawn, stripped mushrooms and a poly

Newest tank mates from this weekend, a watchman goby with paired pistol shrimp, a Tomini tang and a clown, forgot the name of him but he was a bit expensive.
I think I want a flame angel and. Diamond goby but that should just about be it for this tank

Ultimate goal will be 300gal some day, lots of corals and an emperor
Future upgrades, mag 1800 return pump, media and gfo reactors, ro/Di system for whole house with auto top for 55gal supply salt tank, and better lighting.
The sump

The display

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So it looks like my post here from earlier got misplaced? If this is repeated....sorry

Ok tank info
90gal bowfront, 90 gal sump in basement, eshopps overflow currently 2 mag 950 pumps returning, marineland 300 p skimmer, not using ro water, yet to get system.
Approx 100lbs live rock
10 red leg hermits, 6 blue legs, 5 turbos, an assortment of copepods from the live sand I got from a friend tearin his tanks apart.

Newest tank mates from this weekend, a watchman goby with paired pistol shrimp, a Tomini tang and a clown, forgot the name of him but he was a bit expensive.
I think I want a flame angel and. Diamond goby but that should just about be it for this tank

Ultimate goal will be 300gal some day, lots of corals and an emperor
Future upgrades, mag 1800 return pump, media and gfo reactors, ro/Di system for whole house with auto top for 55gal supply salt tank and better lighting.
So it looks like my post here from earlier got misplaced? If this is repeated....sorry

seems to have been lost in a page change; it sometimes happens when a lot occur at the same time. Sorry, no slight intended.

Ok tank info
90gal bowfront, 90 gal sump in basement, eshopps overflow currently 2 mag 950 pumps returning, marineland 300 p skimmer, not using ro water, yet to get system.
Approx 100lbs live rock
10 red leg hermits, 6 blue legs, 5 turbos, an assortment of copepods from the live sand I got from a friend tearin his tanks apart. hermits kill snails so mixing them is not a good idea

Newest tank mates from this weekend, a watchman goby with paired pistol shrimp, a Tomini tang and a clown, forgot the name of him but he was a bit expensive.
I think I want a flame angel and. Diamond goby but that should just about be it for this tank that should be fine

Ultimate goal will be 300gal some day, lots of corals and an emperor
Future upgrades, mag 1800 return pump, media and gfo reactors, ro/Di system for whole house with auto top for 55gal supply salt tank and better lighting.
Got a 56G tank with 58lbs of Dry Rock and about 1.5 lbs of live rock which has helped get the dry rock going. Also got 1" of sand at the bottom of the tank, no sump but an in-tank refugium and a fluval 306 filtration unit.

Current Inhabitants:
1 Pajama Cardinal
5 Hermit Crabs

Interested in:
2 Clownfish (ocellaris)
can I get another type of Cardinalfish?
Blue Green Chromis?

Any suggestions on fish would be nice, I would like 4-6 different types if possible in the tank when fully stocked. Would prefer to go the route of sustainability, so tank-bred types of fish would also be a key decision factor in where I get them from.
My setup as it is now:
*Coralife 29 BioCube
*20ish pounds live rock
*3" special grade sand
*The tank finished cycling approximately a week ago (diatoms appeared about 10 days ago, and the water chemistry has been pristine - nitrates are at 0).

Livestock that I currently have:
*10 - dwarf hermit crabs
*8 - 1/2" Nassarius snails
*2 - Astraea snails (not doing well - I assume it is because they do better in cooler temperatures)
*1 - tiny feather duster
*1 - lone grey unidentified coral polyp
*1 - small frag of blue sympodium
*1 - emerald green mushroom
*3 - tiny red superman mushrooms
*1 - tufted joint algae
*1 - clump of Chaetomorpha

This is what I am thinking of adding:
*1 - Yellow Banded Possum Wrasse
*1 - Tail Spot Blenny
*1 - Purple firefish
*1 - Ocellaris clownfish
*2 - Banded Trochus snails
*2 - Nerite snails
*2 - super Tongan Nassarius snails
*1 - Caulastrea candy cane coral

Would this be too many fish, or would I still have room for more? Should I slow down on the inverts?

Thank you :)
Got a 56G tank with 58lbs of Dry Rock and about 1.5 lbs of live rock which has helped get the dry rock going. Also got 1" of sand at the bottom of the tank, no sump but an in-tank refugium and a fluval 306 filtration unit.

Current Inhabitants:
1 Pajama Cardinal
5 Hermit Crabs

Interested in:
2 Clownfish (ocellaris) yes. Be sure they are tiny
Goby's? depending on species. One or more possible.
can I get another type of Cardinalfish? yes. Since you are interested in tank-bred, I suggest you look at Bangaii cardinals. If a pair, be sure they are a male and female
Blue Green Chromis? yes

Any suggestions on fish would be nice, I would like 4-6 different types if possible in the tank when fully stocked. Would prefer to go the route of sustainability, so tank-bred types of fish would also be a key decision factor in where I get them from.

I am actually planning on getting a Black and White ocellaris and a regular ocellaris for my pair.

Would you recommend any order of adding in my fish? I was thinking of getting my Goby's and Cardinalfish before getting the clownfish in case they happen to be aggressive, even at a small size
I am actually planning on getting a Black and White ocellaris and a regular ocellaris for my pair. fine, with no problem.

Would you recommend any order of adding in my fish? I was thinking of getting my Goby's and Cardinalfish before getting the clownfish in case they happen to be aggressive, even at a small size

That would be fine, but most likely not necessary.
That would be fine, but most likely not necessary.

I know it is not necessary, but since this tank is for my amusement and to relax me, I think the difference in colors would be nice to have in the tank.

Would a pair of Neon Gobies be okay? Do I need to make any considerations when buying them or are they not like Cardinals where I need to make sure they are opposite genders.

Also, are any gobies less likely to jump about? Trying to avoid that right now while I am still configuring my entire tank setup and have not found a new cover for my tank that I like.
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Hello.. so my tank is cycling and I want to get some opinions on CUC when the cycle is complete

I have a 100 gal tank with 40 gal sump. 90lbs of Live rock and 80lbs of sand

My future fish will be clownfish, yellow tang, a mandarin, and some corals/mushroom/clams.. possibly some smaller fish that can form a small school..

I have decided to start off with ~30 mixed snails. I don't want to overload the tank with ~100 snails (according to the 1 gal 1 snail rule). Seems like way too many snails.

No hermit crabs.

I really like Ruby/Emerald Mithrax crabs.. but don't want the possibility of them hurting the fish or other CUC. Any chance of keeping them?

lastly, shrimps! I love shrimps!! specially the peppermint shrimp. Is it ok to toss one in at the very beginning? with no signs of Aiptasia?

I also want to pair a yellow watchman Goby with pistol shrimp. Should I wait and pair them together? Or get the shrimp first to do CUC work?

edit: lastly, when people banish their CUC to the sump, I'm assuming the fuge, do they require live rocks inside beside algae plants?
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I know it is not necessary, but since this tank is for my amusement and to relax me, I think the difference in colors would be nice to have in the tank.

Would a pair of Neon Gobies be okay? Do I need to make any considerations when buying them or are they not like Cardinals where I need to make sure they are opposite genders.

Also, are any gobies less likely to jump about? Trying to avoid that right now while I am still configuring my entire tank setup and have not found a new cover for my tank that I like.

Neon gobies are short lived (1.5-2 years) but excellent fish. However, unless a bonded pair, only one in a small tank. All fish can jump, neon gobies are no more likely than any other fish to jump.

My comment which was quoted back had to to with the order of fish added so I am not clear what question you are asking.
Hello.. so my tank is cycling and I want to get some opinions on CUC when the cycle is complete

This thread is about marine fish compatibility. For questions about clean up crew, start your own thread in New to the Hobby. Your planned crew below sounds fine to me. I always favor various snails and shrimps and no crabs.

I have a 100 gal tank with 40 gal sump. 90lbs of Live rock and 80lbs of sand

My future fish will be clownfish, yellow tang, a mandarin, and some corals/mushroom/clams.. possibly some smaller fish that can form a small school..

I have decided to start off with ~30 mixed snails. I don't want to overload the tank with ~100 snails (according to the 1 gal 1 snail rule). Seems like way too many snails.

No hermit crabs.

I really like Ruby/Emerald Mithrax crabs.. but don't want the possibility of them hurting the fish or other CUC. Any chance of keeping them?

lastly, shrimps! I love shrimps!! specially the peppermint shrimp. Is it ok to toss one in at the very beginning? with no signs of Aiptasia?

I also want to pair a yellow watchman Goby with pistol shrimp. Should I wait and pair them together? Or get the shrimp first to do CUC work?

edit: lastly, when people banish their CUC to the sump, I'm assuming the fuge, do they require live rocks inside beside algae plants?
Neon gobies are short lived (1.5-2 years) but excellent fish. However, unless a bonded pair, only one in a small tank. All fish can jump, neon gobies are no more likely than any other fish to jump.

My comment which was quoted back had to to with the order of fish added so I am not clear what question you are asking.
I was wondering what you thought about a Hawkfish? Saw them in the store today and if they are compatible with the fish I wanted, then they seem like a nice type of fish to have that would stay in the mid and high regions of my tank.
I was wondering what you thought about a Hawkfish? Saw them in the store today and if they are compatible with the fish I wanted, then they seem like a nice type of fish to have that would stay in the mid and high regions of my tank.

They are ambush predators which means that small fish and shrimp are not safe. They perch rather than swim.
They are ambush predators which means that small fish and shrimp are not safe. They perch rather than swim.

Yea, I was doing some research and realized I am not going for that type of environment in my tank.

I am thinking about just getting a bengaii cardinal that's been tank bred. Maybe 1 or 3 blue green chromis while I wait until my tank has really been configured with the equipment I think I will want to have on it and then make a screen covering for it before getting my Goby's. Then I'll get my clownfish after that.

A few months later I will get a Lemon Peel angelfish or Flame Angelfish and then after a bit more time, a spotted mandarin. might go tank bred on that. I have a refugium going already so i figure 9-12 months after starting the tank should be enough to have a sustainable supply for that.

In total, that's 8-12 fish at the end of it. In a 56G that seems like it should be about right for the size. Of course, I will work on the CUC as well. Might not get the chromis though, already got my work cut out to try and get my non-tank bred pajama cardinal to eat pellets though I have a few months before I need him to take to that food for my vacation times.

Really wish a company would make a proper frozen food automated feeder. Would be really nice.
for a 65 gallon reef tank

from my current tank
1 pair of oscellaris clowns
1 banggai cardinal
1 firefish

I would like to add a trio of wrasses, but I'm concerned a 65 may be too small.
I am also considering some type of blenny, or an orchid dottyback.
Hi Snorvich,
I'm planning a stocking list for a 24x24x30 cube (74gal)
Here's my idea's so far:
1 dwarf angel (Centropyge species) or
3 Sunburst Fathead Anthias
3-5 Green/Blue Chromis
1 Dragonet
I wanted this to be a mostly SPS/LPS tank, with a small fish load. Due to the height and small footprint, I am concerned with the larger fish becoming aggressive!
for a 65 gallon reef tank

from my current tank
1 pair of oscellaris clowns
1 banggai cardinal
1 firefish

I would like to add a trio of wrasses, but I'm concerned a 65 may be too small.
I am also considering some type of blenny, or an orchid dottyback.

Your base plan is fine. If you do a trio of wrasses, flasher wrasses would work but would preclude the dottyback.
Hi Snorvich,
I'm planning a stocking list for a 24x24x30 cube (74gal)
Here's my idea's so far:
1 dwarf angel (Centropyge species) or
3 Sunburst Fathead Anthias
3-5 Green/Blue Chromis chromis in a group will become one over time; additionally, chromis are highly susceptible to uronema marinum
1 Dragonet after tank is mature for 9 months
I wanted this to be a mostly SPS/LPS tank, with a small fish load. Due to the height and small footprint, I am concerned with the larger fish becoming aggressive! anthias will notice only themselves; chromis will not be stable in a group but should not affect other fish except possibly anthias
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