PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Hi Steve,

What typre of dwarf basslets would you suggest knowing my setup.

Also even though I know Tangs need a lot of space are there any types of small tangs that you would recommend that dont rely on large spaces and would do well hanging around in my tank.

Hi Steve,

What typre of dwarf basslets would you suggest knowing my setup.

Also even though I know Tangs need a lot of space are there any types of small tangs that you would recommend that dont rely on large spaces and would do well hanging around in my tank.


As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. However I am always happy to review stocking plans provided tank size and total plan is submitted. There are at least 10 commonly available species of basslet; some are peaceful (although territorial) and others are somewhat aggressive.
Ok some tank details and some questions. I have.
90gal bow front 90 gal basement sump, currently t5 lighting
Approx 100lbs live rock some fresh some from a well established system
Argomite? Sand mix again some from new some from same tank it contains lots of life small star, snail, lots of critters
A half dz different corals in frag state right now, names have slipped me but 2 different zoas, a poly, Kenya tree, I think frog spawn, and small mushroom, a large rock covered in stripped mushrooms.
Approx 5 turbos I think left in tank
9 red leg hermits, 6 dwarf blue legs

Yesterday's newest tank mates were a paired watchman goby and pistol shrimp. Heard the pistol snap twice after he was dropped in. I think looking for his buddy?? They got separated when they dropped in.

Ok my intended goal for this tank is not too many fish, only required supportive fish, lots of moving corals, move in the water flow, some bright colours and lots of rock shelves. Ultimate plan will be to replace this tank in a few years with a custom sized tank of approx. 250-300 gal size so this is just my learning/preparing tank.

My sump is still a work in progress just setup about a week ago. Was running tank from a fluval canister with nothing but rock and snails in it for first few months. Sump is in the basement 90 gal sump with refugium, skimmer, heater and currently 2 max 950s in it, ordered a new 1800 yesterday. Intended upgrades in future are better lighting for entire system and better quality skimmer.

My next choice of fish are a tomini tang, a red scooter blenny and a clown of some sort. I do want a fire angel at some point and I think that's all for now.

Currently pre-planning my tank in hopes to eventually doing reef.

What I propose to setup:
40G tank
3" sand bed (from a running tank already)
Live Fiji rock (^^^^)
Marineland emperor 400 HOB filter
Aquatic systems Protein skimmer
Marineland LED lights (changing when reef ready)
Powerhead (not sure which one)

Stocking ideas
Fish I know I have coming
2 ocellaris clownfish (from established tank)
1 yellow watchman goby (^^^^^)

What I like (mix and match them for best fit)
Pistol shrimp
six line wrasse
Royal gramma
Fire fish
Pajama cardinal
Starry Blenny
Orange stripe prawn goby

What would you put in as a cleaner package? How many of each?

Hope to hear back soon!
Currently pre-planning my tank in hopes to eventually doing reef.

What I propose to setup:
40G tank
3" sand bed (from a running tank already)
Live Fiji rock (^^^^)
Marineland emperor 400 HOB filter
Aquatic systems Protein skimmer
Marineland LED lights (changing when reef ready)
Powerhead (not sure which one)

Stocking ideas
Fish I know I have coming
2 ocellaris clownfish (from established tank)
1 yellow watchman goby (^^^^^)

What I like (mix and match them for best fit)
Pistol shrimp
six line wrasse very aggressive, especially in a small tank and will intimidate some of your other planned fish
Royal gramma
Fire fish
Pajama cardinal
Starry Blenny can be a pain, not recommended in a small tank
Orange stripe prawn goby only one commensal goby in this sized tank

What would you put in as a cleaner package? How many of each? I recommend various snail types but not hermits

Hope to hear back soon!
PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

5 carpenter wrasse in a 50g cube . I have nothing else in the tank yet just starting it up . Also have a 25g sump. Trying to keep more coral than fish :)

Ps I'm open to suggestion on other better looking wrasse
5 carpenter wrasse in a 50g cube . I have nothing else in the tank yet just starting it up . Also have a 25g sump. Trying to keep more coral than fish :)

Ps I'm open to suggestion on other better looking wrasse

five flasher wrasses in a 50 gallon cube is too many. A pair would be fine (male plus female) but I think they will feel cramped especially since males are territorial by nature.
First fish... goby? We have a 60 gal rimless cube with a top. Getting some brown algae on the sand surface (diatoms?). Plan on fish and corals. Been searching here and a goby seems like a peaceful, sand sifting good beginner fish. Thoughts? Here's the sand:



Thanks in advance!
First fish... goby? We have a 60 gal rimless cube with a top. Getting some brown algae on the sand surface (diatoms?). Plan on fish and corals. Been searching here and a goby seems like a peaceful, sand sifting good beginner fish. Thoughts? Here's the sand:

Thanks in advance!

I would not get a goby for the purposes of keeping the sand clean as it won't really do that. Also, it is best to plan a complete stock list before buying any fish. It is difficult to undo behavior issues and it is easy to avoid them. There is no such thing as a "starter fish" (we should not be cycling tanks using live animals), but there are fish that should not be added until a tank is more mature.
I would not get a goby for the purposes of keeping the sand clean as it won't really do that. Also, it is best to plan a complete stock list before buying any fish. It is difficult to undo behavior issues and it is easy to avoid them. There is no such thing as a "starter fish" (we should not be cycling tanks using live animals), but there are fish that should not be added until a tank is more mature.

Are you saying a goby is one of those fish that needs a more mature tank?
Are you saying a goby is one of those fish that needs a more mature tank?

No. It simply will not keep your sand clean despite being a sand sifter. What I am saying is that it is best to plan you entire stocking list for compatibility as opposed to buy a fish, buy another fish, and then find out that you have a fish you want that is not compatible.
Here is what I've come up with stocking wise.
2 ocellaris clownfish
1 yellow watchman goby and pistol shrimp
3 pajama cardinalfish
1 royal gramma
No. It simply will not keep your sand clean despite being a sand sifter. What I am saying is that it is best to plan you entire stocking list for compatibility as opposed to buy a fish, buy another fish, and then find out that you have a fish you want that is not compatible.

Sounds good. Thanks for helping this newbie. :). We for sure want a pair of ocellaris clownfish, but don't want to add them first bc they can become territorial over the whole tank, and a 60 cube isn't that much room. Also thinking a fairy wrasse or six line wrasse, just for some added color. Would like a few snails to clean up the sand... The turbos that came with our live rock just hang out on the glass and rock. No tangs, no angels, nothing big or aggressive. We are super-beginners, just having the tank with the live rock is pretty entertaining to us right now, lol. I'm not sure if shrimp are good sand cleaners, but peppermint shrimp seem to be popular on here with beginners.
Here is what I've come up with stocking wise.
2 ocellaris clownfish
1 yellow watchman goby and pistol shrimp
3 pajama cardinalfish
1 royal gramma

That sounds fine. For the future, always refresh my memory of tank size so I don't have to go find it. My memory for such is not what it used to be.
Sounds good. Thanks for helping this newbie. :). We for sure want a pair of ocellaris clownfish, but don't want to add them first bc they can become territorial over the whole tank, and a 60 cube isn't that much room. Also thinking a fairy wrasse or six line wrasse, just for some added color. Would like a few snails to clean up the sand... The turbos that came with our live rock just hang out on the glass and rock. No tangs, no angels, nothing big or aggressive. We are super-beginners, just having the tank with the live rock is pretty entertaining to us right now, lol. I'm not sure if shrimp are good sand cleaners, but peppermint shrimp seem to be popular on here with beginners.

A pair of ocellaris clownfish would fine, and could be introduced early on. A sixline wrasse is aggressive and will limit choices of tank mates; not recommended for that reason. A flasher wrasse or male/female pair would be great, slightly better than a fairy wrasse where you would have to be more concerned with species (all flasher wrasses are behaviorally the same (except an 8 line flasher)). For clean up crew, snails are great, hermit crabs are not, cleaner shrimp (up to two) are fine, peppermint shrimp will be more reclusive since they are nocturnal. A good start.
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