PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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I am in the process of deciding on a estblished 90 tank. It has this stock already. these are not my choices.
small blue tang gets large quickly and really needs an 8 foot tank
2 cardinals what species?
azur dsmsel pretty but aggressive
2 striped damsal a royal PITA due to aggression
diamond goby fine
tuxido urchin fine
serpent star
paruvian redoral

The owner does not know the species of most of these

Craba and snails

What do you think

The fish/inverts have little value long term; if you can give them away, and the equipment is attractively priced, I would go for it.
Hi everyone, I have two French angels in my aquarium and I see that one of those try to attack the other, how can I solve it? it is good to be together?
Hi everyone, I have two French angels in my aquarium and I see that one of those try to attack the other, how can I solve it? it is good to be together?

Assuming that your profile is correct, your tank is too small for either one. And if you really have two, one or both will die through aggression.
I have adjusted my final fish in a 90 gallon reef tank with 30 gallon sump.
I have final stock:
1-Yellow Watchman Goby
1-Picasso True Percula
1-Snowflake Ocellaris
1-Blue Devil Damsel
1-Four bar damsel
1-Purple Dottyback
3-Emerald Crab
30 nerite snails
5-Peppermint shrimp
1-Pistol shrimp
leather, mushroom, colt coral, and many types of soft corals
150lbs live rock
cheoto macro algae
Will this stock be fine together?
I have adjusted my final fish in a 90 gallon reef tank with 30 gallon sump.
I have final stock:
1-Yellow Watchman Goby
1-Picasso True Percula
1-Snowflake Ocellaris
1-Blue Devil Damsel aggressive
1-Four bar damsel very aggressive
1-Purple Dottyback very aggressive
3-Emerald Crab can take fish when larger
30 nerite snails
5-Peppermint shrimp
1-Pistol shrimp
leather, mushroom, colt coral, and many types of soft corals
150lbs live rock
cheoto macro algae
Will this stock be fine together?
75 gallon, 20 gal. sump. 2.5 inch sandbed. Live rock, soft corals, LED lighting. Tank setup for 2 months or so using live rock, live sand and coral from established reef tanks.

3 Banggai cardinal fish (tank raised-small)
1 percula clown (tank raised-small)
1 bubble tip anenome
1 sally lightfoot crab (fairly large, been in a couple of weeks, doesn't seem aggressive towards other livestock but I'm thinking of removing it, scary looking bugger)
Coral Banded Shrimp
Emerald Crab (haven't seen it in a while)

Want (all small specimens) in order I'd like to introduce. These are what I've come up with based on tank size and reef safeness.

Tahitian Butterfly (hard to find locally)
Hawaiian Yellow Eye Kole tang
Flame Angel

Will these be OK and is this maybe the limit for amount of fish livestock? If a suitable replacement for the flame angel could be suggested I'd appreciate it. TIA
75 gallon, 20 gal. sump. 2.5 inch sandbed. Live rock, soft corals, LED lighting. Tank setup for 2 months or so using live rock, live sand and coral from established reef tanks.

3 Banggai cardinal fish (tank raised-small) assuming you can get a male/female pair, two will survive. If you are unlucky and have three of the same sex, one will survive
1 percula clown (tank raised-small)
1 bubble tip anenome after tank is mature
1 sally lightfoot crab (fairly large, been in a couple of weeks, doesn't seem aggressive towards other livestock but I'm thinking of removing it, scary looking bugger) can take fish when large
Coral Banded Shrimp can take fish when large
Emerald Crab (haven't seen it in a while) can take fish when large

Want (all small specimens) in order I'd like to introduce. These are what I've come up with based on tank size and reef safeness.

Tahitian Butterfly (hard to find locally) probably not safe for all corals or some invertebrates
Hawaiian Yellow Eye Kole tang
Flame Angel

Will these be OK and is this maybe the limit for amount of fish livestock? If a suitable replacement for the flame angel could be suggested I'd appreciate it. TIA

except as noted, should be fine


First off i would like to thank you for all the work you do posting on this thread.

Secondly I no longer consider myself a newbie to saltwater but I do want some feedback on my tank and intended purchases going forward. Your past feedback was invaluable in allowing me to setup multiple wonderful tanks so far.
Again Thank You :thumbsup:

Current tank: 125G (72x18x22) 30G sump with oversize protein skimmer(reef octupus 200INT) 90lbs of Live rock in display(built with multiple caves hide spots) Mostly LPS but would like to start getting into SPS.

History: Tank was created form my old 75G that was running for over a year. I added more livestock and 20lbs of more rock. The 125 has been up for 6 months now and is very stable.

Tons of the smaller black cerith snails(they are breeding in my tank).
2x skunk cleaner shrimps.

Current fish:
1x Powder Brown Tang
1x Lawnmower Blenny
2x Osc. Clownfish
1x McCosker's flasher wrasse(large male)
1x Carpenter's flasher wrasse(large male)
1x Diamond watchman goby
1x yellow clown goby
2x banghai cardinalfish(Mated pair; very proficient)
1x pj cardinalfish
4x lyretail anthias(Very large male! close to 6 inches and his 3 girls)
4x Dispar anthias

Currently everyone gets along well. The Lyretail male does not like the McCosker's flasher close to him but its not a real battle. The 2 wrasses have obviously split the tank in half with very defined territories. The Tang sometimes gets bossy with the Watchman goby; again very rarely and mostly with the Nori clip.

I want to add a little more blue or something the Anthia color is dominating the tank.

I was considering 3 different routes and would love feedback on each please.

First route was add:
3x Blue reef chromis(Chromis cyaneus)
2x Zebra Barred Dartfish (Ptereleotris zebra)
I like the idea of a tank dominated by smaller active fish but not sure if the different species would just cause everyone to fight and hide.

Second route:
2x Watanabei Angelfish (Genicanthus watanabei) M/F

I would like to try some more difficult and not so common fish, i have an awesome powder brown that eats like a champ and is more round than any other tang i have ever seen.

Third route:
3x Yellow Pyramid Butterflyfish (Hemitaurichthys polylepis)
3x Zoster Butterflyfish (Hemitaurichthys zoster)

Same reason as number 2 But I prefer the second routes color.

Thanks in advance.
First off i would like to thank you for all the work you do posting on this thread.

Secondly I no longer consider myself a newbie to saltwater but I do want some feedback on my tank and intended purchases going forward. Your past feedback was invaluable in allowing me to setup multiple wonderful tanks so far.
Again Thank You :thumbsup:

Current tank: 125G (72x18x22) 30G sump with oversize protein skimmer(reef octupus 200INT) 90lbs of Live rock in display(built with multiple caves hide spots) Mostly LPS but would like to start getting into SPS.

History: Tank was created form my old 75G that was running for over a year. I added more livestock and 20lbs of more rock. The 125 has been up for 6 months now and is very stable.

Tons of the smaller black cerith snails(they are breeding in my tank).
2x skunk cleaner shrimps.

Current fish:
1x Powder Brown Tang
1x Lawnmower Blenny
2x Osc. Clownfish
1x McCosker's flasher wrasse(large male)
1x Carpenter's flasher wrasse(large male)
1x Diamond watchman goby
1x yellow clown goby
2x banghai cardinalfish(Mated pair; very proficient)
1x pj cardinalfish
4x lyretail anthias(Very large male! close to 6 inches and his 3 girls)
4x Dispar anthias

very reasonable, so far

Currently everyone gets along well. The Lyretail male does not like the McCosker's flasher close to him but its not a real battle. The 2 wrasses have obviously split the tank in half with very defined territories. The Tang sometimes gets bossy with the Watchman goby; again very rarely and mostly with the Nori clip.

I want to add a little more blue or something the Anthia color is dominating the tank.

I was considering 3 different routes and would love feedback on each please.

First route was add:
3x Blue reef chromis(Chromis cyaneus) first, three will become one over time; second, chromis are highly susceptible to uronema marinum so I do not currently recommend any
2x Zebra Barred Dartfish (Ptereleotris zebra) would be ok
I like the idea of a tank dominated by smaller active fish but not sure if the different species would just cause everyone to fight and hide.

Second route:
2x Watanabei Angelfish (Genicanthus watanabei) M/F any male genicanthus will be very difficult to acquire and acclimate. A single female would work, and for blue that would be my recommendation (or a G. bellus female) But the tang will probably not be too keen on this, however.

I would like to try some more difficult and not so common fish, i have an awesome powder brown that eats like a champ and is more round than any other tang i have ever seen.

Third route: I would not suggest three, but one of either would be fine. The tang will probably not be too keen on these, however.
3x Yellow Pyramid Butterflyfish (Hemitaurichthys polylepis)
3x Zoster Butterflyfish (Hemitaurichthys zoster)

Same reason as number 2 But I prefer the second routes color.

If you do a largish fish, be sure you use an acclimation box.

Thanks in advance.
And a cheery good afternoon.

I have enjoyed browsing through this thread, and am now curious (as you've actually answered a few of my questions, such as blue chromes)...

I have a 92-gallon corner tank that suffered an icy attack before Christmas. I have a fair number of corals, and a fairly deep sanded (varies between 2-5 inches deep, complements of my powerbeads). I use 2 MP-40's, and have a DIY sump/refugium in a 20-gal. tank; the tank itself has been set up about 6-½ years.

My current stock is:
1 Yellow tang (survived the ich)
1 Cherub angel (survived the ich)
2 Dispar anthias
2 clown fish (ocellaris, I believe)
1 canary blenny
1 green mandarin dragonet
1 yellow watchman goby
2-3 firefish (just added last week, I never see all 3 at once)
3 peppermint and 1 coral banded shrimp
1 serpent star
1 pistol shrimp (although I hadn't heard him in a few weeks, not sure if he's still around).

I had thought about adding a group of blue reef chromis, but you answered that question by mentioning they would go down to just one pretty quickly. So would a group of the blue-green do better (I was thinking 5)?

I had also looked at the possibility of a pair of engineer gobies...the ones my LFS has right now are about 2-½ inches long, I realize they get close to 12 inches each.

I like the long-nosed hawkfish as well, but until my coral-banded shrimp passes, I can't see that happening...

I am wondering because I feel like I am close to the bioload of my tank, but then I look at the smaller size of my fish and can't decide (I have a fair amount of rocks, so there are also a fair amount of hiding places). After I had all but the two fish die, I decided to change what I had and go with smaller "dither" fish that would swim, instead of fewer larger fish (which it's hard to group into a corner tank).

I appreciate any inputs you can make, inc. telling me my tank is fully stocked. I usually try not to make snap decisions, as I want my fish to live a full life (although the one bad decision ended up with my purple tang investigating the pistol shrimp - it got "shot" and died...aargh).

Thanks, and I look forward to seeing your inputs.
Originally Posted by Whystler View Post
First off i would like to thank you for all the work you do posting on this thread.

Secondly I no longer consider myself a newbie to saltwater but I do want some feedback on my tank and intended purchases going forward. Your past feedback was invaluable in allowing me to setup multiple wonderful tanks so far.
Again Thank You

Current tank: 125G (72x18x22) 30G sump with oversize protein skimmer(reef octupus 200INT) 90lbs of Live rock in display(built with multiple caves hide spots) Mostly LPS but would like to start getting into SPS.

History: Tank was created form my old 75G that was running for over a year. I added more livestock and 20lbs of more rock. The 125 has been up for 6 months now and is very stable.

Tons of the smaller black cerith snails(they are breeding in my tank).
2x skunk cleaner shrimps.

Current fish:
1x Powder Brown Tang
1x Lawnmower Blenny
2x Osc. Clownfish
1x McCosker's flasher wrasse(large male)
1x Carpenter's flasher wrasse(large male)
1x Diamond watchman goby
1x yellow clown goby
2x banghai cardinalfish(Mated pair; very proficient)
1x pj cardinalfish
4x lyretail anthias(Very large male! close to 6 inches and his 3 girls)
4x Dispar anthias

very reasonable, so far

Currently everyone gets along well. The Lyretail male does not like the McCosker's flasher close to him but its not a real battle. The 2 wrasses have obviously split the tank in half with very defined territories. The Tang sometimes gets bossy with the Watchman goby; again very rarely and mostly with the Nori clip.

I want to add a little more blue or something the Anthia color is dominating the tank.

I was considering 3 different routes and would love feedback on each please.

First route was add:
3x Blue reef chromis(Chromis cyaneus) first, three will become one over time; second, chromis are highly susceptible to uronema marinum so I do not currently recommend any
2x Zebra Barred Dartfish (Ptereleotris zebra) would be ok
I like the idea of a tank dominated by smaller active fish but not sure if the different species would just cause everyone to fight and hide.

Second route:
2x Watanabei Angelfish (Genicanthus watanabei) M/F any male genicanthus will be very difficult to acquire and acclimate. A single female would work, and for blue that would be my recommendation (or a G. bellus female) But the tang will probably not be too keen on this, however.

I would like to try some more difficult and not so common fish, i have an awesome powder brown that eats like a champ and is more round than any other tang i have ever seen.

Third route: I would not suggest three, but one of either would be fine. The tang will probably not be too keen on these, however.
3x Yellow Pyramid Butterflyfish (Hemitaurichthys polylepis)
3x Zoster Butterflyfish (Hemitaurichthys zoster)

Same reason as number 2 But I prefer the second routes color.

If you do a largish fish, be sure you use an acclimation box.

Thanks in advance.

Great advice as always. i wanted to add multiples of the butterfly and angels to try and stagger the aggression but i want them to be comfortable long term so i understand. I am not sold on the angels and butterflies not eating my corals... I keep finding horror stories on the forums and Google...

I was also considering a Blue Throat Triggerfish (Xanthichthys auromarginatus).

I always assumed triggers were not reef safe. Well he fight with or scare the rest of my stocking list? i assume him and the tang will squibble at first but i have considered placing the QT tank on a stand next to the display where they can see each other for a few weeks.
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Hello Snorvich. 1st I would like to say thanks 4 your help/advice......I am stocking a 150 gal (72" long). Here is what I would like.....
2 Pink Square Anthias-male/female
1 Spotbreast Angel-female
1 Lamarck Angel-female
1 Banggai Cardinal
1 Yellow flank Fairy Wrasse
2 Orange Skunk clowns
1 Exquisite Wrasse
1 Flame Wrasse
1 Orange back Fairy Wrasse
All the wrasse except the yellow flanked r currently in another tank and there is no aggression towards one another, hoping they will tranfer and continue to co-exist....?
And a cheery good afternoon.

I have enjoyed browsing through this thread, and am now curious (as you've actually answered a few of my questions, such as blue chromes)...

I have a 92-gallon corner tank that suffered an icy attack before Christmas. I have a fair number of corals, and a fairly deep sanded (varies between 2-5 inches deep, complements of my powerbeads). I use 2 MP-40's, and have a DIY sump/refugium in a 20-gal. tank; the tank itself has been set up about 6-½ years.

My current stock is:
1 Yellow tang (survived the ich)
1 Cherub angel (survived the ich)
2 Dispar anthias
2 clown fish (ocellaris, I believe)
1 canary blenny
1 green mandarin dragonet
1 yellow watchman goby
2-3 firefish (just added last week, I never see all 3 at once) long term, only one will make it
3 peppermint and 1 coral banded shrimp
1 serpent star
1 pistol shrimp (although I hadn't heard him in a few weeks, not sure if he's still around).

I had thought about adding a group of blue reef chromis, but you answered that question by mentioning they would go down to just one pretty quickly. So would a group of the blue-green do better (I was thinking 5)? same issue with all chromis in terms of aggression towards each other as well as uronema

I had also looked at the possibility of a pair of engineer gobies...the ones my LFS has right now are about 2-½ inches long, I realize they get close to 12 inches each. I do not think you would be pleased with these as they rearrange everything (hence their name)

I like the long-nosed hawkfish as well, but until my coral-banded shrimp passes, I can't see that happening... coral banded shrimp can take fish; a long nosed hawk won't take CBS but will eat your peppermint shrimp and potentially firefish

I am wondering because I feel like I am close to the bioload of my tank, but then I look at the smaller size of my fish and can't decide (I have a fair amount of rocks, so there are also a fair amount of hiding places). After I had all but the two fish die, I decided to change what I had and go with smaller "dither" fish that would swim, instead of fewer larger fish (which it's hard to group into a corner tank).

I appreciate any inputs you can make, inc. telling me my tank is fully stocked.

I would not add much in terms of fish, you are pretty well stocked as is.

I usually try not to make snap decisions, as I want my fish to live a full life (although the one bad decision ended up with my purple tang investigating the pistol shrimp - it got "shot" and died...aargh).

Thanks, and I look forward to seeing your inputs.
Steve -

Thank you very much for your response.

I thought the case of the Chromis might be true whether blue or blue green...thanks for confirming.

r.e. the Firefish - not something I realized at the time I purchased them...thanks for the info.

r.e. the hawkfish - interesting that it will allow the CB shrimp to be ok, wasn't worried about the peppermint shrimp in the long-term. Also interesting that it would take care of the fire fish.

Thanks for your quick response, really good to hear someone else confirm what I have been thinking when I look at my tank. It will let me dream for a while as I wait for old age to take care of fish...hopefully not disease (the icy was very sad to watch...lost some nice fish).

Thanks again, and thanks for the cool thread,

Steve -

Thank you very much for your response.

I thought the case of the Chromis might be true whether blue or blue green...thanks for confirming.

r.e. the Firefish - not something I realized at the time I purchased them...thanks for the info.

r.e. the hawkfish - interesting that it will allow the CB shrimp to be ok, wasn't worried about the peppermint shrimp in the long-term. Also interesting that it would take care of the fire fish.

Thanks for your quick response, really good to hear someone else confirm what I have been thinking when I look at my tank. It will let me dream for a while as I wait for old age to take care of fish...hopefully not disease (the icy was very sad to watch...lost some nice fish).

Thanks again, and thanks for the cool thread,


You are most welcome and certainly stop by again whenever you have a question relevant to Marine Fish Compatibility.
90g Reef Stock List

90g Reef Stock List

90 gallon Standard w/20L custom sump
Skimmer for 220g
Filter socks changing every day, not running filter socks if the tank would go longer than a day
Weekly water changes

Ignoring the possibility for the dwarf to potentially eat the smaller residents, *importance:
-One Spot Foxface*
-3x acares midget reef chromis
-yellow striped cardinalfish
-golden dwarf moray* (after the clown)
-red mandarin*(last)
-kole yellow eye tang
-clownfish (later to avoid aggression)
-neon blue goby (2?)
-tahitian butterflyfish
-tanaka pygmy wrasse
-potentially some sort of 3" goby
-two or three shrimp, cleaner or fire

I assume I have too much fish there, but I figured I'd see what people say before I chop down on the stock list
90 gallon Standard w/20L custom sump
Skimmer for 220g
Filter socks changing every day, not running filter socks if the tank would go longer than a day
Weekly water changes

Ignoring the possibility for the dwarf to potentially eat the smaller residents, *importance:
-One Spot Foxface*
-3x acares midget reef chromis chromis will winnow down their number to only one, this species may also do that
-yellow striped cardinalfish
-golden dwarf moray* (after the clown)
-red mandarin*(last)
-kole yellow eye tang
-clownfish (later to avoid aggression) depends on species; least aggressive ones would be fine
-neon blue goby (2?) only one
-tahitian butterflyfish probably not shrimp safe
-tanaka pygmy wrasse
-potentially some sort of 3" goby
-two or three shrimp, cleaner or fire

I assume I have too much fish there, but I figured I'd see what people say before I chop down on the stock list

First, this thread is only answered by Reef Central Staff, so if you want general comments, post this in Reef Fish.
Hello Snorvich. 1st I would like to say thanks 4 your help/advice......I am stocking a 150 gal (72" long). Here is what I would like.....
2 Pink Square Anthias-male/female
1 Spotbreast Angel-female
1 Lamarck Angel-female
1 Banggai Cardinal
1 Yellow flank Fairy Wrasse
2 Orange Skunk clowns
1 Exquisite Wrasse
1 Flame Wrasse
1 Orange back Fairy Wrasse
All the wrasse except the yellow flanked r currently in another tank and there is no aggression towards one another, hoping they will tranfer and continue to co-exist....?
Originally Posted by R1ant04 View Post
Hello Snorvich. 1st I would like to say thanks 4 your help/advice......I am stocking a 150 gal (72" long). Here is what I would like.....
2 Pink Square Anthias-male/female
1 Spotbreast Angel-female
1 Lamarck Angel-female
1 Banggai Cardinal
1 Yellow flank Fairy Wrasse
2 Orange Skunk clowns
1 Exquisite Wrasse
1 Flame Wrasse
1 Orange back Fairy Wrasse
All the wrasse except the yellow flanked r currently in another tank and there is no aggression towards one another, hoping they will tranfer and continue to co-exist....?

All should be fine. The only area of concern is two Genicanthus females. While it is possible, it is definitely not a for sure compatibility. If you must try this, introduce both concurrently. Ideally, just before lights out.
How well would a trio of Longspine Cardinals (Zoramia leptacantha) and a single Harptail Blenny (Meiacanthus mossambicus) "fare" in a 24 gallon (36” x 12.2” x 13”) tank?
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