PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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I am in the process of designing my standard 125g build (hopefully going to start adding water and rocks in the next 2-3 weeks), and so the family and I have been browsing "potential" fish inhabitants and so have compiled a list of some species that we would like to see. The idea for the tank is about 100-150 lbs of live rock with a 2-3" sandbed. Skimmer will be a Vertex Omega 150 in a 55g baffled sump with refugium, (2) Photon32s for lights, and 2 WP-40s for in tank circulation. I plan on keeping LPS/SPS corals with a few mushrooms.

Also, please note that we don't necessarily have to have all of the fish listed below, this is just a list to select from. I am not sure how large of a bioload this size tank can support - please advise on max bioload limits, if possible? Also, please advise of tank introduction order. Sorry - just want to do it right the first time!

1. Lamarck's Angelfish
2. Flame Angelfish
3. Clown Goby
4. Hi-Fin Redbanded Goby
5. Bluedot Jawfish
6. Ocellaris Clownfish (x2)
7. McCosker's Flasher Wrasse
8. Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse
9. Whip Fin Fairy Wrasse
10. Powder Blue/Brown Tang
11. Colored Filefish
12. Scarlet/Electric Blue Hermit Crabs
13. Cerith/Nassarius/Nerite Snails

I appreciate any feedbacK!


Tank is nearing the end of its cycle and I will be getting ready to add some fish in the next month or two. Can you advise of a preferred stocking order for the above list?
note: you have some prolific jumbers so you will need a covered (1/4 inch mesh) tank

I am in the process of designing my standard 125g build (hopefully going to start adding water and rocks in the next 2-3 weeks), and so the family and I have been browsing "potential" fish inhabitants and so have compiled a list of some species that we would like to see. The idea for the tank is about 100-150 lbs of live rock with a 2-3" sandbed. Skimmer will be a Vertex Omega 150 in a 55g baffled sump with refugium, (2) Photon32s for lights, and 2 WP-40s for in tank circulation. I plan on keeping LPS/SPS corals with a few mushrooms.

Also, please note that we don't necessarily have to have all of the fish listed below, this is just a list to select from. I am not sure how large of a bioload this size tank can support - please advise on max bioload limits, if possible? Also, please advise of tank introduction order. Sorry - just want to do it right the first time!

1. Lamarck's Angelfish second to last
2. Flame Angelfish third to last
3. Clown Goby
4. Hi-Fin Redbanded Goby
5. Bluedot Jawfish needs cooler water for long term survival
6. Ocellaris Clownfish (x2)
7. McCosker's Flasher Wrasse
8. Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse
9. Whip Fin Fairy Wrasse aggressive, not recommended but if you must, fourth from last
10. Powder Blue/Brown Tang last
11. Colored Filefish
12. Scarlet/Electric Blue Hermit Crabs I advise crabs or snails but not both since crabs kill snails.
13. Cerith/Nassarius/Nerite Snails

I appreciate any feedbac


Tank is nearing the end of its cycle and I will be getting ready to add some fish in the next month or two. Can you advise of a preferred stocking order for the above list?

always most aggressive last so I have indicated the last three fish to be added. The remainder are comparable in terms of aggressive behavior
Originally Posted by Shawn O
OK, Gotcha. Those are just the fish I like the looks of and was hoping for some insight as to which ones would not interact well with the others.

How about this list?:
Rainfordi Goby (x2) only one in this sized tank
Swiss Guard Basslet only one basslet
Swalesi Basslet
Purple Firefish Goby
Blue Stripe Neon Goby
Green Clown Goby
Yellow Striped Clingfish difficult, not recommended for beginners

The only conflict I can see may arise from the two basslets eating the CUC or not getting along with each other. Your thoughts?

Again, thanks for taking the time to do this for us all,

OK, thanks. Only one Basslet and only one Rainfordi Goby until I can get a 100+ gallon tank. No Clingfish for quite a while.
Thanks Steve, advice appreciated.
hi. my tank's 48" long, 24"wide and 30" height with a 50G sump, 20G fuge and 250 lb liverocks. i have some LPS and softies, no SPS.

fishwise, i currently have:

a pair of ocellaris clowns
two McCosker's flasher wrasses (my tank is covered)
a bicolor blenny
a foxface lo (is the tank too small for him? he's about 3" now)
a kole tang (i guess he's ok? he's also about 3")

would i be able to add:

a green mandarin(next year)
and a yellow tang (if the tank size is ok for him)

the followings are not priorities:

a banggai cardinal (tank raised)
a royal gramma
a midas blenny (will bicolor blenny fight it)
a firefish
a copperband butterfly (to control aiptasia)
and that'll be all.

thanks for ur advice in advanced.
hi. my tank's 48" long, 24"wide and 30" height with a 50G sump, 20G fuge and 250 lb liverocks. i have some LPS and softies, no SPS.

fishwise, i currently have:

a pair of ocellaris clowns
two McCosker's flasher wrasses (my tank is covered)
a bicolor blenny
a foxface lo (is the tank too small for him? he's about 3" now)
a kole tang (i guess he's ok? he's also about 3")

both of the above two algae grazers should be fine, but I would not add any additional tangs in this sized tank

would i be able to add:

a green mandarin(next year) yes, 9 months maturity minimum
and a yellow tang (if the tank size is ok for him) I would not; you have two algae grazers now, and a third would be contraindicated in a 4 foot tank

the followings are not priorities:

a banggai cardinal (tank raised) fine
a royal gramma fine
a midas blenny (will bicolor blenny fight it) I would avoid; they will nip
a firefish fine
a copperband butterfly (to control aiptasia) they may or may not actually eat aiptasia (and in fact may not eat at all) but that would eliminate the mandarin
and that'll be all.

thanks for ur advice in advanced.

always a pleasure
55 Gallon Reef

55 Gallon Reef

I have a 55 gallon reef tank with about 50 pounds of live rock. I have a coralife 65 gallon protein skimmer a few turbo snails and some hermit crabs. My intended stocking list is:

-two false percale clownfish (bonded pair)
-one orchid dotty back
-one midas blenny
-one flame angelfish
-one bristle tooth tomini tang

what do you guys think?
I have a 55 gallon reef tank with about 50 pounds of live rock. I have a coralife 65 gallon protein skimmer a few turbo snails and some hermit crabs. My intended stocking list is:

-two false percale clownfish (bonded pair)
-one orchid dotty back
-one midas blenny can nip fins of planktivores
-one flame angelfish needs a larger tank
-one bristle tooth tomini tang needs a larger tank

what do you guys think?

This thread is only answered by Reef Central Staff. If you want general commentary, post your question in Reef Fish.

I have a 220gal tank that has cycled and would like to know what fish's to add to the tank in order every few weeks
there is lots of room and caves and swimming area's
any suggestions on my list would be appreciated
Here is my list

coral beauty 3"
flame angel 3"
2 royal gamma
pajama' card's 2 pair
carpenter flasher wrasse 4 female 1 male
2 ocellaris clowns
8 zebra bar dart fish
yellow tang...3"
purple tang...3"
if I can get mated pair...firefish
.........................pair ..purple dart
I have a 220gal tank that has cycled and would like to know what fish's to add to the tank in order every few weeks
there is lots of room and caves and swimming area's
any suggestions on my list would be appreciated
Here is my list

coral beauty 3"
flame angel 3"
2 royal gamma
pajama' card's 2 pair
carpenter flasher wrasse 4 female 1 male prolific jumpers so 1/4 inch mesh would be required
2 ocellaris clowns
8 zebra bar dart fish
yellow tang...3" tangs concurrently and last fish added
purple tang...3"
if I can get mated pair...firefish pairs will not survive long term; almost always only a single will work
.........................pair ..purple dart

Except as annoted, should be fine
36g bow front - fish wish list

36g bow front - fish wish list

Hey all. So just getting a tank started, and thought I'd post my fish wish list and see some opinions. Going to be a reef tank, so corals will eventually be incorporated as well. In general with my size tank would 3-4 fish max be the recommendation?

Pair of black and white ocellaris clowns
Some sort of blenny or goby, undecided on which one yet
couple of cleaner shrimp.



Hey all.

This thread is answered only by Reef Central Staff. If you want general opinions start your own thread in the reef fish forum.

So just getting a tank started, and thought I'd post my fish wish list and see some opinions. Going to be a reef tank, so corals will eventually be incorporated as well. In general with my size tank would 3-4 fish max be the recommendation?

depends on behavior, ecological niche and size of fish. But 5-6 peaceful small fish is doable.

Pair of black and white ocellaris clowns
Some sort of blenny or goby, undecided on which one yet
couple of cleaner shrimp.

All of the above is fine. For blennies, wait until tank is mature since they graze on algae.



6 gallon fluval edge...standard filtration= carbon, sponge, bioballs (similar to bioballs)...4.5-5 pounds of live 1 inch of fiji black sand...1 false perc...3.5 gallon water change a week...

I was wondering if I would be able to put a clown goby in too? I realize probably not....thinking about adding a little sump to it...
6 gallon fluval edge...standard filtration= carbon, sponge, bioballs (similar to bioballs)...4.5-5 pounds of live 1 inch of fiji black sand...1 false perc...3.5 gallon water change a week...

I was wondering if I would be able to put a clown goby in too? I realize probably not....thinking about adding a little sump to it...

A clownfish needs a significantly larger tank.
Mixing gobies

Mixing gobies

Hi Fish Friends!

My tank has been up and running for a whole 5 weeks tomorrow - hooray!!! Its a 159 litre with sump/refugium. I've got 60lb of Caribsea Life Rock in display tank with course and fine sand. The sump/refugium is in 4 parts; protein skimmer, sand and cheato, sponge filter, return pump. Salinity is around 1024-1025, ammonia is 0, nitrite is 0 and nitrate is low 10 (Salifert kits), temp is around 24C (running at around 26C at moment with hot weather - 6-fan cooler unit on order).

I've currently got 2 red legged hermits, 3 star snails and 3 cerise snails.

I know what fish I want, which are:-

4 blue green chromis, 4 common clownfish, 4 lemon damselfish, spangled goby, cleaner wrasse, mandarin or dragonet/scooter blenny.

That's my plan for fish. My question is "can I have another goby in my tank with the spangled goby?" I know the spangled goby is small, only reaching about 6cm, and I do intend on getting a pistol shrimp, but will I be able to have another goby such as the randalls goby?

What would you suggest if a second goby is possible?

I am planning to have a reef system with corals and anemones, but that is a long way off yet.

Hi Fish Friends!

My tank has been up and running for a whole 5 weeks tomorrow - hooray!!! Its a 159 litre with sump/refugium. I've got 60lb of Caribsea Life Rock in display tank with course and fine sand. The sump/refugium is in 4 parts; protein skimmer, sand and cheato, sponge filter, return pump. Salinity is around 1024-1025, ammonia is 0, nitrite is 0 and nitrate is low 10 (Salifert kits), temp is around 24C (running at around 26C at moment with hot weather - 6-fan cooler unit on order).

I've currently got 2 red legged hermits, 3 star snails and 3 cerise snails.

I know what fish I want, which are:-

4 blue green chromis, 4 common clownfish, 4 lemon damselfish, spangled goby, cleaner wrasse, mandarin or dragonet/scooter blenny.

well, first of all . . . 4 chromis will become one chromis over time, 4 clownfish will become two clownfish over time, the damsels will limit tank mates due to their aggressive nature in a small tank, a mandarin or any dragonet will be very difficult to maintain in this sized tank due to the nature of their metabolism and the small tank size with regard to copepod availability.

That's my plan for fish. My question is "can I have another goby in my tank with the spangled goby?" I know the spangled goby is small, only reaching about 6cm, and I do intend on getting a pistol shrimp, but will I be able to have another goby such as the randalls goby? no. you will not be able to have two commensal shrimp gobies in this sized tank.

What would you suggest if a second goby is possible?

I am planning to have a reef system with corals and anemones, but that is a long way off yet.

Oh dear! I thought I had planned my fish list really well with the "What Fish" and "What Invertebrate" books. Back to the drawing board then :(

Thanks for you response - I appreciate it :)
Oh dear! I thought I had planned my fish list really well with the "What Fish" and "What Invertebrate" books. Back to the drawing board then :(

I did not even comment on the fact that hermit crabs will kill snails so you are better going with crabs or snails but not both. Also note that chromis are highly susceptible to uronema marinum so you had best have a plan to quarantine all fish but this species particularly.

Thanks for you response - I appreciate it :)

always glad to help and will reanalyze once you provide a new stocking plan.
100 gallon rimless

100 gallon rimless

Hey guys looking for stocking ideas for my 100 gallon 48 24 20 rimless tank with trigger systems 36 sump 90 lb live rock. Vertex 150 protein skimmer. Thanks
Hey guys looking for stocking ideas for my 100 gallon 48 24 20 rimless tank with trigger systems 36 sump 90 lb live rock. Vertex 150 protein skimmer. Thanks

As those who follow this thread know, I do not provide recommendations for a variety of reasons. However I am always happy to evaluate stocking plans with tank descriptions for compatibility. However if you you want general discussion, please post your question in Reef Fish and you will get lots of suggestions.
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