How well would a trio of Longspine Cardinals (Zoramia leptacantha) and a single Harptail Blenny (Meiacanthus mossambicus) "fare" in a 24 gallon (36" x 12.2" x 13") tank?
Should be fine.
How well would a trio of Longspine Cardinals (Zoramia leptacantha) and a single Harptail Blenny (Meiacanthus mossambicus) "fare" in a 24 gallon (36" x 12.2" x 13") tank?
34 Gal RSM
2 Ocellaris Clowns
1 Yellow watchman Goby
1 Pistol Shrimp
1 Cleaner Shrimp
Looking at
Purple Fire Fish should be fine
Royal Gamma should be fine
Arc Eye Hawkfish not shrimp safe
180 Gallon (6'x2'x2') FOWLR Preferred Stocking List
Flame Angelfish
Goldflake Angelfish
Blueline Angelfish
Latticed Butterflyfish
Pakistan Butterflyfish
Longnose Hawkfish (bonded pair)
Blue Spotted Puffer
Kole Yellow Eye Tang
Powder Brown Tang
Purple Tang
Red Tail Triggerfish
Bluehead Wrasse
Christmas Wrasse
Hoeven's Wrasse (male)
Harem of Lyretail Anthias (4-5 small females and let them work it out)
Thanks in Advance!
Thank you. That's what I figured on the order. We'll see - I may skip the purple altogether. I prefer the Powder Blue but it seems that I'll be better off with a Powder Brown from an aggression standpoint, correct?should be ok. I am slightly leery of three tangs in a six foot tank. Best to introduce the zebrasoma tang last.
Thank you. That's what I figured on the order. We'll see - I may skip the purple altogether. I prefer the Powder Blue but it seems that I'll be better off with a Powder Brown from an aggression standpoint, correct?
75g reef, 35g sump
current occupants:
2 longnose hawkfish
2 snowflake clowns
1 orange spotted goby
1 mccosker's wrasse (male)
1 royal gramma
1 kole tang (soon to be added from qt)
i'm looking at the red velvet fairy wrasse. LA has a female right now. i won't be ordering for another week or so. if the female is unavailable, would a male work with my male mccosker's?
thanks, steve!!
awesome! thanks again, steve. it just occurred to me that i can go ahead and set up that other 10g tank that i used for ttm and i won't have to wait to order. i can keep the new fish in there until i put the tang into my dt. and since the males are more colorful, i might go with that.![]()
do wrasses fare well with ttm?
all fish fare well with tank transfer. However, IF you are getting a sand dwelling wrasse, e.g. leopard, you will need to put a small tupperware (or similar brand) container of sand (new each time) for it. However fairy and flasher wrasses form a mucous cocoon rather than dive into the sand. So no worries.
The tank occupants in my signature are accurate. I'm looking to add both a Starry Blenny and a McCosker's Wrasse at the same time. Any thoughts?
Current Tank Info: 120 gal with 40B sump with fuge, pair of black Occellaris Clowns, purple Firefish, Coral Banded Shrimp, Foxface
Hi Steve. Now that the Helfrichi is single, what fish should I add next to get him a little more out & about the tank? He tends to hide a little more now since it's just him & the Randall goby.
Gold Assessor
Blenny - tailspot or maybe gold midas blenny
Pink Streak Wrasse
Possum Wrasse
I have decided to skip the chromis & since I didn't add a jawfish first, can you advise what other species I can look at that would coexist peacefully with the above list.
As an old timer to this thread, you know I never give suggestions. That being said . . . Of those you offered up, I really like either of the wrasses. A midas blenny will nip. A gold assessor will tend to be reclusive.
As always, thanks for your help & advice.![]()
40g sump with fuge(tons of macro and some LR/sand)
~65lbs of rock in the DT as well
Current stock:
2 Mocha Clowns
1 Firefish *
1 Purple Firefish
1 Lawnmore Blenny
1 Royal Gramma
1 Lyretail Anthias
1 mandarin dragonet(my pod pop is good and I supplement it twice a month minimum) Despite your assurances, keeping this fish long term will be problematic
CUC of Snails and a cpl shrimp, and a small conch, no crabs
* Firefish, aware of issue with more than one, and even though they have been friendly for months they can flip out any time, if so this one goes to my brothers 100gallon.
Basically wanting to know if Im maxed out at this point for stock(or even overstocked). Everything gets along really well right now and they are all fat and happy(as far as I can tell)
I have a young Splendid Dottyback in the fuge with my diamond goby, and I want to move him as my last fish but if Im overstocked already he is happy in the fuge.
That dottyback will cause you a load of problems. It is a behavioral issue, not an overstocking issue, however.
Originally Posted by Fish Biscuit View Post
Hi Steve. Now that the Helfrichi is single, what fish should I add next to get him a little more out & about the tank? He tends to hide a little more now since it's just him & the Randall goby.
Gold Assessor
Blenny - tailspot or maybe gold midas blenny
Pink Streak Wrasse
Possum Wrasse
I have decided to skip the chromis & since I didn't add a jawfish first, can you advise what other species I can look at that would coexist peacefully with the above list.
As an old timer to this thread, you know I never give suggestions. That being said . . . Of those you offered up, I really like either of the wrasses. A midas blenny will nip. A gold assessor will tend to be reclusive.
As always, thanks for your help & advice.
I know, I was hoping you'd throw me an ideaI can't think of anything else & shrimp eaters are out since I'm still planning on sexy shrimp down the road.
Well, then I'll go with the possum wrasse next in hopes that gets the helfrichi out more & do a tailspot blenny instead of the gold midas blenny since I'm sticking with the gold assessor.
Either of the two wrasses would work well.
Am I asking for trouble if after everything else goes in to add a juvenile pair of ocellaris clowns last? Most likely since I'm stocking fish very slow it would be sometime next year before they go in.
Not initially. However two juveniles will sexually differentiate, bond, and eventually mate. At which point they will be on the aggressive side toward about 20 gallons of tank space.
I really need a bigger tank or a good 12 step program.