we have a 125g with 55g refugium, skimmer, live rock.
Currently have mixed reef - softies, LPS, & mushrooms.
Current fish: Perc clown, royal Gramma, neon goby, & Pink Spotted Watchman Goby
We are currently tying to plan out our future stocking list. Here are some of the ideas we have:
McCosker's Wrasse (this is pretty much a set thing, we have a covered tank as sadly we learned that lesson several years ago and do not wish to repeat it)
Scott's Fairy Wrasse I would advise against this because of its aggressive nature and because over time it will lose coloration absent a female; I would suggest replacement with another flasher wrasse of a different species (except 8-line from Red Sea)
Purple firefish
Midas Blenny
Flame Hawk (only if we decide not to go with any shrimp. the verdict is still out) As you know, not shrimp safe
We were in the LFS store today and saw a Hectors' Goby that my husband liked. This would be a consideration, however did not know how that would go with the neon goby and if they will coexist. should be fine
Also saw a red tail honey damsel, that we were told by LFS was peaceful??? I cannot find much info on this and thought that damsels tended to be aggressive. We would be happy with this instead of Hawk if we decide to get shrimp and it would work with the above fish. because of their aggressive nature, I do not recommend stegaster mellis or any other damsel.
Would like a larger fish, however not really interested in Tangs or Angels. So we are pretty early in the planning stage.
Thanks for any advise.