PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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I had a change in plans (a good change!) and am able to upgrade to a large tank than I initially thought leading me to update my potential stock list. Any commentary you have on what order to add them in as well will be most helpful!
Tank is 75 gallon (4' long) with a 30 gallon sump, planning on about 80 lbs of liverock.

Potential stock list:
-Pair of ocellaris clowns
-One Spot Foxface
-Bangaii Cardinalfish (1 or 2?)
-Orange Spotted Sleeper Goby
-Carpenters Flasher Wrasse

Much thanks!
I had a change in plans (a good change!) and am able to upgrade to a large tank than I initially thought leading me to update my potential stock list. Any commentary you have on what order to add them in as well will be most helpful!
Tank is 75 gallon (4' long) with a 30 gallon sump, planning on about 80 lbs of liverock.

Potential stock list:
-Pair of ocellaris clowns
-One Spot Foxface
-Bangaii Cardinalfish (1 or 2?)
-Orange Spotted Sleeper Goby will create sand storms
-Carpenters Flasher Wrasse needs covered tank (1/4 inch mesh)

Much thanks!

Fine except as annotated
Fish list

Fish list


Thank you in advance for your help.

We have 215 gallon tank with a 30 gallon sump and 250lbs of live rock. Currently we have no corals but do plan of getting some in the future and do not want to be limited in what we can get. The tank is about 6 months old.

Currently we have a Baanggai Cardinal, one spot foxface, one firefish goby, three green/blue chromis.

We quarantine all of our fish for a month. For our next stocking we would like to add a yellow tang, regal tang, royal gamma, and nso tang. We are thinking about the nso tang because we have read they are good to get rid of bubble algae and we have a lot of it.

Then after this stocking we will like to get two clowns.

Again thank you for an advice you can give to us.


Thank you in advance for your help.

We have 215 gallon tank with a 30 gallon sump and 250lbs of live rock. Currently we have no corals but do plan of getting some in the future and do not want to be limited in what we can get. The tank is about 6 months old.

Currently we have a Baanggai Cardinal, one spot foxface, one firefish goby, three green/blue chromis.

We quarantine all of our fish for a month. For our next stocking we would like to add a yellow tang, regal tang, royal gamma, and nso tang. We are thinking about the nso tang because we have read they are good to get rid of bubble algae and we have a lot of it.

Naso tangs require a larger (longer) tank; also they do not get rid of bubble algae. A yellow tang should be last fish added to the tank because once established, they are very territorial.

Then after this stocking we will like to get two clowns. fine

Again thank you for an advice you can give to us.


You are welcome and best of luck Stewart
Hi, My set up and fish are below. I would welcome any advise on what type of fish/clean up crew to add next ? The tank has been up/running for 6 months now

Prior to adding the angel fish and the chromis, i had 3 yellow tangs which did not survive. they looked very frail prior to dieing. 2 floated to the top and 1 Yellow tang went missing all this day i cant find it.

85 gallon, salt water fish tank
2 large and 2 small hydor water powerheads for water circulation
no live rock, or corals all plastic

2 clown fish
3 blue damsels
1 foxface lo
3 Blue Green Chromis
1 blueface angel fish
1 naso tang
3 star fish


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Potters, I have my pair and are doing great
Flame angel, have my male and looking for a female

Can any of these wrasses be a pair? or who won't play nice with each other
Flame wrasse
Potters wrasse
Elegant coris wrasse
Ornate wrasse

Fourspot BF
Bluestrip BF
Racoon BF
Milletseed BF
Tinker's BF someday
Pyramid BF
Longnose BF did not make it out of Qt along with the kleineii and auriga, still want to do this fish though
How about a Reticulated BF instead of the auriga. I will not be doing the kleinni

Indigo dart fish
Fantail file fish This fish I have, doing great
Longnose hawkfish
Lantern Toby

Achielles Tang This fish I have and he is fat and happy . I am doing TT still has some spots
Kole tang I have this one
Yellow tang I have this one
Chevron tang
Dwarf moray But what do you thing of a snowflake instead

Can I keep a red pencil urchin with this group
Thanks for looking over the list AGAIN.
Hi, My set up and fish are below. I would welcome any advise on what type of fish/clean up crew to add next ? The tank has been up/running for 6 months now

Prior to adding the angel fish and the chromis, i had 3 yellow tangs which did not survive. they looked very frail prior to dieing. 2 floated to the top and 1 Yellow tang went missing all this day i cant find it.

85 gallon, salt water fish tank
2 large and 2 small hydor water powerheads for water circulation
no live rock, or corals all plastic

2 clown fish
3 blue damsels
1 foxface lo
3 Blue Green Chromis
1 blueface angel fish
1 naso tang
3 star fish

Unfortunately, you are over stocked and should subtract fish rather than add.
Potters, I have my pair and are doing great
Flame angel, have my male and looking for a female

Can any of these wrasses be a pair? or who won't play nice with each other
Flame wrasse
Potters wrasse
Elegant coris wrasse
Ornate wrasse

Fourspot BF
Bluestrip BF
Racoon BF
Milletseed BF
Tinker's BF someday
Pyramid BF
Longnose BF did not make it out of Qt along with the kleineii and auriga, still want to do this fish though
How about a Reticulated BF instead of the auriga. I will not be doing the kleinni

Indigo dart fish
Fantail file fish This fish I have, doing great
Longnose hawkfish
Lantern Toby

Achielles Tang This fish I have and he is fat and happy . I am doing TT still has some spots
Kole tang I have this one
Yellow tang I have this one
Chevron tang
Dwarf moray But what do you thing of a snowflake instead

Can I keep a red pencil urchin with this group
Thanks for looking over the list AGAIN.

Unfortunately, you are overstocked if all of these fish are in either tank in your signature. As such I could not advise adding any fish.
What a great thread. I will throw in my intended livestock.

60g cube with 29 sump - mixed reef

A bonded pair of ocellaris already in the tank.

I am planning on:
Macropharyngodon bipartitus - Blue star Leopard wrasse
Halichoeres melanurus - Hoeven's Wrasse
Ecsenius midas - Midas Blenny
Calloplesiops altivelis - Marine Betta

Any thoughts, ideas and concerns? Thank you for your time.
Sorry Steve, these are going in my new 225 72x30x24 100 gallon sump c/w

Potters, I have my pair and are doing great
Flame angel, have my male and looking for a female

Can any of these wrasses be a pair? or who won't play nice with each other
Flame wrasse
Potters wrasse
Elegant coris wrasse
Ornate wrasse

Fourspot BF
Bluestrip BF
Racoon BF
Milletseed BF
Tinker's BF someday
Pyramid BF
Longnose BF did not make it out of Qt along with the kleineii and auriga, still want to do this fish though
How about a Reticulated BF instead of the auriga. I will not be doing the kleinni

Indigo dart fish
Fantail file fish This fish I have, doing great
Longnose hawkfish
Lantern Toby

Achielles Tang This fish I have and he is fat and happy . I am doing TT still has some spots
Kole tang I have this one
Yellow tang I have this one
Chevron tang
Dwarf moray But what do you thing of a snowflake instead

Can I keep a red pencil urchin with this group
Thanks for looking over the list AGAIN.
What a great thread. I will throw in my intended livestock.

60g cube with 29 sump - mixed reef

A bonded pair of ocellaris already in the tank.

I am planning on:
Macropharyngodon bipartitus - Blue star Leopard wrasse
Halichoeres melanurus - Hoeven's Wrasse I would not try both of these wrasses in this sized tank
Ecsenius midas - Midas Blenny
Calloplesiops altivelis - Marine Betta probably a bit too large for this sized tank as it will make the tank look undersized; also, this fish is rather reclusive

Any thoughts, ideas and concerns? Thank you for your time.
Sorry Steve, these are going in my new 225 72x30x24 100 gallon sump c/w

Potters, I have my pair and are doing great
Flame angel, have my male and looking for a female

Can any of these wrasses be a pair? or who won't play nice with each other
Flame wrasse can be a male plus one or more females of different sizes
Potters wrasse
Elegant coris wrasse
Ornate wrasse

any of the three above would work as a male plus female

Fourspot BF
Bluestrip BF
Racoon BF red sea endemic is preferred if available
Milletseed BF
Tinker's BF someday excellent fish
Pyramid BF
Longnose BF did not make it out of Qt along with the kleineii and auriga, still want to do this fish though
How about a Reticulated BF instead of the auriga. I will not be doing the kleinni

I would not try all of these butterfly fish in a six foot tank; however four would work

Indigo dart fish
Fantail file fish This fish I have, doing great
Longnose hawkfish
Lantern Toby

Achielles Tang This fish I have and he is fat and happy . I am doing TT still has some spots
Kole tang I have this one
Yellow tang I have this one I would not add a yellow or chevron plus the other two in a six foot tank; yellow tangs, once established are very aggressive especially towards addition conspecifics; since you have it, I would definitely not add the Chevron
Chevron tang
Dwarf moray But what do you thing of a snowflake instead the golden dwarf moray would be preferred

Can I keep a red pencil urchin with this group probably not
Thanks for looking over the list AGAIN.

sorry about not understanding your prior post
I'd there another wrasse you'd recommend or different species all together

Halichoeres are peaceful but the issue is that leopard wrasses, and in fact most wrasses, eat constantly so the competition for food in your sized tank is the limiting factor. In a larger tank, you could have a flasher wrasse which would not compete with the leopard wrasse, but they are very active (and prolific jumpers) so tank size is important.
Thanks Steve. I would like to add a powder blue tang next..which fish would you recommend I subtract in order to add the blue tang.

Thank you in advance

You currently have:

2 clown fish
3 blue damsels
1 foxface lo remove
3 Blue Green Chromis
1 blueface angel fish remove
1 naso tang remove

You need a much larger tank than what you have now, even for your current fish list. IMO.

This thread is only answered by Reef Central Staff. While we strongly encourage your participation any where else on Reef Central, we would appreciate your not answering in this thread. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
We are working on stocking our standard 90 gallon mixed-reef DT. It's been up and running about a year and a half after seeding dry rock/sand. I'm wondering how full it is and what else can work with our planned list.

- Ecosystem pro sump w/ bubble magus nac-6 skimmer/UV sterilizer/dual cabron/GFO reactor
- 75 gallon refugium with DSB and excess rock elevated off sand bed.

Currently stocked:
- 1 - Purple Firefish
- 1 - Yellow Watchman Goby paired w/ tiger pistol shrimp
- 2 - Occy Clowns
- 1 - Tailspot Blenny
- 3 - Zebra Barred Dartfish

- 1 - Blood Red Fire Shrimp
- 3 - Peppermint Shrimp

- 2 - Maxima Clams
- assorted LPS / SPS / Zoa / Mushrooms

In 10 gallon QT/observation after TTM awaiting move to DT:
- 1 - Royal Gramma

Things we would like to consider adding down the line after system adjust to new bio-load some:
- small school of blue-eyed Cardinals (5-9?)
- Harum of Flasher Wrasse (1 male - 3 female)
- a Yellow Eye Kole Tang or a Foxface ("or similar larger show fish/algae eater")

- We have considered a Coral Beauty as an alternative to something above or if there was still space. I would love the "2 big fish" to be the Tang and Coral Beauty, but I'm pretty sure we are starting to get to the end of space.

I could sacrifice #'s on the Blue-eye Cardinals and do a pair of Flasher Wrasse if a combination of these future additions is possible.

Coming from years of stocking fresh water and having never stocked a saltwater reef yet, I appreciate the guidance.
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