PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Hi Steve, Got the Firefish - all good there. Also got the female C. Solorensis. She hid for the first two days, but is starting to venture out during feeding times. She's been chased by the Male, which is larger, and the Kole Tang, but nothing too bad yet. Today, she spent more time swimming out near her hiding spot and is eating well. I was able to get a couple of pictures. Do you think it looks like a true female C. Solorensis, or a juvenile that might turn male? My thinking is that it is a female because when I got the male, he was smaller than this female and was already the same colors he is now. Anyway, thanks for all the help.

Difficult for me to tell from the pictures. Based on the chasing, it could be a juvenile on the way to becoming a male. However I can not say definitively.
Upgrading this week from 30G to a 3x2x2 (70G approx.?)

I currently have a pair of Bangaiis, a yellow clown goby, and a Mandarin.

I'd like to add:

Pair of saddle clowns

One Spot Foxface

Wrasse of some kind (open to suggestions)

Maybe a Royal Gramma if there's capacity in the system
Upgrading this week from 30G to a 3x2x2 (70G approx.?)

I currently have a pair of Bangaiis, a yellow clown goby, and a Mandarin.

I'd like to add:

Pair of saddle clowns

One Spot Foxface

Wrasse of some kind (open to suggestions)

Maybe a Royal Gramma if there's capacity in the system

Your tank is marginal at best for a mandarin long term. Otherwise your plan should be fine. However do not even consider a six line wrasse with a mandarin.
So I've been doing TONS of research, and I have the basic idea of most things. Most people say to get an idea of what livestock you're wanting, to get a plan going on what setup you're going to need for those fish. So I have a few picked out, and yes I know all of these won't fit in the tank! xD Just trying to see what group of fish will be best for me, since this will be my first saltwater tank.

Also, I'm trying to stay on the smaller end of the budget since I'm a student and don't have the endless amounts of money to start off with a nice big tank right off the bat. Just looking to get my feet wet before I start off with something big, and invest thousands in. I know that this is also an expensive hobby, and that you can't skimp on things. That's why I'm wanting to start off with a smaller tank. 40 gallons or less. I'm weary of nano tanks, because of what I hear about them.. But I'm open to new opinions and experienced advice! I'm aware that a bigger tank is a lot easier to begin with, but I'm literally the most OCD perfectionist you know.. So I think I have he ability to perfect the tank in time, and work hard to keep everything happy. So long story short, could you wrap me up a plan with the fish, inverts, corals I'm interested in? What size tank will be best, sump advice, and anything you can think of. I love listening to people's advice, so throw it at me

Percula Clownfish(B&W or orange)
Royal Gramma
Orchid Dottyback
Midas Blenny
Banggai Cardinal (love these)
Purple Firefish
Carpenters Flasher Wrasse

Bird's nest
Colt Coral
Xenia (love)
Kenya Tree Coral
Sun Corals (love the color)
Pink Anthelia
Frogspawn (I've heard mix opinions on this, due to the slightly more need for lighting, compared to others)

*****I am in no means wanting to put ALL of these in the same tank. I'm simply just asking for what would go together best for me as a beginner****
(I copied and pasted this from the thread I made)
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Your tank is marginal at best for a mandarin long term. Otherwise your plan should be fine. However do not even consider a six line wrasse with a mandarin.

Thanks Snorvich :)

Would that include the final addition of a Royal Gramma (or similar small pretty fish chosen by the Mrs)?

Also, the Mandarin is an odd one. He eats whatever is fed into the tank, and had become a rather rotund little fella until a clash with a hitchhiker crab that left him with a misbarred face and resulted in him not eating for weeks, which made him skinny again. Seems to be steadily regaining weight again now though :)

Edit: Forgot to add, the sixline is firmly on the DONT WANT list already due to aggressive reputation. Is there a type or a specific wrasse you'd suggest?

EDIT2: Would a Christmas Wrasse be alright with the aforementioned stock?

Would I be able to get a cleaner shrimp with a Christmas Wrasse? LiveAquaria says it will eat wild shrimp but doesn't mention ornamentals. I'd like some sexy shrimp and two cleaners unless they'll become food
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Thanks Snorvich :)

Would that include the final addition of a Royal Gramma (or similar small pretty fish chosen by the Mrs)?


Also, the Mandarin is an odd one. He eats whatever is fed into the tank, and had become a rather rotund little fella until a clash with a hitchhiker crab that left him with a misbarred face and resulted in him not eating for weeks, which made him skinny again. Seems to be steadily regaining weight again now though :)

"Plumpness" may or may not be good.

Edit: Forgot to add, the sixline is firmly on the DONT WANT list already due to aggressive reputation. Is there a type or a specific wrasse you'd suggest?

Possum wrasse

EDIT2: Would a Christmas Wrasse be alright with the aforementioned stock?

Not with a mandarin

Would I be able to get a cleaner shrimp with a Christmas Wrasse? LiveAquaria says it will eat wild shrimp but doesn't mention ornamentals. I'd like some sexy shrimp and two cleaners unless they'll become food

Live Aquaria is right. They would become food.
So I've been doing TONS of research, and I have the basic idea of most things. Most people say to get an idea of what livestock you're wanting, to get a plan going on what setup you're going to need for those fish. So I have a few picked out, and yes I know all of these won't fit in the tank! xD Just trying to see what group of fish will be best for me, since this will be my first saltwater tank.

Also, I'm trying to stay on the smaller end of the budget since I'm a student and don't have the endless amounts of money to start off with a nice big tank right off the bat. Just looking to get my feet wet before I start off with something big, and invest thousands in. I know that this is also an expensive hobby, and that you can't skimp on things. That's why I'm wanting to start off with a smaller tank. 40 gallons or less. I'm weary of nano tanks, because of what I hear about them.. But I'm open to new opinions and experienced advice! I'm aware that a bigger tank is a lot easier to begin with, but I'm literally the most OCD perfectionist you know.. So I think I have he ability to perfect the tank in time, and work hard to keep everything happy. So long story short, could you wrap me up a plan with the fish, inverts, corals I'm interested in? What size tank will be best, sump advice, and anything you can think of. I love listening to people's advice, so throw it at me

Assuming a 40 gallon tank but not less

Percula Clownfish(B&W or orange) fine
Royal Gramma fine
Orchid Dottyback slightly aggressive
Midas Blenny fine
Banggai Cardinal (love these) fine
Purple Firefish fine
Carpenters Flasher Wrasse due to activity level, needs a larger tank

Bird's nest
Colt Coral
Xenia (love)
Kenya Tree Coral
Sun Corals (love the color)
Pink Anthelia
Frogspawn (I've heard mix opinions on this, due to the slightly more need for lighting, compared to others)

*****I am in no means wanting to put ALL of these in the same tank. I'm simply just asking for what would go together best for me as a beginner****
(I copied and pasted this from the thread I made)
A dottyback will limit your potential tank mates. A B/W striped damsel is not a fish you will want as it is a PITA. A clown added must be smaller than the existing clownfish.

What if I was to change the Dottyback to a Royal Gramma Basslet? I really like the color change.

Also my clown fish now is on the smaller size I would say 1.5" What if I get one of the same size?
Thanks for all the work you do here snorvich, it's definitely appreciated.

I have a 40gal breeder tank (36x18x17) with a screened top, roughly 50 lbs of rock, 2-3" rough sand bed and a 20g sump with skimmer. The tank is still cycling, so I'm working on ideas for the future stock list.

I have a 10g quarantine tank up and running with:

2 oscellaris clowns
1 hi fin goby
1 tiger pistol shrimp

In the future I'm thinking of adding:

1 royal gramma
1 sailfin blenny
1 banggai cardinal
1 blue dot jawfish (unsure if this would work with a blenny)
1 carpenters flasher wrasse (hopefully? unsure if 40g will work out) edit: just saw above post, so nm on that

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Thanks for all the work you do here snorvich, it's definitely appreciated.

I have a 40gal breeder tank (36x18x17) with a screened top, roughly 50 lbs of rock, 2-3" rough sand bed and a 20g sump with skimmer. The tank is still cycling, so I'm working on ideas for the future stock list.

I have a 10g quarantine tank up and running with:

2 oscellaris clowns
1 hi fin goby
1 tiger pistol shrimp

In the future I'm thinking of adding:

1 royal gramma
1 sailfin blenny
1 banggai cardinal
1 blue dot jawfish (unsure if this would work with a blenny)
1 carpenters flasher wrasse (hopefully? unsure if 40g will work out) edit: just saw above post, so nm on that


Fine plan with only one issue (beyond the flasher wrasse); a blue spotted jawfish needs lower temperature than most people keep and a fairly deep semi-structured substrate. The latter requirement can be satisfied with pre-constructed PVC piping, however.
You're a hero Snorv!

Thanks so much for your invaluable advice.

One last question, would possum wrasse benefit from being kept as a pair? Just been watching one on YouTube and the Mrs decided she likes it so could potentially omit the Gramma for a second possum
Do you think those corals will be good, down the road? I love the Xenia, but I've heard mixed opinions on the frogspawn and sun corals because they're harder to keep alive.

& okay, I think I'm set on a 40g breeder, that's what everyone has said, and not to do anything smaller.

What size sump should I have for a 40g then?
Do you think those corals will be good, down the road? I love the Xenia, but I've heard mixed opinions on the frogspawn and sun corals because they're harder to keep alive.

& okay, I think I'm set on a 40g breeder, that's what everyone has said, and not to do anything smaller.

What size sump should I have for a 40g then?

This thread is only about marine fish compatibility. For other questions, start your own thread in the appropriate forum.
I have a 75 gal FOWLR with about 30 lbs of pukani rock. Maybe corals down the road Looking to get:
1 or 2 bicolor dottyback
2 clowns
1 or 2 blue/green reef chomis
1 puffer
New guy

New guy

Ok here I am, I've been out of aquariums for 20 years. Prior to that I had 2 20 gallons and a 55. I really enjoy Oscars and Knife fish (yes I know they Don't go together) I have recently come off active duty and have my house and shop to establish in aqua heaven. It's been a long road but I am working my way into a HUGE undertaking and would appreciate ANY and ALL help you can give me.

As I said I like Oscars and all Cichlids. I currently have a 125 set up for a little over a month at my house that was an established tank, just drained and moved.

I have 3 albino Oscars 4 tiger Oscars, 4 black tail sharks, 3 Plecos, 4 corys, 3 jack Dempsey, 3 blue cichlids, 3 bumble bees, and 5 or 6 more that I am forgetting....

I HAVE grow in tanks bought and am in the process of climate controlling my shop to accommodate 1 125, 2x 55, 3 40Ls, and 6 20s. I want to grow my Oscars and breed them, build a community tank and a planted grow tank. All the shop tanks will be located in a separate building with water and floor drain. I know its going to be A HUGE amount of work and I want to go further properly so that all my fish can grow, be healthy, happy and disease free.

I am as you can see a freshwater guy so forgive me if this is posted in the wrong area... Awaiting replies!
I have a 75 gal FOWLR with about 30 lbs of pukani rock. Maybe corals down the road Looking to get:
1 or 2 bicolor dottyback highly aggressive and only one
2 clowns species?
1 or 2 blue/green reef chomis More than one will be reduced to one over time
1 puffer Many puffers require larger tanks

I do not provide analysis of aggressive fish community tanks; I cannot assess the effect of a puffer in this mix. You can start a thread in Aggressive Fish Forum.
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