PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Why do you want to get rid of bristle worms? They are possibly the best members of a CUC.

This thread is only answered by Reef Central Staff. While we strongly encourage your participation any where else on Reef Central, we would appreciate your not answering questions here. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Current Stock List:
Maldives Lyretail Anthias (Female)
Maldives Lyretail Anthias (Female)
Maldives Lyretail Anthias (Female)
Maldives Lyretail Anthias (Male)
S & R Phantom Clownfish three clownfish will almost certainly become two clownfish over time
S & R Picasso Clownfish
S & R Picasso Clownfish
S & R Black Neon Dottyback very aggressive and may limit tank mates
S & R Black Neon Dottyback

Would like to add the following all at once:
Purple Tang
Powder Blue Tang
Regal Angel

Probably will work. The risk is that the angel fish may not eat due to intimidation
60gal cube with 30 sump.
Royal Gamma x1
Ocellaris clown x2
Kauderns Cardinal x2
McCoskers' Flasher Wrasse x1
Blue/green chromis x3
feel free to check back for analysis with any plan changes

New (to me) 70gal 36x18x25 tank with 20 gal sump, skimmer, uv, 80lbs live rock and just finished the cycle.

Stocking plan:
4 Banggai Cardinals only a male/female pair will make it long term
1 Bi-color angel (also keeping mushrooms, zoas and other softies, i think this will be ok)
1 blue-spot goby, or similar

Thanks for the feedback.

I'll drop to 2 of Banggai Cardinals
1 Chalk Bass
2 Ocellaris clownfish (not really crazy about these, but seems a requirement)
Would like another dwarf angel, coral beauty or flame, if that would work.
60gal cube with 30 sump.
Royal Gamma x1
Ocellaris clown x2
Kauderns Cardinal x2
McCoskers' Flasher Wrasse x1
Blue/green chromis x3

The chromis will almost certainly reduce to one over time; also be very careful as chromis are highly susceptible to uronema marinum.
New (to me) 70gal 36x18x25 tank with 20 gal sump, skimmer, uv, 80lbs live rock and just finished the cycle.

Stocking plan:
4 Banggai Cardinals only a male/female pair will make it long term
1 Bi-color angel (also keeping mushrooms, zoas and other softies, i think this will be ok)
1 blue-spot goby, or similar

Thanks for the feedback.

I'll drop to 2 of Banggai Cardinals fine
1 Chalk Bass fine
2 Ocellaris clownfish (not really crazy about these, but seems a requirement)
Would like another dwarf angel, coral beauty or flame, if that would work.
a second dwarf angel would work instead of the clownfish if added concurrently with the other dwarf angel. However, with two dwarf angels, adding nori would be indicated
I have since removed my tangs (sadly, the moorish Idol I had for 5 months passed).

Tank is 68 x 32 x 22 with mainly wrasses. Is adding a bluethroat trigger (single or pair) ok? I am aware they'll hunt some CUC or shrimps
I have since removed my tangs (sadly, the moorish Idol I had for 5 months passed).

Tank is 68 x 32 x 22 with mainly wrasses. Is adding a bluethroat trigger (single or pair) ok? I am aware they'll hunt some CUC or shrimps

It is impossible to provide an accurate analysis without total stocking plan; however, I do not analyze aggressive fish community tanks. Best to post your question here.
I have 2 clown fish. my tank is 4 months old. eventually want mixed reef.

I would like to get a six line wrasse, but i have seen you say that it doesnt mix well with alot of other fish.

my stocking list is

bangai cardinal
pj cardinal
purple firefish
and either
flame angel or more likely a coral beauty

does the wrasse mix with all of these. in what order should i introduce them?
I have 2 clown fish. what species?

my tank is 4 months old. eventually want mixed reef.

I would like to get a six line wrasse, but i have seen you say that it doesnt mix well with alot of other fish.

my stocking list is

bangai cardinal
pj cardinal
purple firefish
and either
flame angel or more likely a coral beauty dwarf angels, because they graze constantly, need a larger tank

does the wrasse mix with all of these. No. Especially the firefish in what order should i introduce them?

Always most aggressive last
six line wrasses mix poorly with many fish and it is not always predictable which ones and how badly.

thanks. am I better off with a Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus carpenteri) or McCosker's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus mccoskeri) than the 6 line?
thanks. am I better off with a Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus carpenteri) or McCosker's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus mccoskeri) than the 6 line?

Either would be better but either might be a bit high energy for this sized tank
Does your clown type match your anemone species?

I think so, the clowns haven't took interst in the anemone. I have added a pair of carpenter wrasse over the weekend.
Fish list for 65 gal update:
3 Darwin or Shannon 'a clowns
2 carpenter flasher wrasses
1 alge blenny

I will add a prawn goby eventually. Can I add another flasher female in the next few days? I don't want the new fish to be bullied . Thx:)
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