Is it okay to qt the Pseudochromis fridmani and pj Cardinal together?
Does the fridmani need to be added after a goby or Firefish or blue reef chromis if I choose one of them ?
Thanks for your help btw
Have a 60 gallon cube with sump has been set up for a month. 3 inch sandbed, live rock.
Current inhabitants:
3 astrea snails
1 canary blenny
Would like to eventually have the following with the blenny:
Purple firefish
Pair of clowns - not sure which ones to add
mandarin tank is not large enough to sustain a mandarin
Coral banded shrimp can and will take fish
Will these work? And any suggestions on type of clowns? In this sized tank, you cannot maintain the more aggressive species so you will need to focus on A. percula or A. ocellaris
Thank you for any help!
Hello Steve,
I want to thank you for your help as my stocking list evolved and tell you where it wound up.
PJ Cardinals x 3
Bicolor Blenny
Midas Blenny
Royal Gramma
Hoeven's Wrasse
Yellow Coris Wrasse
Huchtii Anthias male
Resplendant Anthias female
Lyretail Anthias female
Kole Tang
With the corals as well the tank is a riot of color and motion. Gorgeous.
Thank you again.
(If only there was a natural predator I could add to decimate the vermetids...)
Hi, I'm putting up a small tank, 20g, at my office with a skimmer and hob filter. I'd like to put the following in the tank.
1. Existing pair of small percs (from my main tank)
2. Yellow Watchman & pistol shrimp (new)
3. cleaner shrimp
4. pom pom crab
Any issues with the 3 fish getting along with 2 shrimp and the crab. My main tank is a 240 with two sets of clowns and I wanted to split them out.
Hello I have a 40gal mixed reef 2 clowns, 2 firefish, 1 baby yellow tank, 1 royal gramma, 1 cleaner shrimp, 2 peppermint shrimps, 1 brittle starfish and a queen conch, I want to add a wrasse, but should it be ok in there, do j have to add more than one? Thanks
Can I keep a McCosker's flasher and a Melanurus Wrasse together? I have a 60gal cube with 30 sump.
Will be with a royal gamma, two percs, and eventually two cardinals.
I have read that any wrasse can become aggressive and the two wrasses would be placed into the tank together at the same time.
Quick question - I have a 100gish tank (I think technically 105). It's relatively new (5 months) and I was looking ahead 7months(ish) to getting a Mandarin dragonet. I'm aware that they require a solid population of pods.
I currently have a Tanka's Pygmy Wrasse (awesome dude, out and about all the time). It eats meaty food when I feed the fish, but he also picks at (what I presume) are pods all day.
QuestionWill having the Pygmy Wrasse prevent me from supporting a Mandarin due to their similar diets?
Thanks again!
steve is it common for orange spot blemmy to jump out of tank. bought one and it was dead the next morning, found it on the floor i also purchased a sleeper goby, my sally or hermit crab got to him. Are there any bottom fish i can get to withstand the sally crab or should i just capture my 2 sally. ps how do u catch them without pulling all the rock out.