PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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I have a 55 gallon tank with two mandarins, one green, one spotted, and as well as a red scooter blenny. All of them are happy and eating. But I have a ten year sand bed that has live black worms in it and they keep reproducing providing me a stable food supply for them all

In my opinion, that is not long term stable.
Alright, won't go with the six line wrasse. What about a yellowtail damsel? I know they are semi-aggressive, but they will be the last addition to the tank.
Six line wrasses are highly aggressive. The firefish will not do well in that circumstance.

Alright, won't go with the six line wrasse, but would a yellowtail damsel be ok? I know they are semi-aggressive, but it will be the last addition to the tank.

Hello snorvich,
I have a 40g breeder, 10g sump
with 4 Three Stripe Damsels, 1 False Percula Clownfish, 1 Lawnmower Blenny,1 Coral Banded Shrimp, 1 Fire Shrimp, 1 Peppermint Shrimp,1 Sally Light Foot, and 2 Emerald Crabs,, and several turbos and various other snails, few blue leg hermits
1 LTA, 1 Condylactis


When I move up to new tank 72" x 24" 20" of water.. (two months to go) The Emeralds and Hermits will go in the sump when move happens...
Would like to include a Mandrin once the new tank get stable enough to support it..

These are what I am looking at

Ignitus Anthias (Pseudanthias ignitus)
Blotched Anthias (Odontanthias borbonius)
Fathead Sunburst Anthias (Serranocirrhitus latus)
Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus carpenteri)

Not sure on quantity and mix..Need some help with that also
Alright, won't go with the six line wrasse, but would a yellowtail damsel be ok? I know they are semi-aggressive, but it will be the last addition to the tank.


Since I cannot go backwards in this thread, please submit tank size and complete planned stocking plan. Thanks!
Hello snorvich,
I have a 40g breeder, 10g sump
with 4 Three Stripe Damsels very aggressive, may cause problems with the water column fish , 1 False Percula Clownfish, 1 Lawnmower Blenny,1 Coral Banded Shrimp, 1 Fire Shrimp, 1 Peppermint Shrimp,1 Sally Light Foot, and 2 Emerald Crabs,, and several turbos and various other snails, few blue leg hermits Emerald crabs, sally lightfoot crab and coral banded shrimp can take fish
1 LTA, 1 Condylactis

When I move up to new tank 72" x 24" 20" of water.. (two months to go) The Emeralds and Hermits will go in the sump when move happens...
Would like to include a Mandrin once the new tank get stable enough to support it.. Your crab population may not allow that

These are what I am looking at These should be fine

Ignitus Anthias (Pseudanthias ignitus)
Blotched Anthias (Odontanthias borbonius)
Fathead Sunburst Anthias (Serranocirrhitus latus)
Carpenter's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus carpenteri)

Not sure on quantity and mix..Need some help with that also
ive been thinking about what i want to put in my 55 gal. *its cycled and all but it only has a snail in it lol*

so i was thinking of my stocking being something like
2-3 False Percula Clownfish (with a fake anemone because its cute)
1 Pistol Shrimp (Randalli)
1 Yellow Watchman
1 Mandarin Dragonet
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1-3 pom pom crabs
30ish hermit crabs and snails ( i will add many shells to choose from!)
and possibly a 6 line wrasse (i was under the impression they were nice little dudes, but ive heard otherwise!)
1-2 cleaner clams?
1 Peppermint Shrimp
1 emerald crab
and assorted corals, mostly zoas though.

are these all suitable tankmates?
ive been thinking about what i want to put in my 55 gal. *its cycled and all but it only has a snail in it lol*

so i was thinking of my stocking being something like
2-3 False Percula Clownfish (with a fake anemone because its cute) two only
1 Pistol Shrimp (Randalli)
1 Yellow Watchman
1 Mandarin Dragonet needs a larger more mature tank
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1-3 pom pom crabs cute but you will never see them
30ish hermit crabs and snails ( i will add many shells to choose from!)
and possibly a 6 line wrasse (i was under the impression they were nice little dudes, but ive heard otherwise!) no six line wrasse due to aggression; pick hermits or snail but not both
1-2 cleaner clams?
1 Peppermint Shrimp
1 emerald crab can take fish once mature
and assorted corals, mostly zoas though.

are these all suitable tankmates?

this thread is only about marine fish compatibility; you will need to start your own thread in New to the Hobby to check on inverts
Thanks Snorvich,

So far the damsels have been behaving, but rather than take chances I think I will just leave them in the 40g and just have a damsel tank..
I like watching them do their Blue Angels/Warp Speed Conga Line act anyway..
Dont know how they can zip around like that without smacking into a rock..
Now if I could get the False Percula Clownfish to stop biting me when I reach in,, all will be well..

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New 15 g nano help please !

New 15 g nano help please !

Hello I'm new to this and I have a fluval complete m40 system. I'm ordering " the package" from tbs. or at least that's what I'm leaning towards . P,ease let me know if I shouldnt . However, I've read nothing but great things about them. I'm planning on having a couple clowns, soft corals, inverts, and other maybe a couple other pretty fish to be determined later hopefully with some from this.
Any advise and feedback would be greatly appreciated. also I've read that people have evaporation issues in the rimless nano tanks so maybe a cheap or makeshift ato system? Am I on the right track here?
Hello I'm new to this and I have a fluval complete m40 system. I'm ordering " the package" from tbs. or at least that's what I'm leaning towards . P,ease let me know if I shouldnt . However, I've read nothing but great things about them. I'm planning on having a couple clowns, soft corals, inverts, and other maybe a couple other pretty fish to be determined later hopefully with some from this.
Any advise and feedback would be greatly appreciated. also I've read that people have evaporation issues in the rimless nano tanks so maybe a cheap or makeshift ato system? Am I on the right track here?

As this system is only about marine fish compatibility, questions about equipment or other non-fish related issues should be in a separate thread in New to the Hobby. A fifteen gallon nano is not really enough for a pair of clownfish, so additional fish would be out of the question.

Fish for new setup

Fish for new setup

Hi all! New 120g tank w/ 30g sump/fuge completed cycling a week ago. Cleaner crew of hermits and emerald crabs are in and doing fine. Will be mixed reef w/ mostly lps and a few sps.

Desired fish:
- mated pair tank bred clowns (don't know specific breed)
- anemone
- yellow tang
- sapphire damsels (maybe two or three)
- mandarin (after tank matures 6 months or so)
- gobies (advice on breed appreciated)
- cleaner shrimp
- fire shrimp
Is it ok to qt the tang and damsels together or should I get them separate - qt is 30g?
- Green Star Polyp
- Hammer
- Frogspawn
- Cocina clam
- mushrooms

Thanks for any advice!
hello Steve. Starting a new 150 gallon with 60 gallon sump.

Here is the intended fish list:

-2 maroon clowns
-1 purple tang or 1 black tang
-1 chromis
-1 blue niger trigger
-5 dispar anthias
-1 midas blenny
Hi all! New 120g tank w/ 30g sump/fuge completed cycling a week ago. Cleaner crew of hermits and emerald crabs are in and doing fine. Will be mixed reef w/ mostly lps and a few sps.

Desired fish:
- mated pair tank bred clowns (don't know specific breed)
- anemone
- yellow tang last fish to be added
- sapphire damsels (maybe two or three)
- mandarin (after tank matures 6 months or so) nine months maturity is preferable
- gobies (advice on breed appreciated)
- cleaner shrimp
- fire shrimp
Is it ok to qt the tang and damsels together or should I get them separate - qt is 30g? since the tang should be last fish added, I would suggest not
- Green Star Polyp
- Hammer
- Frogspawn
- Cocina clam
- mushrooms

Thanks for any advice!

fine except as noted
hello Steve. Starting a new 150 gallon with 60 gallon sump.

Here is the intended fish list:

-2 maroon clowns very aggressive
-1 purple tang or 1 black tang
-1 chromis
-1 blue niger trigger triggers are unpredictable with regards to other fish, and are definitely not invert safe
-5 dispar anthias
-1 midas blenny
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