PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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I have a 99 gallon 36x25x24 aquarium with starfire inbound and should be here within 2 to 3 weeks. I would like a very colorful reef tank with inverts (shrimp, crabs) maybe a clam with sps and lps. I hope to have a nice collection of colorful fish swimming around at different levels of the tank, I have a list of several fish that I've considered and would love some input as to which would work best together (not the whole list obviously but the best options for my tank) from the following:

Respendent Anthias (x3 or so if possible)
gold assessor
bicolor bleeny
orange-black fairy wrasse
common cleaner wrasse will not survive; most do not
false percula clown Anthias (x2 or so if possible)
blue reef chromis Anthias (x3 or so if possible) chromis will become one over time and I would not mix with anthias above
golden headed sleepery goby will make a mess with your corals, then starve
orange stripe prawn goby
yellow headed jaw fish
yellow tang (while it's small) Reef Central does not recommend buying a fish that has to be rehomed
blue tang (while it's small) Reef Central does not recommend buying a fish that has to be rehomed
Bicolor angelfish (if possible)

I would love to do 2 small schools of the chromis and the anthias of 3 each to cover the top level if possible too. Thanks in advance for your time and your repsonse!

You are planning too many fish for this sized tank

not much improvement but here is the new stocking list for my 130 gallon
yellow and kole tang(will be introduced at the same time)
ocelaris clownfish pair
diamond goby and pistol shrimp
mandarin fish(after six months)
starry blenny
skunk shrimp
two firefish
royal gramma

if i still can add more
schooling fish, either anthias, chromis or cardinal fish
and a wrasse(dont know a good one yet)
not much improvement but here is the new stocking list for my 130 gallon
yellow and kole tang(will be introduced at the same time) last
ocelaris clownfish pair
diamond goby and pistol shrimp
mandarin fish(after nine months)
starry blenny
skunk shrimp
two firefish one
royal gramma

if i still can add more
schooling fish, either anthias, chromis or cardinal fish
and a wrasse(dont know a good one yet)

fine except as annotated
Here's an updated list, thoughts? It's for a 99 gallon 36x25x24:

dispar anthias x5
gold assessor
bicolor bleeny
Hawaiian flame wrasse (pair)
ocellaris clownfish
purple firefish goby
orange stripe prawn goby
Cherub Angel

Again, i'm looking to have some shrimp, crabs, anemonies, a crocea clam and some (not sure which) sps, lps, or leathers. Would the list of fish work well with these?
Here's an updated list, thoughts? It's for a 99 gallon 36x25x24:

dispar anthias x5
gold assessor
bicolor bleeny
Hawaiian flame wrasse (pair)
ocellaris clownfish
purple firefish goby
orange stripe prawn goby
Cherub Angel

Again, i'm looking to have some shrimp, crabs, anemonies, a crocea clam and some (not sure which) sps, lps, or leathers. Would the list of fish work well with these?

Dwarf angels are not coral safe necessarily. Otherwise fine.
Current tank is 29g biocube, LR, LS, with these fish:

2 - Ocellaris Clowns (doing very well so far)
1 - Purple Pseudochromis (my bad)
1 - Yellow Tail Blue Damsel (after Purple mistake, decided to try damsel, but not sure the Purple is going to let him live)

Can I add a coral banded shrimp, cleaner shrimp or similar? I plan to add some soft corals as well.
23.6" x 19.7" x 16.5" high jbj rimless. Tank is an lps/softie tank.

Fish and order I would add the fish.
1. Yellow Jawfish pair
2. Fire Fish
3. Wrasse?? I see recommendations for wrasse in this range but im a bit lost what is accepted and wont be a little bully. Some say flashers, longfin fairys, six line ( I know they are bad to be aggressive ) are accepted in a 30. It would be one male
4. Clownfish pair, ocellaris

On aqadvisor this ranks as 92% stocked without any crazy warnings. I just want to double check here.
Current tank is 29g biocube, LR, LS, with these fish:

2 - Ocellaris Clowns (doing very well so far)
1 - Purple Pseudochromis (my bad)
1 - Yellow Tail Blue Damsel (after Purple mistake, decided to try damsel, but not sure the Purple is going to let him live)

Can I add a coral banded shrimp, cleaner shrimp or similar? I plan to add some soft corals as well.

Coral banded shrimp can take fish. You have some problems with existing fish population as you know. The cleaner shrimp may work out.
23.6" x 19.7" x 16.5" high jbj rimless. Tank is an lps/softie tank.

Fish and order I would add the fish.
1. Yellow Jawfish pair
2. Fire Fish
3. Wrasse?? I see recommendations for wrasse in this range but im a bit lost what is accepted and wont be a little bully. Some say flashers, longfin fairys, six line ( I know they are bad to be aggressive ) are accepted in a 30. It would be one male no wrasses in this sized tank except possum wrasses and definitely not a six line wrasse
4. Clownfish pair, ocellaris

Assuming a possum wrasse, you are done

On aqadvisor this ranks as 92% stocked without any crazy warnings. I just want to double check here.

I would not add additional fish; quoting a "92% stocking" number is absurd.
Hello members, I've just gotten back into the hobby after about a 20 year hiatus. Long gone are the 40 to 90 gallon tanks I once had. I've set up a JBJ 28 gallon nano tank. Right now I've got it stocked with rock and am cycling it through the nitrogen cycle. A lot has changed since I originally was in the marine hobby. I want to establish a nice reef setting with as many small community fish as I can without overloading the tank. Any suggestions on a few fish for showing off the tank? Thanks for your input.
Hello members, I've just gotten back into the hobby after about a 20 year hiatus. Long gone are the 40 to 90 gallon tanks I once had. I've set up a JBJ 28 gallon nano tank. Right now I've got it stocked with rock and am cycling it through the nitrogen cycle. A lot has changed since I originally was in the marine hobby. I want to establish a nice reef setting with as many small community fish as I can without overloading the tank. Any suggestions on a few fish for showing off the tank? Thanks for your input.

this thread is only answered by reef central staff, in this case me. If you want general participation and suggestions, feel free to set up your own thread in new to the hobby. This thread analyzes stocking plans for marine fish compatibility with the environment you are providing. You can get a general sense reading up into this thread.

Hi Steve -

I've been looking through this thread. Thanks for all the good advice you give and any answers your provide to me.

I am setting up a 3 foot cube (36" square) with a 30 inch cube with refugium sump. I estimate total gallons to be just under 150 based off the amount of salt it took to 1.025-6. It has approximately 100 lbs of rock in it in addition to 80lbs of sand (half "live" and have...dead.) The tank is currently cycling.

I would like to set up the tank small peaceful fish spread across the water column.

Here is what I am thinking.

Chalk Bass x 4
Yellowtail Reef Basslet
Royal Gramma
Bartlett's Anthias
McCoskers Flasher Wrasse
Filamented Flasher Wrasse
Zebra Barred Dartfish
Mandarin Goby (Can this be added earlier than a year with copepod seeding? I have the ability to regularly replenish the copepod levels and the sump has a fairly large refugium - 30x18.)
Yellow Stripe Clingish
Red Head Goby
Green Clown Goby
PinkBar Goby
Sleeper Green Banded Goby

I know this is a lot of fish but I am purposely trying for smaller fish. Will the Gobies fight?

My tank does not have a cover on it. Will a screen cover work for fish that jump or would that not be a tight enough fit?

Thanks for any advice!
Hi Steve -

I've been looking through this thread. Thanks for all the good advice you give and any answers your provide to me.

I am setting up a 3 foot cube (36" square) with a 30 inch cube with refugium sump. I estimate total gallons to be just under 150 based off the amount of salt it took to 1.025-6. It has approximately 100 lbs of rock in it in addition to 80lbs of sand (half "live" and have...dead.) The tank is currently cycling.

I would like to set up the tank small peaceful fish spread across the water column.

Here is what I am thinking.

Chalk Bass x 4
Yellowtail Reef Basslet
Royal Gramma
Bartlett's Anthias
McCoskers Flasher Wrasse
Filamented Flasher Wrasse
Zebra Barred Dartfish
Mandarin Goby (Can this be added earlier than a year with copepod seeding? I have the ability to regularly replenish the copepod levels and the sump has a fairly large refugium - 30x18.) Not a goby, the only difficulty will be keeping copepod levels high enough as you have other copepod eaters.
Yellow Stripe Clingish difficult
Red Head Goby
Green Clown Goby
PinkBar Goby
Sleeper Green Banded Goby sand sifter so no corals on the sand substrate; infrequently available

I know this is a lot of fish but I am purposely trying for smaller fish. Will the Gobies fight? I do not think you will have fights

My tank does not have a cover on it. Will a screen cover work for fish that jump or would that not be a tight enough fit?

Thanks for any advice!

A lot of jumpers. 1/4 inch mesh would work.
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