PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Hello Snorvich and thank you for taking time on this helpful thread.
45 jbj rimless with hoemade screentop
Already have 2 perculas
Possible stock:
1 or 2 sunburst anthias
black cap basslet or other basslet
thank you

BSJ need cool temperatures and gentle tank mates for best results, anthias need a larger tank, most especially if more than one.
Hi Steve -

I'm still in the planning stages; just about done curing ~70 pounds of rock for a 75G with a 20-long sump. Eventually I want to house LPS corals, though perhaps a few SPS in the future. Of course it will be a while before I add fish, but here's my wishlist when the time comes:

Tangaroa goby

Wheeler's shrimp goby

Ocellaris clownfish x 2

White-banded possum wrasse

Orange-back fairy wrasse

I also plan to have a variety of shrimp (pistol, peppermint, skunk cleaner), snails/hermits (undecided) and maybe a brittle star.

Thanks for your time!


Does this plan look okay?
Tia for help! Running 155 bow mixed reef. 75 gallon sump with refugium. UV sterilizer, gfo reactor, regal 250 DC skimmer. Current fish load hippo 3.5", pair ocelaris female 2", tricolor wrasse, purple firefish, red firefish, pair bengai, royal gramma, damsel 1.5", yellow tang 3".

Looking to get a pride fish! Would love a pdr bl tang but seems to aggressive. Next choice is Achilles tang. Any thoughts or suggestions on these 2 or any other amazing prize fish that may work with this community?

P.s. what is the thought on more than 1 pair of clowns? My clowns won't host nem and would like to try a lightning pair. This would be instead of the prize.
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Tia for help! Running 155 bow mixed reef. 75 gallon sump with refugium. UV sterilizer, gfo reactor, regal 250 DC skimmer. Current fish load
hippo 3.5",
pair ocelaris female 2",
tricolor wrasse,
purple firefish, two firefish are not long term stable the vast majority of the time
red firefish,
pair bengai,
royal gramma,
damsel 1.5",
yellow tang 3".

You already have two tangs, one of which really needs a larger (longer) tank, adding a third one would not work well long term.

Looking to get a pride fish! Would love a pdr bl tang but seems to aggressive. Next choice is Achilles tang. Any thoughts or suggestions on these 2 or any other amazing prize fish that may work with this community?

P.s. what is the thought on more than 1 pair of clowns?

two pairs of clowns long term will become one pair of clowns as they sexually mature

My clowns won't host nem and would like to try a lightning pair. This would be instead of the prize.
Hi! I have a 33 gallon cube, wanting FOWLR.

How many fish can I have in a tank this size?

Thinking: - 2 Oscellaris (may go down to 1)
- Flame hawkfish
- White spotted pygmy filefish
- Yellow prawn goby
- Couple of clown gobies
Hi! I have a 33 gallon cube, wanting FOWLR.

How many fish can I have in a tank this size?

Thinking: - 2 Oscellaris (may go down to 1) One or two are the same behaviorally
- Flame hawkfish
- White spotted pygmy filefish
- Yellow prawn goby
- Couple of clown gobies

Subtract any two from your plan and you should be fine.
Good Afternoon. I have a 100g FOWLR with 40g sump, probably 15g in the fuge. Running dual p04 and carbon reactor, uv and Hydor 705 skimmer. My stock includes a few red leg hermits, a couple snails and the following fish.

1, 2 inch pacific blue tang
1, 3 inch yellow tang
1, purple fire fish
1, small pixy hawk.
1, Pulsing Xenia

I have great water parameters and I want to add a Blue Linckia Sea Star, and some beginner corals.

What is your opinion on beefing up the CUC and what would you add to a non-aggressive tank?

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155g Hex; 40g Sump; SRO 2000INT; 250lb LR and 100lb DSB

155g Hex; 40g Sump; SRO 2000INT; 250lb LR and 100lb DSB

Current Tank Inhabitants Include:

A variety of Gorgonian's, Sea Fans and Tree Sponges
(3) Peppermint Shrimp
(3) Tiger Tail Cucumbers
(1) Serpent Star
(2) Brittle Stars
Hermit Crabs (lots of extra grow out shells)
(1) Banggai Cardinal (from old setup)
(1) Black and Gold Damsel (mature - also from old setup) - unable to remove without tearing down tank. :(
(5) 1" Blue Green Reef Chromis (fiji) - Recently Purchased
(4) 1" Blue Reef Chromis (Caribbean) - Recently Purchased

To avoid further mistakes (B&G Damsel picking on Chromis & Chromis disappearing one by one - and fully expect the count to go down to one as you have previously mentioned), I'm looking for input for the rest of my stock list. Only wish I would have come across this thread a little sooner and thank you kindly for your insight.

It will be at least 6-8 weeks before I look to add any additional fish (at which time I expect the Chromis count to be pretty low).

Future Candidates (one only unless otherwise specified):
Chinstrap Jawfish
Yellow Eye Combtooth Blenny
Orange Back Fairy Wrasse
Pink-Streaked Wrasse
White-Banded Wrasse
Kole Yellow Eye Tang (added last)
Squaretail Britletooth Tang (added last with other Tang)

While the tank is 155gallon it is 30" tall, putting it only at 3' in diameter.

Thank you again.
According to what Steve just told you, yes.

While we encourage your participation in any area of Reef Central, we would appreciate it if you would not answer in this thread which is only answered by Reef Central Staff. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Good Afternoon. I have a 100g FOWLR with 40g sump, probably 15g in the fuge. Running dual p04 and carbon reactor, uv and Hydor 705 skimmer. My stock includes a few red leg hermits, a couple snails and the following fish.

1, 2 inch pacific blue tang Needs a much larger (longer) tank
1, 3 inch yellow tang Needs a larger tank
1, purple fire fish
1, small pixy hawk. May eat small fish or shrimp
1, Pulsing Xenia

I have great water parameters and I want to add a Blue Linckia Sea Star, and some beginner corals. The star fish will starve. Corals once the tank is a bit more mature

What is your opinion on beefing up the CUC and what would you add to a non-aggressive tank? Both those tangs will eventually become aggressive

Current Tank Inhabitants Include:

A variety of Gorgonian's, Sea Fans and Tree Sponges
(3) Peppermint Shrimp
(3) Tiger Tail Cucumbers
(1) Serpent Star
(2) Brittle Stars
Hermit Crabs (lots of extra grow out shells)
(1) Banggai Cardinal (from old setup)
(1) Black and Gold Damsel (mature - also from old setup) - unable to remove without tearing down tank. :(
(5) 1" Blue Green Reef Chromis (fiji) - Recently Purchased
(4) 1" Blue Reef Chromis (Caribbean) - Recently Purchased

To avoid further mistakes (B&G Damsel picking on Chromis & Chromis disappearing one by one - and fully expect the count to go down to one as you have previously mentioned), I'm looking for input for the rest of my stock list. Only wish I would have come across this thread a little sooner and thank you kindly for your insight.

It will be at least 6-8 weeks before I look to add any additional fish (at which time I expect the Chromis count to be pretty low). It takes a while before the chromis diminish down to one; probably a couple of years

Future Candidates (one only unless otherwise specified): these are all pretty good choices. For two tangs, I would prefer a longer tank, but if you add concurrently, once the tank is at least six months mature, it may work
Chinstrap Jawfish
Yellow Eye Combtooth Blenny
Orange Back Fairy Wrasse
Pink-Streaked Wrasse
White-Banded Wrasse
Kole Yellow Eye Tang (added last)
Squaretail Britletooth Tang (added last with other Tang)

While the tank is 155gallon it is 30" tall, putting it only at 3' in diameter.

Thank you again.
Here's what I am thinking. I have no fish yet so I'm also wondering what the best order of adding these fish are. I also have no idea what my max bio load should be so if this is too many then can you please suggest which ones to remove based on care level? Like if I have to take away any I'd rather take away the hard ones.

2 Banggai Cardinalfish
3 Blue Green Chromis
2 Percula Clownfish
1 Flame Angel
1 Sixline Wrasse
1 Mandarin Goby
1 Bicolor Pseudochromis
1 Fox Face Rabbit Fish
1 Sunburst Anthias (maybe)
1 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Bubble Tip Anenome
Hermit Crabs and Snails (can they go together or is one better than the other? Also, how many of these guys is good?)
Corals as I go!

My set up...75 gallon with 40# of live sand, 75-100 pounds of live rock (I didn't weigh it to be sure). I have a 55 gallon sump set up with the Herbie Overflow method. A filter sock, skimmer, and phosban reactor. In my refugium area I have chaeto algae growing. I'm still researching lighting and will plan to purchase some soon.
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