75 US Gallon, 47" long. 4x 54W T5HO lights with individual reflectors, Deltec MCE600 skimmer, 60lbs Caribsea Fiji Pink live sand, 2x Jebao WP25 Wavemakers, 11 US Gallon ATO reservoir, TMC V2 Auto Top Off kit, no sump.
I want to keep a mix of soft and LPS corals, and I imagine any SPS are out of the question with softies? If you research "alleopathy" you will find why it is difficult although not impossible
Current planned stocklist:
2x Ocellaris Clownfish
1x Royal Gramma Basslet
1x Yellow Tang add last
2x Bangaii Cardinal
Firefish (1 or 2?) one only
Orchid Dottyback
Blue Reef Chromis OR Neon Damselfish The chromis is less aggressive
Midas Blenny (possibly)
1x Cleaner Shrimp
1x Blood Shrimp
Emerald Mithrax Crabs can take fish
Hermit Crabs kill snails so pick hermits or snails
Trochus Snails
I dont know if this stocking is considered medium or heavy for a tank this size, and im also not sure how many of the clean-up crew i'll need.
fine, except as annotated