PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Hi Steve,

I have a 75g tank with 30g sump. I have a fuge and what I recently discovered is a healthy pod population. I started the tank in August but ran hypo from mid-dec to mid-feb, it seems to have set the tank back a bit.

So far, I have:

2 Occ clowns
Bicolor blenny

I plan on adding a Kole tang, but first I'm thinking I'd like to get a melanurus wrasse, but i just stumbled into some info on a red lined wrasse. It sounds like they stay slightly smaller, but have a similar activity level to the melanurus. Do you see an issue with a red lined, if i decided to go that route?

Halichoeres biocellatus are peaceful but do require sand; not totally invert safe but otherwise no issues
Apologies - struggling to get the 'quote' feature to work for me -
If I remove the valentine, should the sexy shrimps be compatible with remainder of tank inhabitants?

Originally Posted by Irishdolphin View Post

I have a 100g tank with
- 4 blue green chromis
- 2 ocellaris clownfish
- 1 diamond watchman goby
- 1 azure damsel
- 1 royal gramma
- 1 bicolor angel
- 1 valentini puffer
- 1 rollands damsel
- 1 yellow wrasse
- 2 fire shrimp
- 1 peppermint shrimp
- multiple BTA's and 2 LTA's

Would it be safe to add one or more sexy shrimp? IMO, no. The valentini puffer would contraindicate that.

Thanks in advance

No, the Halichoeres wrasse would not work either nor would any basslet including the gramma loretto. I do not recommend chromis as they will end up becoming only one and are highly susceptible to uronema marinum
At the tail end of the cycle so figure now would be a good time to get the fish stocking list all tightened up.

Tank is a 72 gallon bowfront, 25g sump with a Reef Octopus Classic 150 Skimmer. For water movement have two Koralia Evolution 1500 GPH and lighting Aquatic Life Light T5 HO 4-Lamp 4-Lunar.

Fish I want:

2 x Clownfish (Amphiprion Ocellaris)
1 x Purple Firefish (Nemateleotris decora)
1 x Black Axil Chromis (Chromis atripectoralis)
1 x Yellowtail Damselfish (Chrysiptera parasema)
1 x McCosker's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheillnus mccoskeri)
1 x Yellowstriped Cardinalfish (Ostorhinchus cyanosoma)
1 x Royal Gamma Basslet (Gramma loreto)

Fish I want if there's room/no compatibility issues:

1 x Clown Goby, Green ( Gobiodon atrangulatus)
1 x Gold Assessor Basslet (Assessor flavissimus)
1 x Court Jester Goby (Amblygobius rainfordi)
1 x Tail Spot Blenny (Ecsenius stigmatura)
1 x Tanaka's Pygmy Wrasse (Wetmorella tanakai)


I really need help with this one, not sure how many and of what to get. I like the looks of the feather dusters (Sabellastarte sp.), dwarf hermit crabs (and I see they come in different colors), really want a nice clam in this tank and maybe an urchin. For snails I really like the way the Spiny Star Astraea (Astraea phoebia) look - love their shells and I do want a Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis). A sea star would be a welcome addition as well.

I hope that this list is specific enough to help me put together a final stock for this tank. I realize I can't have ALL those fish and that some of those fish may view some of the inverts listed as food so they wouldn't work in the tank. But I tried to go through a list of the more peaceful beginner friendly fish and pick out those that I liked.
Current Set-Up:
40G Breeder w/ 20L sump, about 40-50 lbs. of Live Rock

Current Crew:
5 Blue Legged Hermits
2 Astraea Snails
5 Margarita Snails
5 Nass Snails
1 Emerald Crab
1 Candy Shrimp
1 Perc Clown
1 Lawnmower Blenny

I'm planning on doing a mixed reef with easy corals (zoas and such). Here are my wishes for future fish. Any help is greatly appreciated!!

Royal Gamma Basslet
Pajama Cardinals (2 or 3)
Bicolor Blenny
Catalina Goby
Firefish (2? Not sure on this one)
At the tail end of the cycle so figure now would be a good time to get the fish stocking list all tightened up.

Tank is a 72 gallon bowfront, 25g sump with a Reef Octopus Classic 150 Skimmer. For water movement have two Koralia Evolution 1500 GPH and lighting Aquatic Life Light T5 HO 4-Lamp 4-Lunar.

Fish I want: Fine

2 x Clownfish (Amphiprion Ocellaris)
1 x Purple Firefish (Nemateleotris decora)
1 x Black Axil Chromis (Chromis atripectoralis)
1 x Yellowtail Damselfish (Chrysiptera parasema) somewhat aggressive in this sized tank
1 x McCosker's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheillnus mccoskeri)
1 x Yellowstriped Cardinalfish (Ostorhinchus cyanosoma)
1 x Royal Gamma Basslet (Gramma loreto)

Fish I want if there's room/no compatibility issues: Fine; a bit on the crowded side if you add add

1 x Clown Goby, Green ( Gobiodon atrangulatus)
1 x Gold Assessor Basslet (Assessor flavissimus)
1 x Court Jester Goby (Amblygobius rainfordi)
1 x Tail Spot Blenny (Ecsenius stigmatura)
1 x Tanaka's Pygmy Wrasse (Wetmorella tanakai) superb fish

Inverts I do not analyze this in this thread as the subject is limited to marine fish compatibility; I suggest that you choose snails or hermits but not both.

I really need help with this one, not sure how many and of what to get. I like the looks of the feather dusters (Sabellastarte sp.), dwarf hermit crabs (and I see they come in different colors), really want a nice clam in this tank and maybe an urchin. For snails I really like the way the Spiny Star Astraea (Astraea phoebia) look - love their shells and I do want a Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis). A sea star would be a welcome addition as well.

I hope that this list is specific enough to help me put together a final stock for this tank. I realize I can't have ALL those fish and that some of those fish may view some of the inverts listed as food so they wouldn't work in the tank. But I tried to go through a list of the more peaceful beginner friendly fish and pick out those that I liked.
Current Set-Up:
40G Breeder w/ 20L sump, about 40-50 lbs. of Live Rock

Current Crew: hermits kill snails
5 Blue Legged Hermits
2 Astraea Snails
5 Margarita Snails
5 Nass Snails
1 Emerald Crab I do not recommend as when larger they are aggressive
1 Candy Shrimp The camel shrimp (Rhynchocinetes durbanensi) is not coral safe
1 Perc Clown
1 Lawnmower Blenny

I'm planning on doing a mixed reef with easy corals (zoas and such). Here are my wishes for future fish. Any help is greatly appreciated!!

Royal Gamma Basslet
Pajama Cardinals (2 or 3)
Bicolor Blenny
Catalina Goby No. This is a cold water fish
Firefish (2? Not sure on this one) One is fine; two is not

Fine except as annotated
Originally Posted by iced98lx View Post
Hi Steve thanks for the service to the community.

180 Gallon Mixed Reef, established for about 6 months

Current Fish:
2 B&W Clowns (Amphiprion ocellaris var.) Currently in tank
1 Redstripe Hogfish (Bodianus sepiacaudus) in QT Hogfish may be a problem with smaller fish and some shrimp.
1 BlueSpotted Watchman Goby (Cryptocentrus pavoninoides) in QT

Current Inverts:
1 Tuxedo Urchin (Mespilia globulus) Currently In Tank
1 Blood Red Fire Shrimp (Lysmata debelius) in QT

Fish Wants:
Black Cap Basslet (Gramma melacara)
5x Red Spot Cardinalfish (Apogon parvulus)
5x Lyretail Anthias (Pseudanthias squamipinnis) [[open to other anthias types, possibly Princess]]
3x Flasher Wrasse Family (unsure of specific type?)
2x Spotted Hawkfish (Amblycirrhites pinos) [[a pair if I can find them, one if I can't]] This fish will eat smaller fish and shrimp
1x Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens) zebrasoma tangs must be last fish added and should be added concurrently
1x Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum) zebrasoma tangs must be last fish added and should be added concurrently
1x Goldflake Angelfish (Apolemichthys xanthopunctatus) [[Understanding this not reef safe]]
Fine subject to annotated cautions

Steve, I wanted to let you know that the hogfish snacked on one of the red spot cardinals as soon as they hit the DT. Your advice is good even when it's bad (news).

Revised list for my 180 gallon reef:

Current Fish:
2 B&W Clowns (Amphiprion ocellaris var.) In DT
1 Redstripe Hogfish (Bodianus sepiacaudus) In DT
1 BlueSpotted Watchman Goby (Cryptocentrus pavoninoides) In DT
3x Red Spot Cardinalfish (Apogon parvulus) In DT (May be food for the hogfish :()

Current Inverts:
1 Tuxedo Urchin (Mespilia globulus) Currently In DT
1 Blood Red Fire Shrimp (Lysmata debelius) in DT

Fish Wants:
Black Cap Basslet (Gramma melacara)
5x Red Saddled Anthias (Pseudanthias flavoguttatus) [[open to other anthias types, possibly Princess]]
3x Flasher Wrasse Family (unsure of specific type?)
3x Zebra Barred Dartfish (Ptereleotris zebra)
1x Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens)
1x Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum)
Steve, I wanted to let you know that the hogfish snacked on one of the red spot cardinals as soon as they hit the DT. Your advice is good even when it's bad (news).


Revised list for my 180 gallon reef:

Current Fish:
2 B&W Clowns (Amphiprion ocellaris var.) In DT
1 Redstripe Hogfish (Bodianus sepiacaudus) In DT
1 BlueSpotted Watchman Goby (Cryptocentrus pavoninoides) In DT
3x Red Spot Cardinalfish (Apogon parvulus) In DT (May be food for the hogfish :() they will be

Current Inverts:
1 Tuxedo Urchin (Mespilia globulus) Currently In DT
1 Blood Red Fire Shrimp (Lysmata debelius) in DT may be ok, may not be.

Fish Wants:
Black Cap Basslet (Gramma melacara)
5x Red Saddled Anthias (Pseudanthias flavoguttatus) [[open to other anthias types, possibly Princess]] anthias do best with multiple feedings per day
3x Flasher Wrasse Family (unsure of specific type?) all, except the 8-line flasher wrasse, are behaviorally similar
3x Zebra Barred Dartfish (Ptereleotris zebra)
1x Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens)
1x Purple Tang (Zebrasoma xanthurum)

If possible, introduce both zebrasoma tangs concurrently; once established, they are highly territorial
I am not ready for fish yet, but I am planning ahead.

I will be keeping a 40 gallon breeder soft coral reef and I'm interested in having both a diamond watchman goby and a lawnmower blenny. I have a 65 gallon sump with a 27 gallon refugium. From what I've read they are somewhat similar yet have also some slightly different behavioral and dietary needs (lawnmower more of an algae grazer, and the goby more of a sand sifter).

I'm thinking these two would provide lots of differing activity and functions. Are they compatible? How soon after cycling could they be put in, or should there be a long wait for more of an established tank?
I am not ready for fish yet, but I am planning ahead.

I will be keeping a 40 gallon breeder soft coral reef and I'm interested in having both a diamond watchman goby and a lawnmower blenny. I have a 65 gallon sump with a 27 gallon refugium. From what I've read they are somewhat similar yet have also some slightly different behavioral and dietary needs (lawnmower more of an algae grazer, and the goby more of a sand sifter).

I'm thinking these two would provide lots of differing activity and functions. Are they compatible? How soon after cycling could they be put in, or should there be a long wait for more of an established tank?

They are compatible. I would wait on the blenny until the tank is more established. The watchman goby is not tank maturity dependent.
They are compatible. I would wait on the blenny until the tank is more established. The watchman goby is not tank maturity dependent.

That is what I was kind of thinking (about the blenny) given that it needs algae. Fantastic. That is what I was hoping for.

Thanks for your help. Also, just wanted to give you props for all you do giving advice on possible fish purchases here. Your time is very appreciated.
That is what I was kind of thinking (about the blenny) given that it needs algae. Fantastic. That is what I was hoping for.

Thanks for your help. Also, just wanted to give you props for all you do giving advice on possible fish purchases here. Your time is very appreciated.

Always a pleasure; kind words are appreciated.
Want: 1 sunburst anthias to complete my fish population..

Liveaquaria claims 70g minimum.. with what i got now.. i barely pull any skimmate. Whats 2g between friends.?? just wanna make sure im not out of line.

Currently have (fairly new, 1.5 months, upgraded my 29g to this):

68G Versa Series 35.5" x 19.5" x 21.5" (new)
25G 30 x 15 x 13, 3-chamber (new)
vertex IN80 protein skimmer (new)
BRS deluxe GFO/Carbon reactor
60lbs of LR -- (29lbs from prev tank)
60lbs LS (new)
2x a160we kessil (new)
RW-8 (new)
2x 425 koralia (from prev. tank)


2 false percs (1 new)
4 chromis (3 new)
1 royal gramma (from prev. tank)
1 Cleaner shrimp (from prev tank)
small CUC -- crabs and snails.

open brain (from prev. tank)
zoa frags (from prev. tank)
candy cane frag (new)
hammer (new)
green button polyps (from prev. tank)

planning to add more coral, coral is my main focus...
Want: 1 sunburst anthias to complete my fish population..

Liveaquaria claims 70g minimum.. with what i got now.. i barely pull any skimmate. Whats 2g between friends.?? just wanna make sure im not out of line.

bioload is not the only issue with Live Aquaria's recommendations for tank size. One anthias should be fine, a group, however, has social interactions such that a larger tank would be desirable.

Currently have (fairly new, 1.5 months, upgraded my 29g to this):

68G Versa Series 35.5" x 19.5" x 21.5" (new)
25G 30 x 15 x 13, 3-chamber (new)
vertex IN80 protein skimmer (new)
BRS deluxe GFO/Carbon reactor
60lbs of LR -- (29lbs from prev tank)
60lbs LS (new)
2x a160we kessil (new)
RW-8 (new)
2x 425 koralia (from prev. tank)


2 false percs (1 new)
4 chromis (3 new) will become one over time; careful, chromis are highly susceptible to uronema marinum
1 royal gramma (from prev. tank)
1 Cleaner shrimp (from prev tank)
small CUC -- crabs and snails.

open brain (from prev. tank)
zoa frags (from prev. tank)
candy cane frag (new)
hammer (new)
green button polyps (from prev. tank)

planning to add more coral, coral is my main focus...

THanks snorvich... im going for a single sunburst.. from my research, the suburst is not prone to jump and like to keep in the shade and in rockwork...

and since i dont have a top on the tank.. the sunburst seems a good fit.

i did have 5 chromis.. but from the beginning ONE, was a loner.. and then eventually lost his balance and died.. but the 4 i have left seem happy.. but only time will tell..
Hi Steve

I have a 100g tank with
- 4 blue green chromis
- 2 ocellaris clownfish
- 1 diamond watchman goby
- 1 azure damsel
- 1 royal gramma
- 1 bicolor angel
- 1 valentini puffer
- 1 rollands damsel
- 1 yellow wrasse
- 2 fire shrimp
- 1 peppermint shrimp
- multiple BTA's and 2 LTA's

Could I add a porcelain crab or a yasha goby & pistol shrimp pair?

Hi Steve

I have a 100g tank with
- 4 blue green chromis
- 2 ocellaris clownfish
- 1 diamond watchman goby
- 1 azure damsel
- 1 royal gramma
- 1 bicolor angel
- 1 valentini puffer
- 1 rollands damsel
- 1 yellow wrasse
- 2 fire shrimp
- 1 peppermint shrimp
- multiple BTA's and 2 LTA's

Could I add a porcelain crab or a yasha goby & pistol shrimp pair?


The puffer and/or the "yellow wrasse" may not be invert safe; two sand dwelling shrimp/gobies may not work well in this sized tank.
10 gallon with some base rock and some live rock I'm not sure exact weight but about 10 pounds. 10 pounds of live sand. For lighting I have a flu a Eco bright lED. A good filter and heater. A simple cleanup crew with 15 Ceriths 6 Californian Ceriths 4 nerites. The test levels are great nitrites 0 nitrates 0 ammonia 1. I am planing to get 1 Mexican turbo snail 1 giant nasurias snail. 2 hermit crabs. 1 small clown. 1 yellow tail blue damsel. And maby a cleaner shrimp but probly not. And also I have a pod starter pack in
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