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Hey Steve!

75 gallon upgrade about to get wet soon... 55 gallon currently with 2 OC's

2 Ocellaris (already have)
1 Yellow Eye Kole tang marginal at best; be careful the gracilaria does not spread to the dt
1 Blue spot jawfish needs a fairly extensive sand bed mixed with rock rubble; does best at cooler temperatures
1 Black combtooth blenny (concerned about having two Herbivores, but this tank is going to be softies/macro algae so there should be food. Also plan to grow Gracilaria in sump
and add to display for the kole tang, but want your opinion on this)​
Maybe will work; I would certainly add the tang at least 6-9 months down the road as the last fish
1 Hi fin red banded goby
1 Longnose hawkfish not shrimp safe
1 Flame angel (feel like I am pushing the limits with this one...) that is a lot of algae grazers for this sized tank

Thanks in advance!
Midas blenny?

Midas blenny?

I have a new setup that has just cycled. There are currently 30lbs live sand and 15lbs live rock and I'm adding another 10-15lbs of dry-live rock this weekend and will add more sand in the future. I'd like to get up to 3-4 inches of sand, right now I have only ~1.5inch. (Does this sound about right?)

The tank is a 55 gallon corner tank with pro clear aquatics wet/dry filter w/ protein skimmer (for a 120 gallon tank). I do want to upgrade this at some point to a refugium since I've read the bioballs aren't the best at removing nitrates.

My (basic) chemistry has been steady: pH 8.2-8.3, alkalinity 3.2-2.9 Meq/L, nitrate 5ppm, nitrites and ammonia 0ppm. I haven't been monitoring for Ca or Mg. Salinity is a bit low (1.023) - I'm topping up with salt water until it reaches 1.025.

I recently added the CUC (snails and hermits, 2 peppermint shrimp), a long spine urchin and then 2 firefish, and 2 scooter blennies (both female). Everyone is doing great (lucky for me the scooters eat frozen mysis and brine shrimp). I've started a pod culture as well and am adding several hundred pods (tisbe) about once a week.

I would really like to start adding some coral, but am not sure what would be the best to start with..... any suggestions? I don't have the best light right now (Fluval Sea Marine and Reef Full Spectrum LED 32W, 25000K), so I need to start with coral that are ok in moderate light. Any suggestions?

I would also like to add a midas blenny - but am worried he will nip my firefish. Since I've had the firefish a while now (and first) will adding the blenny now be a problem? I am concerned the midas will be too aggressive as I add more fish in the future...?

Thank you in advance for any and all suggestions!!
I have a new setup that has just cycled. There are currently 30lbs live sand and 15lbs live rock and I'm adding another 10-15lbs of dry-live rock this weekend and will add more sand in the future. I'd like to get up to 3-4 inches of sand, right now I have only ~1.5inch. (Does this sound about right?)

The tank is a 55 gallon corner tank with pro clear aquatics wet/dry filter w/ protein skimmer (for a 120 gallon tank). I do want to upgrade this at some point to a refugium since I've read the bioballs aren't the best at removing nitrates.

My (basic) chemistry has been steady: pH 8.2-8.3, alkalinity 3.2-2.9 Meq/L, nitrate 5ppm, nitrites and ammonia 0ppm. I haven't been monitoring for Ca or Mg. Salinity is a bit low (1.023) - I'm topping up with salt water until it reaches 1.025.

I recently added the CUC (snails and hermits, 2 peppermint shrimp), a long spine urchin and then 2 firefish, and 2 scooter blennies (both female). Everyone is doing great (lucky for me the scooters eat frozen mysis and brine shrimp). I've started a pod culture as well and am adding several hundred pods (tisbe) about once a week.

Two firefish will become one over time (a few months) and your tank is not mature enough for dragonets (scooter blennies)

I would really like to start adding some coral, but am not sure what would be the best to start with..... any suggestions? I don't have the best light right now (Fluval Sea Marine and Reef Full Spectrum LED 32W, 25000K), so I need to start with coral that are ok in moderate light. Any suggestions?

I would also like to add a midas blenny - but am worried he will nip my firefish. Since I've had the firefish a while now (and first) will adding the blenny now be a problem? I am concerned the midas will be too aggressive as I add more fish in the future...?

Some do report that they nip, others say they are ok.

Thank you in advance for any and all suggestions!!
Hi there, i am running a 65 gal mixed reef. Here is a description of my current setup, and livestock.

CPR remora skimmer
2x AquaSTAR 165W Dimmable LED
Hydor canister filter up to 90 gal

3/4"-1.5" shallow sand bed
85 pounds live rock
Assorted softies, zoas, palys, torch, frogspawn, some sps frags

1 crocea clam
1 gbt anemone
5 blue leg hermits
1 scarlet hermits
1 Halloween hermit
1 peppermint shrimp
1 emerald crab
1 skunk cleaner
3 nerites, 2 ceriths, 4 nassarius, 2 turbo

Currently have:
3 Darwin clown
1 melanurus wrasse
pair of carpenter wrasse (1m, 1f)
1 ywg, tiger pistol pair

want to add ether a midas blenny and/or exqusite wrasse (or yellow wrasse if i'm not add the midas)

Thanks !
Hi there, i am running a 65 gal mixed reef. Here is a description of my current setup, and livestock.

CPR remora skimmer
2x AquaSTAR 165W Dimmable LED
Hydor canister filter up to 90 gal

3/4"-1.5" shallow sand bed
85 pounds live rock
Assorted softies, zoas, palys, torch, frogspawn, some sps frags

1 crocea clam
1 gbt anemone
5 blue leg hermits
1 scarlet hermits
1 Halloween hermit
1 peppermint shrimp
1 emerald crab
1 skunk cleaner
3 nerites, 2 ceriths, 4 nassarius, 2 turbo hermits will kill these snails

Currently have:
3 Darwin clown likely only two will survive
1 melanurus wrasse
pair of carpenter wrasse (1m, 1f)
1 ywg, tiger pistol pair

want to add ether a midas blenny and/or exqusite wrasse (or yellow wrasse if i'm not add the midas) exquisite wrasse would be best

Thanks !
Hey Steve!

I have a 75 gallon mixed reef with Soft and LPS Coral

Current Inhabitants:
3 Lyretail Anthias
1 Yellow Tang
2 Occ. Clownfish
1 Flame Hawkfish
1 Blue Headed Wrasse
2 Serpent Starfish
Assorted Snails

Would it be possible to add Cirrhilabrus cf cyanopleura, Pseudocheilinus ocellatus, or Cirrhilabrus lubbocki (they're in order of preferability)? Thank you so much!
Hey Steve!

I have a 75 gallon mixed reef with Soft and LPS Coral

Current Inhabitants:
3 Lyretail Anthias
1 Yellow Tang needs a larger tank
2 Occ. Clownfish
1 Flame Hawkfish
1 Blue Headed Wrasse
2 Serpent Starfish
Assorted Snails

Would it be possible to add Cirrhilabrus cf cyanopleura, Pseudocheilinus ocellatus, or Cirrhilabrus lubbocki (they're in order of preferability)? Thank you so much!
The Pseudocheilinus ocellatus is not desirable; either of the other two would work
livestock question

livestock question

OK, so I have always wanted a bunch of sexy shrimp.
My new tank will be a 41 gallon DT, 90 gallon total water volume.
Its going to be SPS dominate.
I would like at least 6 better would be 10 sexy shrimp and need help on fish that will not eat them. They will be the center piece Invert if you will. All others need to be compatible.

I was thinking a pair of baby clowns, maybe...a harem of clowns? Just kidding. that's for my next tank...larger tank.

I would like bright colors, and was considering a few chalk bass.

oh, the tank dos not have a top. (attempting to make one) so none jumpers would be great.

Not wanting more then 3 fish tops. and as many shrimp as I can pack into the DT :D

OK, so I have always wanted a bunch of sexy shrimp.
My new tank will be a 41 gallon DT, 90 gallon total water volume.
Its going to be SPS dominate.
I would like at least 6 better would be 10 sexy shrimp and need help on fish that will not eat them. They will be the center piece Invert if you will. All others need to be compatible.

I was thinking a pair of baby clowns, maybe...a harem of clowns? Just kidding. that's for my next tank...larger tank.

I would like bright colors, and was considering a few chalk bass.

oh, the tank dos not have a top. (attempting to make one) so none jumpers would be great.

Not wanting more then 3 fish tops. and as many shrimp as I can pack into the DT :D


Chalk bass are definitely not safe with sexy shrimp. With no top you greatly limit fish choices
Chalk bass are definitely not safe with sexy shrimp. With no top you greatly limit fish choices
Ok, no chalk bass. Unfortunately my tank is a Fluva Osaka 155 and no tops are made for it. I have been attempting to craft one but my skills are....bad.

my tank build for some fyi.

Later today I will go by Lowes and get a piece plexiglass and see what I can do with is.
Check out the "egg crate" material (in lighting) at the home depot type stores. Easy to trim to size and fits over most top situations. Kicked myself that I water 9 years to add one…so easy
Check out the "egg crate" material (in lighting) at the home depot type stores. Easy to trim to size and fits over most top situations. Kicked myself that I water 9 years to add one"¦so easy

This thread is only answered by Reef Central Staff, in this case, me. While we encourage you to participate in all other areas of Reef Central, we would appreciate your not answering in this thread. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Hi - Love this thread! Anyway, Im a few days into my cycle so have a long way to go.

- 100g tank with 30g sump
- Have approx 150 gallons of live + dry rock
- Protein skimmer
- Refugium with 4-5 in sand

In about a month (or longer pending on the cycle), planning to purchase these online:
CUC (a package)
- 15 scarlet hermit crabs
- 30 Mexican/Margarita/Zebra Turbo Snails
- 50 Dwarf hermit
- 3 Abalone or 18 Banded Trochus Snails or 18 Turban Snails
- 2 Court Jester Goby or 2 Black Sailfin Blenny

Refugium Starter Kit
- Chaeto
- Red or Green Gracilaria Algae
- Ulva
- Amphipods
- Tisbe biminiensis

Then a couple of weeks after that, start looking into fish:
2 clownfish
2 dwarf angels - Flame angel and coral beauty (hopefully this will work)
1 puffer (blue spotted, Bennett's Sharpnose, Saddle Valentini)
1 Pearlscale Butterflyfish
1 Royal Gramma
1 Tang (plan is to introduce last - likely Yellow or Kole)

What do you think?
Hi - Love this thread!

I have been doing it now for five years

Anyway, Im a few days into my cycle so have a long way to go.

- 100g tank with 30g sump
- Have approx 150 gallons of live + dry rock
- Protein skimmer
- Refugium with 4-5 in sand

In about a month (or longer pending on the cycle), planning to purchase these online:
CUC (a package)
- 15 scarlet hermit crabs
- 30 Mexican/Margarita/Zebra Turbo Snails
- 50 Dwarf hermit
- 3 Abalone or 18 Banded Trochus Snails or 18 Turban Snails
- 2 Court Jester Goby or 2 Black Sailfin Blenny

I suggest going with either hermits or a variety of snails since hermits kill snails. I personally always opt for the snail assortment.

Refugium Starter Kit
- Chaeto
- Red or Green Gracilaria Algae
- Ulva
- Amphipods
- Tisbe biminiensis

Then a couple of weeks after that, start looking into fish:
2 clownfish
2 dwarf angels - Flame angel and coral beauty (hopefully this will work) It should but remember they are not coral safe; ideally tank should be mature before introduction as they are algae grazers
1 puffer (blue spotted, Bennett's Sharpnose, Saddle Valentini) Saddle valentini is excellent
1 Pearlscale Butterflyfish
1 Royal Gramma
1 Tang (plan is to introduce last - likely Yellow or Kole) kole is better in my opinion

What do you think?

Only issues are annotated.
This is a great thread. Thanks in advanced for any help!

I have not setup this tank, but my equipment includes a 28 gallon nano cube with a tunze 9002 protein skimmer, about 20-30 lbs of rock (already cycled in a tub), about 30 lbs of Nature's Ocean Bio-Activ Live Aragonite Reef Sand (grain size 0.5-1.7mm, natural white #1) for about 3 inches of sandbed, koralia powerhead and/or can use a jebao WP-25 powerhead. Looking for different types of personality of fish and also different colors of fish. Will do zoas and soft corals later with maybe SPS way later...

Fish I'm looking to get (in this order of introduction to the tank as well):
1 Pearly Jawfish
1-2 Firefish or 2 Helfrichi Firefish
2 Black and White Ocellaris Clownfish
1 Blue/Yellow Assessor or 1 Chalk Bass or 1 Cryptic Wrasse (This last one is a maybe)

Clean up crew I haven't really thought through, but potentially just throwing this out there:
1-2 Peppermint or Blood Red Fire Shrimp
1-2 Emerald or Porcelain Crab
Snails of some type
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This is a great thread. Thanks in advanced for any help!

I have not setup this tank, but my equipment includes a 28 gallon nano cube with a tunze 9002 protein skimmer, about 20-30 lbs of rock (already cycled in a tub), about 30 lbs of Nature's Ocean Bio-Activ Live Aragonite Reef Sand (grain size 0.5-1.7mm, natural white #1) for about 3 inches of sandbed, koralia powerhead and/or can use a jebao WP-25 powerhead. Looking for different types of personality of fish and also different colors of fish. Will do zoas and soft corals later with maybe SPS way later...

Fish I'm looking to get (in this order of introduction to the tank as well):
1 Pearly Jawfish
1-2 Firefish or 2 Helfrichi Firefish one of either would work, two will not exist long term
2 Black and White Ocellaris Clownfish
1 Blue/Yellow Assessor or 1 Chalk Bass or 1 Cryptic Wrasse (This last one is a maybe) a cryptic wrasse would be excellent

Clean up crew I haven't really thought through, but potentially just throwing this out there:
1-2 Peppermint or Blood Red Fire Shrimp
1-2 Emerald or Porcelain Crab I would avoid the emerald crab idea
Snails of some type
Hi Steve,

I have a 75g tank with 30g sump. I have a fuge and what I recently discovered is a healthy pod population. I started the tank in August but ran hypo from mid-dec to mid-feb, it seems to have set the tank back a bit.

So far, I have:

2 Occ clowns
Bicolor blenny

I plan on adding a Kole tang, but first I'm thinking I'd like to get a melanurus wrasse, but i just stumbled into some info on a red lined wrasse. It sounds like they stay slightly smaller, but have a similar activity level to the melanurus. Do you see an issue with a red lined, if i decided to go that route?

Apologies - struggling to get the 'quote' feature to work for me -
If I remove the valentine, should the sexy shrimps be compatible with remainder of tank inhabitants?

Originally Posted by Irishdolphin View Post

I have a 100g tank with
- 4 blue green chromis
- 2 ocellaris clownfish
- 1 diamond watchman goby
- 1 azure damsel
- 1 royal gramma
- 1 bicolor angel
- 1 valentini puffer
- 1 rollands damsel
- 1 yellow wrasse
- 2 fire shrimp
- 1 peppermint shrimp
- multiple BTA's and 2 LTA's

Would it be safe to add one or more sexy shrimp? IMO, no. The valentini puffer would contraindicate that.

Thanks in advance
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