150 litre(40g), 20kg live rock, Aquaone g216 pro skim, all in one setup possibly upgrading to a sump later, no corals
I was thinking: I do not provide analysis of aggressive fish community tanks
Dwarf Zebra Lionfish
Clarkii Clowns x2
Bangaii Cardinal
if not that: this plan would work
Fire Fish
Bangaii Cardinal
Ocellaris Clowns x2
Neon Gobies x2 only one
Coral Shrimp A coral banded shrimp can take fish, but there are various other shrimp that would work
Nassarius snails
Any opinions on other stuff I could add or should I lower stocking, opinions on both if possible.
On the second plan, your bioload is low so other non-aggressive fish that remain small would work