Hi guys,
This thread is only answered by me; if you want general participation, please start your own thread in New to the Hobby or Reef Fish forums.
Long time reader, finally got out of the Marines and got my own place to create my set up. Thanks for your service!!!
Heres what I was thinking:
I'm going to have a 100 gallon with a 20 gallon sump, working on making a the sump 40g.
Blue Dotted Jawfish Do best with peaceful tank mates and cooler temperatures; require a substrate which is fairly deep
One SpotFox Face
Blue Tang ( I am working on my 200 Gallon build as we speak) please do not get a P. hepatus until you have an 8 foot tank especially with another algae grazer (foxface)
Clownfish depends on species; gold stripe maroon are very aggressive, A. percula and A. ocellaris are relatively docile
And some corals and anemones down the road.
Am I overstocking? Understocking? bioload is fine
Any invert recommendations?
I was looking at a puffer that I could add, or a cowfish? a long horn cowfish is an expert level fish and will not be coral safe; also highly susceptible to parasites
Thanks for the help along the way!