Stocking List...Revision "A"
I revised my stocking list as follows
1.....2 ocellaris clowns (one will be black and white)
2..... 1 one spot foxface
3..... 1 red head solon fairy wrasse or orange-back fairy wrasse
4..... 1 linspot flasher wrasse or yellowfin flasher wrasse or filamented flasher wrasse
5..... 1 green mandarin (next year)
inverts.... 2 scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp and 2 peppermint shrimp.
I getting mixed reviews on the wrasses compatibility with each other.If there is a flasher and fairy that are compatible should they be put in at the same time?
Thanks for the help...Bob
I revised my stocking list as follows
1.....2 ocellaris clowns (one will be black and white)
2..... 1 one spot foxface
3..... 1 red head solon fairy wrasse or orange-back fairy wrasse
4..... 1 linspot flasher wrasse or yellowfin flasher wrasse or filamented flasher wrasse
5..... 1 green mandarin (next year)
inverts.... 2 scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp and 2 peppermint shrimp.
I getting mixed reviews on the wrasses compatibility with each other.If there is a flasher and fairy that are compatible should they be put in at the same time?
Thanks for the help...Bob