PLEASE check out your intended fish purchases here first!

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Thanks Snorvich! What are your thoughts on the total number of fish? Would all of those, minus the Flame angel be too much or would it be alright?

And just 1 or 2 flashers? The male won't be tough on a lone female?
Thanks Snorvich! What are your thoughts on the total number of fish? Would all of those, minus the Flame angel be too much or would it be alright?

I am always reluctant to specify a number of fish; when I look at stocking list I look at which fish are in the same ecological niche, behavior and need for territory, tank length (more important than tank volume), food supply if they are grazers of algae or copepod, and adult size.

And just 1 or 2 flashers? The male won't be tough on a lone female? no. You can do a male and 1 or 2 females; I am always concerned that a female will try to become male which is not so good.
55 gal DT. No sump right now, but adding one soon.

Have already:

2 ocellaris clowns
1 helfrichi firefish
3 ORA black cardinal fish
1 yellow assessor
(CUC = 1 cleaner shrimp and snails)

Just saw on DD and considering (if they are compatible):

caribbean black cap basslet (okay with yellow assessor?)
blue spotted jawfish

These would likely be the last additions if they would work ok. I'm trying for a very peaceful tank.

Thanks so much!
55 gal DT. No sump right now, but adding one soon.

Have already:

2 ocellaris clowns
1 helfrichi firefish
3 ORA black cardinal fish
1 yellow assessor
(CUC = 1 cleaner shrimp and snails)

Just saw on DD and considering (if they are compatible):

caribbean black cap basslet (okay with yellow assessor?) probably not in this small a tank
blue spotted jawfish does best in cooler temperatures (72-75F)

These would likely be the last additions if they would work ok. I'm trying for a very peaceful tank. so far, no behavior issues.

Thanks so much!

Thank you so much. I'm probably better to hold off on them then. I don't want aggression between the assessor and basslet and my tank is 78-79 (and I didn't realize the spotted jawfish needed lower temps). Without you and this thread, I would probably have a mess of a tank...

I'll stay pat until something catches my eye and I'll be back to ask about them. :-)
Thank you so much. I'm probably better to hold off on them then. I don't want aggression between the assessor and basslet and my tank is 78-79 (and I didn't realize the spotted jawfish needed lower temps). Without you and this thread, I would probably have a mess of a tank...

I'll stay pat until something catches my eye and I'll be back to ask about them. :-)

they do ok in the short run as high as 78-79 but remember they are collected in the sea of cortez where water temperatures are cooler than normal aquaria.
Hi snorvich,

So I am planning to do a new tank in a few months once the funds are available. I am looking to do a 150 or 180 gal display with a 75 gal sump. I am leaning toward a 180. It will be a mixed reef tank with large refugium and large protein skimmer.

Stock list:
Pair of snowflake clowns
kole tang
midas blenny
flame angel
(I know they are notorious in reef tanks for being model citzens for years and then going rogue but am willing to take my chances.)
green mandarin ( once my sump as an establishes population of copepods)
yellow tang
hippo tang
one spot foxface
female leopard wrasse
flasher wrasse
royal gramma
yellow watchman goby/pistol shrimp combo
six line wrasse

CUC: Assorted snails, hermits, shrimp

If I have not over stocked I would like to add one or two more tangs(powder blue/naso/chevron), and/or one or two firefish.

Hi snorvich,

So I am planning to do a new tank in a few months once the funds are available. I am looking to do a 150 or 180 gal display with a 75 gal sump. I am leaning toward a 180. It will be a mixed reef tank with large refugium and large protein skimmer.

Stock list:
Pair of snowflake clowns
kole tang
midas blenny
flame angel
(I know they are notorious in reef tanks for being model citzens for years and then going rogue but am willing to take my chances.)
green mandarin ( once my sump as an establishes population of copepods)
yellow tang
hippo tang needs a larger (longer) tank
one spot foxface
female leopard wrasse
flasher wrasse
royal gramma
yellow watchman goby/pistol shrimp combo
six line wrasse not with a flasher or leopard wrasse

CUC: Assorted snails, hermits, shrimp

If I have not over stocked I would like to add one or two more tangs(powder blue/naso/chevron) no additional tangs in this length tank

, and/or one or two firefish. one firefish assuming your remove the six line

300g FOWLR

300g FOWLR

I'm wondering about adding a few more fish to my 300g (96x24x30). It was moved a year ago and converted from a reef to fish only. The current stock list is:
Foxface Lo - 6"
Hippo tang - 6"
Schooling Bannerfish - 4"
Bicolor angel - 4"
Maroon clown - 4"
Piccaso trigger - 4"
Voltain Lionfish - 4"
Dogface puffer (black Solomon Island) - 6"

I'm wondering about adding one or more of these:
Big lunare wrasse
Australian Harlequin wrasse
Snowflake eel
Miniatus grouper
Queen, French, or Asfur Angel
A big tang (maybe Blonde Naso?)

I'm wondering about adding a few more fish to my 300g (96x24x30). It was moved a year ago and converted from a reef to fish only. The current stock list is:
Foxface Lo - 6"
Hippo tang - 6"
Schooling Bannerfish - 4"
Bicolor angel - 4"
Maroon clown - 4"
Piccaso trigger - 4"
Voltain Lionfish - 4"
Dogface puffer (black Solomon Island) - 6"

I'm wondering about adding one or more of these:
Big lunare wrasse
Australian Harlequin wrasse
Snowflake eel
Miniatus grouper
Queen, French, or Asfur Angel
A big tang (maybe Blonde Naso?)


sorry, I do not provide analysis of aggressive fish community tanks. However we have an aggressive fish forum where I suggest you post.
Alright I am back I decided to give my dwarf lion away to a buddy that has a 125. So now I have no fish in my 65 reef. Here is my thoughts on stocking but want to get the thoughts

Trio of Leopard Wrasse only no other fish we have a local SW shop that keeps them in their qt for 6 weeks so they can get them to eat and on are local time. My only concern is that the tank is 3 ft long but 25 high.

Other idea tank max of 4-5 fairy wrasse unsure which ones was going to look today any ones I should keep a eye out for?

Final Idea 3 Bartletts Anthias, 1 Coral Beauty, and a Mellanarus Wrasse.

Thanks for taking the time.
Alright I am back I decided to give my dwarf lion away to a buddy that has a 125. So now I have no fish in my 65 reef. Here is my thoughts on stocking but want to get the thoughts

Trio of Leopard Wrasse only no other fish we have a local SW shop that keeps them in their qt for 6 weeks so they can get them to eat and on are local time. My only concern is that the tank is 3 ft long but 25 high.

leopard wrasses are copepod eaters so three in a 65 reef probably is not a good idea. One is fine assuming you feed PE mysis and/or pellets a couple times per day.

Other idea tank max of 4-5 fairy wrasse unsure which ones was going to look today any ones I should keep a eye out for?

four to five may be a bit much. Three should be fine.

Final Idea 3 Bartletts Anthias, 1 Coral Beauty, and a Mellanarus Wrasse. that should work fine; know, however, that coral beauty dwarf angels are not guaranteed reef safe (although they have the least risk of the dwarf angels)

Thanks for taking the time.
should these be fine together

should these be fine together

just wondering if these fish will be alright with each other????

Lubbock's wrasse
Mccosker's wrasse
royal gramma
Picasso clown
snowflake clown

Future additions may include:
Purple or red firefish
red velvet fairy wrasse
mandarin goby
solarensis wrasse
just wondering if these fish will be alright with each other????

Lubbock's wrasse
Mccosker's wrasse
royal gramma
Picasso clown
snowflake clown

Future additions may include:
Purple or red firefish
red velvet fairy wrasse
mandarin goby
solarensis wrasse

tank size? tank age?
55 gallon 1 year

just wondering if these fish will be alright with each other????

Lubbock's wrasse
Mccosker's wrasse
royal gramma
Picasso clown
snowflake clown

Future additions may include:
Purple or red firefish maybe. flasher wrasse may intimidate
red velvet fairy wrasse with existing fish, needs larger tank
mandarin goby definitely not in this sized tank with those fish
solarensis wrasse with existing fish, needs larger tank; also C. solorensis is one of the more aggressive fairy wrasses so tank size matters
Hi Steve,

tank 50 gallon 36" long, sump with skimmer, set up 3 years, ample liverock

existing fish: flame hawk, 6line wrasse, ocellaris clown, banggaii cardinal, royal gramma, neon goby, bicolor angel

wanting to add:

pacific redstripe hogfish (how big do they get? I get conflicting info) or
golden dwarf morey (you say you've never had this animal but you must know something about it?)
Hi Steve,

tank 50 gallon 36" long, sump with skimmer, set up 3 years, ample liverock

existing fish: flame hawk, 6line wrasse, ocellaris clown, banggaii cardinal, royal gramma, neon goby, bicolor angel

wanting to add:

pacific redstripe hogfish (how big do they get? I get conflicting info) pretty, fairly peaceful but not shrimp safe; they can reach just under 5 inches.

golden dwarf morey (you say you've never had this animal but you must know something about it?)

the issue is feeding them; also and they may take small fish. Tank must be escape proof. I don't keep animals that can/will take fish
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