Please show pics of your 180 tanks

Qdoggie said:
I now have the 180g on it. I made a U shaped wooden fascade that slides over it so you dont see the metal framing.

I am glad you explained how it was put together, I couldnt figure out how you would get anything to attatch! Very creative! I love the black, It makes the tank stand out like a sore thumb! :rollface:
Thanks, its actually my poor attempt at staining. It wasnt looking so good so I just about covered all the grains of the wood. Heh, now its an even coat of stain!:)


Here is a pic of the side. Still trying to figure out the right light setup..

Qdoggie said:
Thanks, its actually my poor attempt at staining. It wasnt looking so good so I just about covered all the grains of the wood. Heh, now its an even coat of stain!:)

ROFL Been there done that.But thats how major discoveries were made, BY ACCIDENT. Looks great and thats all that counts right?:D :D :D
bpd964, How long has it been set up? And the first pic looks like a whiter lighting than the second one, I love the blue lights, but I like them more for the evening lighting, Did you turn off the actinics on the first pic? But dont get me wrong, I love the blue too. You can just see the colors in the corals a little more with the whit lights, maybe chnge the position of the bulbs around, How are they set up now?
And do I see a yellow clown gobie in the first pic? Went in to LFS today for one, they didnt have any in, he is going to try for Wed. But I did get me a Mandrin Goby, I love them, they arre so beautiful.
April540 said:
Putawaywet, Would love to see some recent pics. your quite creative.

Thanks for the props April. Unfortunately, only thing more current right now are pics with a dirty tank and I won't be posting those :D I'm working on doing some cleaning so I can get new shots.

Other than that all I have that's newer are closeups or some older shots of the entire system (both tanks together) shot from a distance.

I understand Brett, I talked to the little guy at my LFS today when I went in to get my gobie, he should be comming soon to help with my aquascaping, I can scape anything but the rock,And I hate how it is now, And the coraline algie is the pits to get off yhe glass, I paid $30 for the Kent long handle scraper, and it had the wrong blade, I guess I needed the medtal one instead. I wish they still had the old ones with the razor blades in it! LOL
Some technology I think went backwards!!!
Putawaywet said:
The Kent metal blade for glass is sold as a replacement. Should only be a couple bucks

I know, it was just a pain in the rear, to read that, that one would clean it, they didn't have the metal blades in stock, I came home and scraped and scraped, and it didn't work, had to get out the trusty razor blade and up to the armpits in the tank again! LOL
Any large tank pics are welcome here, I guess I shouln't have narrowed it down to just the 180's, It's great to see new ideas.
180 reef day 1

180 reef day 1

Very nice pics everyone! Mine was just completed this AM. Still hours of fine tuning left.
Re: 180 reef day 1

Re: 180 reef day 1

cediss said:
Very nice pics everyone! Mine was just completed this AM. Still hours of fine tuning left.

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah!:dance: Long week-end huh? Looks GREAT! You did a great jub, Now comes the test of patience! How much LR did you put in?
Very long weekend. Don't really know how much rock there is. Have been accumulating it for more than 5 years. Estimate it's around 100 lbs give or take 25-30. Thanks for the compliments. Here's another shot taken after fish and last pieces of rock added!
You went right from the 125 to the 180 then! Great, Are you keeping the 125 and putting something else in there? Makes it great when you can juse switch it over like that. Takes all of the long process out of it! Is that an anenome in the middle? Its really pretty. Looks really nice!
unfortunately it wasn't that simple. It was break down 125. Install carpet. Set-up 180. Long process huh? Unfortunately my wife says one tank only. She know I have the propensity to set up as many as 15 tanks.
Yes, that is a rose bublle tip anemone. Thanks for kind comments!