Please show pics of your 180 tanks

Here are some pictures of my 180 and 120...

soon i will have a custom stand built to hold my 3 tanks...

180 x 120 x 180 with plenty of room for a large sump.... a fuge, and a frag tank along with plenty other equipment underneath...

180 & 120

180 with 69 gal sump progress

180 with 69 gal sump progress

As I suspected the addition of the fan made all the difference in temp control. My tank temp now runs between 97.7 and 98.6. Hope it continues to perform this well all year. I also reduced my micro bubble problem by adding a laundry basket with filter pad. These days there are so many container options you can always find easy ways to divide sump. Even the old standbye of eggcrate is an option. Here are some more pics. The fan is the black circular device and the grey one is the top of the skimmer.


Re: 180 with 69 gal sump progress

Re: 180 with 69 gal sump progress

cediss said:
As I suspected the addition of the fan made all the difference in temp control. My tank temp now runs between 97.7 and 98.6 .

SURELY you mean 77.7 and 78.6, right? Your scaring me here!! :D
Lookin good Mako!

Are you planning on a stone or wood border in the 4" inset? I saw someone do that somewhere on this board and it looked great!
Not really decided exactly what's going to happen there yet one of those options I would think. Didn't think of stone but I kinda like that idea. Thanks
It's holding up very well. Even though it would work without it, I recommend using the lid because it gives it extra support. I removed the hinging mechanism which allowed me to cut the smallest hole possible for my skimmer to fit through. It was a great find at the last minute. Even though I have several bulk heads and other modifications, it has not leaked or deformed!
Mongoose said:
Here are some pictures of my 180 and 120...

soon i will have a custom stand built to hold my 3 tanks...

180 x 120 x 180 with plenty of room for a large sump.... a fuge, and a frag tank along with plenty other equipment underneath...

180 & 120


The link doesn't work!!! Try it again! thanks:D
mako56 Beautiful tank, cant wait to see the final result. But ahhhh you may want to put some swimmies on the little merman! LOL
cediss I'm really impressed with your sump, and really glad it was a type O on the temperature! Scared me too! lol I was impressed with the micro bubble hamper too! Quite creative, Cant wait to see your fuge when you decide to do it! Looks great!
Ohhh and jarhed, how is your project comming along? I checked your site again, looks pretty good so far, any updates?
I just transfered everything last night so it's still not completely clear and some of the stuff isn't open. I'm also needing more rock. Hopefully in a few weeks, it will come together more.

A couple pics of it from today.

Whole tank shot

Left Side

Right Side

VHO's on only with flash. But shows whole canopy and tank.
Going good, picking up a sump on Sunday if all goes well. Planning on buying a sheet of plywood and about 10 sheets of drywall. Thinking maybe going greenboard on the inside(?) because of the moisture. I'm not a good sheetrocker so this will be another challenge.

Got my last pump today. I have no way to test any of them (1 skimmer pump, 2 closed loop pumps, 1 return pump) but I think I might rig something up on an 18gallon rubbermaid.

Gotta get some bulkheads and run electricity, but I think my top thing on the list is to get the tank on the stand and out of the rain. Plywood, place sump, sheetrock, place tank. In that order. Maybe place the tank before sheetrock, who knows.
Jay that is looking good!

Are you close enough to drive to TBS for rock? Based on what I've seen here on RC, you WONT be sorry!