please take a look and join, if you're on fb and disgusted w/ the show 'tanked'

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How do you not see these guys as representing our hobby to the general public? If these fish are "removed" after shooting that brings up a whole new issue. What about the well being of the animal that must adjust and readjust to every new environment. Seems to me these guys have a hard enough time keeping fish alive that this type of fluid situation with a fairly sensitive animal would pose large problems for these guys.
... Seems to me these guys have a hard enough time keeping fish alive that this type of fluid situation with a fairly sensitive animal would pose large problems for these guys.

How do they have a hard time keeping fish alive?

Either way. It is entertainment. That is purely what it is intended for. The whole educational aspect has been discussed to death. The show stars have even been receptive to the idea. The producers, apparently not so much. It is boring to watch a real aquarium build, even for us. For the majority of people, it would be boring to see one of our ideas of a 'fully stocked' tank. This is television. It needs drama. It needs suspense. And it needs lots of fish filling the frame. None of which are commonly present in the real world.

All reality shows are like this. It is why the reality genre is a joke. Since there is so much scripting required to make it interesting that the term reality goes right out the window. Just about all of the reality shows make this extremely obvious (the real world doesn't follow the standard multi-act pattern that is common in just about all movies and television shows). The key to a good reality show is reconciling the real world with this scripted world seamlessly, which Discovery Communications doesn't really care about in the slightest, so don't expect anything to change about Tanked.
If they were interested in "advancing" the hobby or "helping" they would not renew next season. Also I am sick of the excuses... they are not fish people., they are acrylic people, stop pretending to be something you aren't. If you think they are legit fish people maybe you should reconsider your hobby choice.
If they were interested in "advancing" the hobby or "helping" they would not renew next season.

They are interested in a show that MAKES $$$$$$, period.
As mentioned , if you don't like it, don't watch it... any other actions are a waste of your time...NOBODY cares!
I went to the LFS with the gf to pick out a new fish for the tank and a lady was complaining her "nemos" died the first day. She told the store associate that she put them in a fish bowl with tap water and they died within 20 minutes. She said she put dechlorinator or something that makes the water "good for them"..... She says the people on tv add fish and they are fine. This is exactly why I hate this show. Because it makes people believe you can get a fish, throw it in the tank and use a miracle bottle to make everything alright. Plus the crazy builds let people believe fish can live in any sort of tank build.
If they were interested in "advancing" the hobby or "helping" they would not renew next season. Also I am sick of the excuses... they are not fish people., they are acrylic people, stop pretending to be something you aren't. If you think they are legit fish people maybe you should reconsider your hobby choice.

They don't pretend to be. They have stated that they have no interest in any of that stuff. They are making a TV show that A) makes them money and B) promotes/expands their business. All they are interested in is making tanks, selling products and entertaining. That's it. To expect otherwise is naive and unrealistic.

I went to the LFS with the gf to pick out a new fish for the tank and a lady was complaining her "nemos" died the first day. She told the store associate that she put them in a fish bowl with tap water and they died within 20 minutes. She said she put dechlorinator or something that makes the water "good for them"..... She says the people on tv add fish and they are fine. This is exactly why I hate this show. Because it makes people believe you can get a fish, throw it in the tank and use a miracle bottle to make everything alright. Plus the crazy builds let people believe fish can live in any sort of tank build.
The blame is horribly misplaced here. It isn't the fault of the television show that a person lacks the most basic of common sense.
Khemul I would encourage you to do some research before you post something. Check out some interviews like Mr Saltwater
If they were interested in "advancing" the hobby or "helping" they would not renew next season. Also I am sick of the excuses... they are not fish people., they are acrylic people, stop pretending to be something you aren't. If you think they are legit fish people maybe you should reconsider your hobby choice.

So you think red sea or aqueon should tell people should stock their tanks with? Thats crazy, I think you have your opinion which is fine. The facts show very few of their fish die probably less then most when they set up a tank. The common practice was to cycle with damsels for goodness sake? I think they are funny good hearted guys trying to make this hobby better. You think they are hurting the hobby by not including the husbandry side of this hobby. Which any person who gets involved will learn, none of us got into the hobby because we couldn't wait to learn reef chemistry we did it cause we saw pretty fish and coral in a tank. I think you should take it easy on then there is more behind the scene as one of the members here his tag is tampa something is one of the maintenance companies ATM contracts and appears in their episodes can attest to how much goes on and how much they do care about these fish.

Ps his tag is tampa aquarium services
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Ozzy did a song along time ago called suicide solution. a kid comitted suicide, the athorities linked the song (some how) to the kid. was Ozzy guilty for the kids death ?

in light of recent events involving an absolute travesty of aquarium keeping, (really only one of hundreds if not thousands those yahoos have foisted onto the aquarist community, directly and indirectly),i've decided to take a stand on the issue and try and start a boycott of the show.

Without reading any one elses comments, I don't think I can agree with you. While the show may be stupid, the team in general knows there stuff and they know if very well. The show is to make money, not to be practical. You are putting waaay too much thought into is just a TV show man. Let it go!! :deadhorse:
I went to the LFS with the gf to pick out a new fish for the tank and a lady was complaining her "nemos" died the first day. She told the store associate that she put them in a fish bowl with tap water and they died within 20 minutes. She said she put dechlorinator or something that makes the water "good for them"..... She says the people on tv add fish and they are fine. This is exactly why I hate this show. Because it makes people believe you can get a fish, throw it in the tank and use a miracle bottle to make everything alright. Plus the crazy builds let people believe fish can live in any sort of tank build.

TV airs a lot of unrealistic things....lmfao. seriously?? Was this even an argument? haha, I can't get over that statement that the show caused that... There are tons of inaccurate things on TV. Take cooking for is it that the food is done in one commercial? ugh...maybe because there is more going on behind the scene than can fit in a 1 hour segment?? Same with tanked buddy. That is the ignorance of that lady to believe things are "as seen on TV" that is not the shows fault.

Again, :deadhorse1:
Khemul I would encourage you to do some research before you post something. Check out some interviews like Mr Saltwater

You mean the interview where he essentially says that there is no interest in teaching or educating people about how to do things on the show and that the whole purpose of the show is entertainment and nothing else?

Read between the lines on the rest. The whole "expanding the hobby" talk is straight up PR. Of course they want the hobby expanded. EVERY business wants their field expanded. It's the whole point. It brings more business. The education portion he even flat out states is up to everyone else. All they are interested in is setting up tanks for people.
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I went to the LFS with the gf to pick out a new fish for the tank and a lady was complaining her "nemos" died the first day. She told the store associate that she put them in a fish bowl with tap water and they died within 20 minutes. She said she put dechlorinator or something that makes the water "good for them"..... She says the people on tv add fish and they are fine. This is exactly why I hate this show. Because it makes people believe you can get a fish, throw it in the tank and use a miracle bottle to make everything alright. Plus the crazy builds let people believe fish can live in any sort of tank build.

Kind of reminds me of the old story from one of my fish stores; A guy walks back into the fishstore complaining because someone at the store should of told him his Oscars would eat his daughters clownfish!
I guess as a professional in this industry I take offense to someone self proclaiming they are "pros" when all they really know is how to mold acrylic. The proof is in the article about how the black tip ate 4 jacks in a matter of minutes and how the white tip died the next morning due to their improper housing. This is just the FIRST time its been reported... think of how many others died just as quickly. You guys can claim ignorance and say its all for show... but those shows initiate people to do really dumb things. The jackass of fish keeping would be about what I would amount it to. Honestly these guys need to go. This is how legislation comes into congress banning our hobby.
That article is more of proof of how lazy journalists have gotten, rather then the how well ATM handles fish. Considering that, the writer didn't even bother to fact check the size of the tank, let alone what fish actually died.
I guess as a professional in this industry I take offense to someone self proclaiming they are "pros" when all they really know is how to mold acrylic. The proof is in the article about how the black tip ate 4 jacks in a matter of minutes and how the white tip died the next morning due to their improper housing. This is just the FIRST time its been reported... think of how many others died just as quickly. You guys can claim ignorance and say its all for show... but those shows initiate people to do really dumb things. The jackass of fish keeping would be about what I would amount it to. Honestly these guys need to go. This is how legislation comes into congress banning our hobby.

I think you need to read the retraction they wrote. For one the black tip wad only in there for a day as a show piece, this black tip had been shown in three of their previous tankd shows, he belongs to a public aquarium who let's the guys use him for some show tanks for a day or two. Maybe it's just me but I don't think the marine biologists at the aquarium would allow their sharks to be put into danger. That being said there was never a white tip in this aquarium, it was a smooth Hound shark who died due running into the Ferris wheel in the tank. Unfortunate but not a fault of the tankd team! Finally as a professional in the industry you would know that a shark would not eat a look down unless extremely comfy with its environment. Since he didn't kill then and leave them he hunted for food shows any professional they are acclimated and happy. Yes hungry but kinda up to the owners to feed.
Get out of the hobby you guys... do us all a favor. It doesn't matter what type of shark it was, it doesn't matter how comfortable they were, it doesn't matter what type of fish it ate. What does matter is they were put into that position BY the Tanked crew and died at the hands of the tanked crew on a rookie mistake of putting animals in conditions that are not suitable for that species. So who's fault is it if it isn't the tanked teams fault that the smooth hound died by running into one of their improper props in one of their improper tank setups? They pick out the fish for the unveiling... I think that is pretty clear.
Get out of the hobby you guys... do us all a favor. It doesn't matter what type of shark it was, it doesn't matter how comfortable they were, it doesn't matter what type of fish it ate. What does matter is they were put into that position BY the Tanked crew and died at the hands of the tanked crew on a rookie mistake of putting animals in conditions that are not suitable for that species. So who's fault is it if it isn't the tanked teams fault that the smooth hound died by running into one of their improper props in one of their improper tank setups? They pick out the fish for the unveiling... I think that is pretty clear.

I think you are crazy omg shark ate a fish no way that's not what they do in the wild or anything? A shark hit his nose on a prop sad yes but if you haven't seen this you haven't kept sharks long. Let's blame the tank builder not the customer who makes a lousy of what they want in the tank? Wow what a joke someone saying a 3000 gallon aquarium isn't big enough for a smooth hound and some look downs? Its ok most people on this thread agree they are doing nothing wrong, some people with no valid argument are going to keep screaming how to fish died sad yes but it happens all the time in this hobby. If you were a real professional you would know this is a proper set up and fish are acclimated correctly if your big issue is they don't explain it on the show your the crazy one. Next time bring up a valid point on why these aren't proper tank setups other then just saying how you don't think they are. Seems like someone who doesn't like these guys for personal reasons cause you are yet to bring a valid argument to the table.
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