please take a look and join, if you're on fb and disgusted w/ the show 'tanked'

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Liken again you are missing the point. They choose the fish... it blantently shows that in the show. How about some real drama where they say no to the customer? Being a "pro" in this hobby is more about knowing proper fish for a certain situation vs throwing in what the customer wants. I have a question... how many here who are arguing for the show actually have kept a free swimming shark? Bred cownose rays? Cycled a huge aquarium in just a few days? The truth is I doubt any one for the show actually has done anything of the sort. You would know that certain species can't and shouldn't be kept together. You would know that certain species should be left out of an aquarium with a lot of obstacles. These guys disregard these statements... which makes them completely unprofessional. Not only that but they look like jackasses doing it. Again if you don't see what's wrong with this leave this hobby and go play with something that is not living.
All this arguing on a forums where you can hide behind a computer and say what you want... but in this profession its put up or shut up. They definitely need to shut up... and the people supporting them need to as well. I would have very few problems with the show if they didn't stock the tanks like 4 year olds.
This is hilarious. Go ahead and social warrior up with a Facebook page... That's definitely comparable to activism that gets results.
have any of you seen the Fish Tank Kings show on discovery channel ?

the previews of the next episode of it,their client wants to rent a tank for 1 day,I'm curious how they will pull that off without killing a bunch of fish
Liken again you are missing the point. They choose the fish... it blantently shows that in the show. How about some real drama where they say no to the customer? Being a "pro" in this hobby is more about knowing proper fish for a certain situation vs throwing in what the customer wants. I have a question... how many here who are arguing for the show actually have kept a free swimming shark? Bred cownose rays? Cycled a huge aquarium in just a few days? The truth is I doubt any one for the show actually has done anything of the sort. You would know that certain species can't and shouldn't be kept together. You would know that certain species should be left out of an aquarium with a lot of obstacles. These guys disregard these statements... which makes them completely unprofessional. Not only that but they look like jackasses doing it. Again if you don't see what's wrong with this leave this hobby and go play with something that is not living.

Well everyone here can read the facts and determine what they feel for themselves, oh and yes I have kept a huge predator tank. Not 15000 gallons though that being said I feel these guys are doing nothing wrong for the many facts I have put out there this argument had no facts to back it. You are arguing your opinion which is fine but there is nothing to back that up. The Hound shark and the black tip are fine together look downs and sharks are fine together. So other then I don't believe that's right cause I'm a professional, what facts do you have to back it up?
Liken again you are missing the point. They choose the fish... it blantently shows that in the show. How about some real drama where they say no to the customer? Being a "pro" in this hobby is more about knowing proper fish for a certain situation vs throwing in what the customer wants. I have a question... how many here who are arguing for the show actually have kept a free swimming shark? Bred cownose rays? Cycled a huge aquarium in just a few days? The truth is I doubt any one for the show actually has done anything of the sort. You would know that certain species can't and shouldn't be kept together. You would know that certain species should be left out of an aquarium with a lot of obstacles. These guys disregard these statements... which makes them completely unprofessional. Not only that but they look like jackasses doing it. Again if you don't see what's wrong with this leave this hobby and go play with something that is not living.
Being a fish-rights activist isn't the same thing as being a professional. COMPLETELY different level. A professional simply makes a living and knows what they can and can't do. That isn't the same as saying what they should do. If the customer wants a shark in with some decorations, the customer gets that. Plain and simple. The snobs can sit back and cry about how the decoration shouldn't have been there, but it isn't their tank.

It is rather funny the unrealistic view people get from these shows. People seem to think ATM has 100% control over the project and that everything goes together within days. Admittedly, Tanked goes a bit far to hide this. Even the quarantine tank episode, where it was painfully obvious the client was looking over their shoulders the whole time, they still tried to make it look like ATM was in control of the build. The truth is, there is absolutely no way to do these builds without heavy customer input. Stocking, design, layout, decor, construction, permits. All stuff that has to be carefully planned out. You aren't going to rip into a customer's walls without going over the details carefully. And guess what, if the customer wants a fish, or a piece of decor, or a specific design; the professional will offer it, if it is possible. Why? Because THAT is what a professional does. An idealist goes out of business, because the customer moves on to someone who can get it done. Because the customer doesn't want to hear that a fish shouldn't ideally be kept with another. They want to hear if it can physically do so.

The problem with a lot of people on this forum is, they see themselves as the ideal fish-keeper. THEY are the professionals. And everyone else that doesn't measure up to their standards doesn't deserve the privilege of keeping the same fish they do. Elitism and snobbery really. "OMG! YOU CAN'T PUT THOSE FISH TOGETHER! AMATEURS!1111!!!".

Welcome to being a minority. The majority is what you hate. Tank builders, decorative-tank owners, LFS's, wholesalers. These are the people who make up the hobby. Get rid of all of them and the hobby ceases to exist. These are the people in it for the money, or who see the fish as decorations instead of pets. These are the people who bring in the money. Not the forum snobs.
Being a fish-rights activist isn't the same thing as being a professional. COMPLETELY different level. A professional simply makes a living and knows what they can and can't do. That isn't the same as saying what they should do. If the customer wants a shark in with some decorations, the customer gets that. Plain and simple. The snobs can sit back and cry about how the decoration shouldn't have been there, but it isn't their tank.

It is rather funny the unrealistic view people get from these shows. People seem to think ATM has 100% control over the project and that everything goes together within days. Admittedly, Tanked goes a bit far to hide this. Even the quarantine tank episode, where it was painfully obvious the client was looking over their shoulders the whole time, they still tried to make it look like ATM was in control of the build. The truth is, there is absolutely no way to do these builds without heavy customer input. Stocking, design, layout, decor, construction, permits. All stuff that has to be carefully planned out. You aren't going to rip into a customer's walls without going over the details carefully. And guess what, if the customer wants a fish, or a piece of decor, or a specific design; the professional will offer it, if it is possible. Why? Because THAT is what a professional does. An idealist goes out of business, because the customer moves on to someone who can get it done. Because the customer doesn't want to hear that a fish shouldn't ideally be kept with another. They want to hear if it can physically do so.

The problem with a lot of people on this forum is, they see themselves as the ideal fish-keeper. THEY are the professionals. And everyone else that doesn't measure up to their standards doesn't deserve the privilege of keeping the same fish they do. Elitism and snobbery really. "OMG! YOU CAN'T PUT THOSE FISH TOGETHER! AMATEURS!1111!!!".

Welcome to being a minority. The majority is what you hate. Tank builders, decorative-tank owners, LFS's, wholesalers. These are the people who make up the hobby. Get rid of all of them and the hobby ceases to exist. These are the people in it for the money, or who see the fish as decorations instead of pets. These are the people who bring in the money. Not the forum snobs.

well said Khemul
The problem with a lot of people on this forum is, they see themselves as the ideal fish-keeper. THEY are the professionals. And everyone else that doesn't measure up to their standards doesn't deserve the privilege of keeping the same fish they do. Elitism and snobbery really. "OMG! YOU CAN'T PUT THOSE FISH TOGETHER! AMATEURS!1111!!!".

100% correct... Can you please post this on Facebook so 'they' get the message!
I went to the LFS with the gf to pick out a new fish for the tank and a lady was complaining her "nemos" died the first day. She told the store associate that she put them in a fish bowl with tap water and they died within 20 minutes. She said she put dechlorinator or something that makes the water "good for them"..... She says the people on tv add fish and they are fine. This is exactly why I hate this show. Because it makes people believe you can get a fish, throw it in the tank and use a miracle bottle to make everything alright. Plus the crazy builds let people believe fish can live in any sort of tank build.

Maybe it's just me, but I find this story well, unbelievable, made up, and completely fabricated. Just makes you look bad more than anything.
Being a fish-rights activist isn't the same thing as being a professional. COMPLETELY different level. A professional simply makes a living and knows what they can and can't do. That isn't the same as saying what they should do. If the customer wants a shark in with some decorations, the customer gets that. Plain and simple. The snobs can sit back and cry about how the decoration shouldn't have been there, but it isn't their tank.

It is rather funny the unrealistic view people get from these shows. People seem to think ATM has 100% control over the project and that everything goes together within days. Admittedly, Tanked goes a bit far to hide this. Even the quarantine tank episode, where it was painfully obvious the client was looking over their shoulders the whole time, they still tried to make it look like ATM was in control of the build. The truth is, there is absolutely no way to do these builds without heavy customer input. Stocking, design, layout, decor, construction, permits. All stuff that has to be carefully planned out. You aren't going to rip into a customer's walls without going over the details carefully. And guess what, if the customer wants a fish, or a piece of decor, or a specific design; the professional will offer it, if it is possible. Why? Because THAT is what a professional does. An idealist goes out of business, because the customer moves on to someone who can get it done. Because the customer doesn't want to hear that a fish shouldn't ideally be kept with another. They want to hear if it can physically do so.

The problem with a lot of people on this forum is, they see themselves as the ideal fish-keeper. THEY are the professionals. And everyone else that doesn't measure up to their standards doesn't deserve the privilege of keeping the same fish they do. Elitism and snobbery really. "OMG! YOU CAN'T PUT THOSE FISH TOGETHER! AMATEURS!1111!!!".

Welcome to being a minority. The majority is what you hate. Tank builders, decorative-tank owners, LFS's, wholesalers. These are the people who make up the hobby. Get rid of all of them and the hobby ceases to exist. These are the people in it for the money, or who see the fish as decorations instead of pets. These are the people who bring in the money. Not the forum snobs.

preach!!! Lol
I believe there was a thread a while back showing these tanks then and now. I'd say 90% of the tanks are in the dump now. People see the appeal but not the discipline and how difficult this hobby can be. It's a good show for entertainment but people do actually believe the hobby is portrayed the way this show displays it.
I don't know why any of you are still arguing with FishFirst. He's clearly better than every single one of you and you all are pretty much, well, worthless and terrible fish keepers.

You can't slap logic into someone who is illogical by nature. Just let him pretend he knows what he's talking about and let him throw his own party that everybody is invited too but nobody is coming too. The sooner people quit acknowledging him, the quicker this thread will die.
I should not say this, but I will anyway. I really enjoy the reefkeeping hobby. It allows me a part of the world where I can't exist. However I also enjoy a trip to Red Lobster every now and then. There are shows on T.V. dedicated to the slaughter of marine life and I see all these great reviews about watching these shows. I like tanked. Leave them alone. It's like watching Fred Flinstone and Barney Rubble finally making it big. And the Tanks are pretty cool. If you really need someway to affect the outcome, form a partnership with ATM and go service all the new tanks.
I believe there was a thread a while back showing these tanks then and now. I'd say 90% of the tanks are in the dump now. People see the appeal but not the discipline and how difficult this hobby can be. It's a good show for entertainment but people do actually believe the hobby is portrayed the way this show displays it.

Our hobby is keeping fish in a box full of water and watching them swim. These guys aren't responsible for idiots going into chain stores and buying improper set ups or maintaining the tanks a customer buys? If you buy a dog kennel the kennel company isn't going to come to your house and pick up after your dog? These guys build fish aquariums they aren't responsible to maintain for some guy who paid them to build. Why do we bask these guys if anyone it's the owners fault not the tank builders. And if people watch a show and believe that's all that goes into it who cares? The store they buy from should educate them not an animal plant tv show?
Maybe it's just me, but I find this story well, unbelievable, made up, and completely fabricated. Just makes you look bad more than anything.

Obviously you've never worked in a LFS. That sort of scenario plays out all too often :(
I believe there was a thread a while back showing these tanks then and now. I'd say 90% of the tanks are in the dump now. People see the appeal but not the discipline and how difficult this hobby can be. It's a good show for entertainment but people do actually believe the hobby is portrayed the way this show displays it.

I find this a strange statistic seeing how often they go back to build additional tanks for previous customers as well as to make additions to those tanks.
I dont want to ruffle any feathers, but there is nothing noble about plucking fish and invertibrates and shoving them in a box. Even the largest aquarium with the best equipment cant do what mother nature does. We all do our best to make sure our stock thrives, but people upset about Tanked should take a step back and really think. Its easy to sit and knock on Tanked for fish deaths, but what about all the livestock lost during hobbyist error, shipping from distributor to lfs, and after being captured and held. I dont see the OP pulling his hair out and beating on any of that.

The OP is just armchair activist.
Personally I hate the show. I can't stand reality TV. But to blame these guys for the stupidity of the people buying these tanks is stupid. Should they require the buyers to sign a pledge that they will learn and research proper tank maintenance? Background checks before they build? Some people just shouldn't be buying these tanks but is ATM suppose to turn away business?

As for the dummy that put clownfish into declorinated tap water. Maybe we should boycott Disney for making reefing more popular to the masses. At some point you just have to realize that a large percentage of the population is ill fit to survive on their own. Let alone take care of other living things.

Rant over
Obviously you've never worked in a LFS. That sort of scenario plays out all too often :(

You are so right Bill. Over the years of hearing people say " We flushed Jimmy's Goldfish down the toilet, hopefully it made it to the river?" In Nemo didn't one of the fish get flushed and make it to the ocean?
I have read this thread and the argument is the same on the other 100 threads here. Fish have died, big deal happens all the time, the LFS has dead loss all the time, so do chains, and even live aquaria. Everyone knows they overatock for the reveal cause a properly stocked tank does not show well on tv, the maintnence company is responsible for the fish, and the aquarium after reveal, and our hobby is boring as hell to watch on tv. The "miracle in a bottle" products do work if you follow the directions properly, and I really don't care that you think you are an expert. All the drama on banning the show just shows that you want the hobby to be back where it was in the 70s and 80s. If we ban people from handling fish because of dead loss alone, ORA, and BlueZoo should be on the list too, they lose thousands of fish every year.
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