I've been that fool to over pay for polyps... Or other corals as well... Over 100 bucks for 2 clementines for example... Fortunately I was able to grow it into 2 nice 35+ polyp colonies... in which I sold to help pay for my new 180, and at jus a few dollars per polyp mind you...
Much respect for sharing/saying this, but I think you are being much too hard on yourself. For whatever the reason you paid those prices before, you're not paying them now, that's all that matters. Like I always say to Kafudafish, you have no idea just how many young and old reefers you are helping by sharing this and you really need to share this more often.....so thank you sir.
And prior to that, a nearly 400 polyp rasta at about 80 cents a polyp... My end hope was i'd flood the market a bit, but I did so the wrong way... What I should have done was break them up a bit and get them to more hobbyist so that more people had them at that same price per polyp
Kudos for that Neal.
Anyways, not to get of track as its late and I'm spent but I RC a bit before bed usually, lol... I was gonna also add that after paying those original prices, and seeing how fast they grew when I was constantly told how slow they grew, I refuse to ever pay more than 20 or 30 bucks for a nice established and healthy frag
:beer: wow, impressive and so true. I grow tired of hearing all of these claims of fast and slower growers when the only variables which will dictate and determine fast growth, slow growth, no growth or death, is your tank maturity and its parameters. Also ones overall knowledge level and said husbandry knowledge goes a long way in even keeping them alive.
Personally, I have never and will never pay more than $ 15 to $ 20 for a 7 to 10 polyp frag and that is based also upon the size of the rock they are attached to.
... I constantly see people all around my local clubs and area who sell the one or two polyps, cut at the base and not even be rubble beneath it, slapped in too much glue, faded and not healed, and asking some BS prices... Drives me nuts as someone who used to frag quite a bit and would only let go what did well only after a month or two, and always at least 5 or more polyps... Don't get me wrong, I've made smaller frags, put wouldn't sell them until they were healed and growing, or I used those for freebies to friends and as extras to buyers in case they didn't do well...
My friend, you are hitting the nail on the proverbial head. It absolutely sickens me to hear and see this practice. To see a blatant lack of morality in the care and handling of these polyps is a small portion of how the dynamics of reefing has shifted away from where it once was. It is totally unethical to cut, glue and ship anything without affording it the opportunity to heal/recover before even considering selling it let alone shipping it. This is what greed and price gouging has created, an entire new culture. I just saw a frag of 5 polyp of one of the most common dull zoanthids in the hobby. I am being very honest here, it was one of the first ones I ever own. It was so common and cheap, it was most often given away at local swaps and a freebie from many LFS. I saw a guy selling those 5 polyps that were place under super saturated blue LEDs and a macro shot taken just inches from the polyp, and he was selling it for $45. WHAT ??? you could buy a 4 inch colony before names and gouging with 100 or more for only $ 30 at the most.
Do you remember this thread in which you and I were a part of?
I want everyone to read post # 387 below.
Then read post # 443 in its entirety
I have sent that thread to most everyone I know. The majority who took several days to read it were shocked to say the least. It is one of the most informative threads you will ever read and will surely open the eyes of those who simply aren't aware of the game being played on them. There are even those involved in price fixing to set the price and to keep it as high as possible. You have even eluded to those who didn't want you to sell your frags at a fair market price. I challenge everyone to take the time to read it this thread I am speaking of. It gets heated, but look beyond that and just keep reading. It's all there so it's not just a few who are sick of what is happening.
I guess my point here is, besides probably not really having one, is I've learned from my experiences and what I've seen around me... Educated sort of speak I guess you could say, and I simply make better choices in what I'll add or buy for my collection... I'm in a sort of rebirth in this hobby and I'm goin strictly zoas and palys as far as coral, but I absolutely will not buy what is t healthy and legit, and I will not be paying much for it... If that means I go without certain ones, so be it, my collection and display will still be amazing with time... And I'll feel better about wallet, lol...
Well said my friend, very well said.
On the flip side, some folks got money to burn, and good for them, I don't really judge others about how they spend their money... Truth be told I feel it's along the lines of religion and politics and you leave it be and don't talk about it... People's money, and how they spend it, is their own business, and should be left at that...
I hear you, but these lies and this price gouging has to stop. It has driven hundreds if not thousands of new reefers away.
Sometimes I really wish we could jus stick to the reason we are here, and jus share photos and knowledge of species and care, and never mind all this horse crap... I think one thing we can agree on is most all of us, especially those of us who have been in this wonderful hobby for more than a few years and aren't jus people passing through sorta speak, is that we all have one hell of a passion for this hobby and these animals... Imagine if this much energy was put into threads that involved picture sharing, care, and helping each other and having more productive conversations...
I share your passion my friend.
Jus some thoughts to share... Worth less than a grain of salt, if that...
Again I apologize if any I this doesn't make sense, it's late and I'm spent...