Pooky's 300

Cool, skiing is a fun sport! We got burnt out on skiing in college as me and the hubby both raced, so now we snowmobile instead. We are thinking of trying a trip out West just to try out the new shaped skis as we have not been on the boards since like 1998!

Fly into San Francisco, rent a car, and then drive through Sac on your way to Tahoe :lol:
Definitely. I was never a fan of the sedras. Don't get me wrong, they do the job, but there are definitely other choices out there for us. Nice upgrade :thumbsup:

Nice pick up Kenny! At one time sedras where king, but that was long ago. Still reliable but not as efficient as some of the newer pumps.

Yep, there is always something bigger and better out there. It always boils down to coming up with the funds :lmao:
Cool, skiing is a fun sport! We got burnt out on skiing in college as me and the hubby both raced, so now we snowmobile instead. We are thinking of trying a trip out West just to try out the new shaped skis as we have not been on the boards since like 1998!

We've been on a hiatus since before our second one was born. I think next winter both should be ready for ski school :rollface: Before kids, we usually do 2 ski trips a year. Man, do I miss the slopes.

If you do make it out west, Tahoe is great skiing with many to choose from. If you haven't been, Whistler is like nothing else. That's our favorite spot by far.
Kenny are you thinking of teaching your kids to ski or board? I'm so old that they didn't have boarding when I was learning. Never had the desire to board when I had time and now I don't have the time, plus when you get old your bones become brittle, ya know? At least I can stay standing on ski (most of the time). Seems like most of the kids are boarding and skiing has gone the way of the dinosaurs? How old are your kids btw?

A bit of sad news. I have a set back on my frag tank when it overflowed last week. Reason unknown except I think the moisture caused my ballast and heater to pop the GFCI. Lost power in the middle of the night while I was sleeping the tank went cold. I restarted it in the morning and got everything dried up and running again. However I didn't realize I lost so much water until 2 days later I happen to check the salinity because the corals didn't look so happy, it was at .019! I raised it slowly yesterday and it's back up to .025. Some evaporation will occur and it will bring the tank to .026. The hawkins looked in bad shape so I put it in my DT for it to heal, I'm hoping for the best. There are definitely some dying parts on the Pink Lemonade colony, but the branches look ok still. I'm working on a full recovery now. Will keep you guys updated.

I'm going to upgrade and use my 55 gal drum as an additional sump for the frag tank. I think 60gal isn't enough to keep things stable.
My nephew is 4, he just had his first lesson boarding and is doing good. I will take him again hopefully in the next couple of weeks.

A bit of sad news. I have a set back on my frag tank when it overflowed last week. Reason unknown except I think the moisture caused my ballast and heater to pop the GFCI. Lost power in the middle of the night while I was sleeping the tank went cold. I restarted it in the morning and got everything dried up and running again. However I didn't realize I lost so much water until 2 days later I happen to check the salinity because the corals didn't look so happy, it was at .019! I raised it slowly yesterday and it's back up to .025. Some evaporation will occur and it will bring the tank to .026. The hawkins looked in bad shape so I put it in my DT for it to heal, I'm hoping for the best. There are definitely some dying parts on the Pink Lemonade colony, but the branches look ok still. I'm working on a full recovery now. Will keep you guys updated.

I'm going to upgrade and use my 55 gal drum as an additional sump for the frag tank. I think 60gal isn't enough to keep things stable.
Oh man...sorry to hear the bad news Leo. Hope that everything recovers.
Oooh, nice pumps Kenny :D
We are thinking of trying a trip out West just to try out the new shaped skis as we have not been on the boards since like 1998!
Don't waste your time! I've been skiing since I was four, and started to snowboard and ski around eigth grade... tried the new "parabolics" when they came out a few times and won't get on them again. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
Don't waste your time! I've been skiing since I was four, and started to snowboard and ski around eigth grade... tried the new "parabolics" when they came out a few times and won't get on them again. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

Interesting Austin!

Kenny - Last trip was actually in Tahoe ... it was beautiful!
Kenny are you thinking of teaching your kids to ski or board? I'm so old that they didn't have boarding when I was learning. Never had the desire to board when I had time and now I don't have the time, plus when you get old your bones become brittle, ya know? At least I can stay standing on ski (most of the time). Seems like most of the kids are boarding and skiing has gone the way of the dinosaurs? How old are your kids btw?

Dan, I'll let them choose whatever they like. At this point, I just want them to pick something up so WE can go skiing again :lol2: I am not a boarder either so we are the same. Milk, baby!!! The kids will be 4 and 6 this year so it's now or never.

A bit of sad news. I have a set back on my frag tank when it overflowed last week. Reason unknown except I think the moisture caused my ballast and heater to pop the GFCI. Lost power in the middle of the night while I was sleeping the tank went cold. I restarted it in the morning and got everything dried up and running again. However I didn't realize I lost so much water until 2 days later I happen to check the salinity because the corals didn't look so happy, it was at .019! I raised it slowly yesterday and it's back up to .025. Some evaporation will occur and it will bring the tank to .026. The hawkins looked in bad shape so I put it in my DT for it to heal, I'm hoping for the best. There are definitely some dying parts on the Pink Lemonade colony, but the branches look ok still. I'm working on a full recovery now. Will keep you guys updated.

I'm going to upgrade and use my 55 gal drum as an additional sump for the frag tank. I think 60gal isn't enough to keep things stable.

No worries, Leo. At least they are still alive. They probably would have been dead if I left them in my tank this whole time :)
Oooh, nice pumps Kenny :D

Don't waste your time! I've been skiing since I was four, and started to snowboard and ski around eigth grade... tried the new "parabolics" when they came out a few times and won't get on them again. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

Thanks Austin. I didn't learn until I was in college but even that was a long time ago. Parabolics came in shortly after I got started so it helped me in learning to ski faster. In the end, it doesn't really matter what skis you are on, it's what they are riding on that matters :D I'll take whatever skis as long as it's fresh powder out there.
Kenny - Last trip was actually in Tahoe ... it was beautiful!

We love Heavenly in Tahoe. Northstar isn't bad either. Another great spot in California is Mammoth. It's not as easy to get to but it's got some of the best snow. And after they built the village a few years back, the more reasons to go there. Afterall, another facet of a ski vacation is the apres ski :)
Check out this bad boy.......and his manhood :lol2:

Beautiful Linny, is it the same one that you had last time I was there? I'm looking for one...again.