Pooky's 300

Brian, I am seriously considering moving a couple of pieces over to another tank that was just set up. Unfortunately, it's just a 16 gallon nano so it won't hold much. I set it up mainly for new fish acclimation.
I think I'll move a small colony over to see how it does. I do have a 250 on it so it has plenty of light :D I guess I'll just have to change the water more often to keep the water quality up. I wonder what the fish in there currently will think. Someone is moving into it's crib.
You really hhave nothing to lose by moving them. If it works it might buy you some time to find the problem. When I was dealing with a similar situation it seem to help, but I waited to long and most where lost.
Yeah, I'll do it as soon as it's ready. It's at 66/67 right now and will take a couple of days to bring it up to the same temp as the 300, which is at 74/75.
Kenny, why does it take a couple of days to bring temp up from 67 to 75 on a 16gal tank?

Or are you acclimating slowly w/ whatever you got in there...
Spill the beans or I'm getting in my car and driving up!:mad: (I'll bring cold Bass though:) )
Now y'all need to be patient. When the time is right, I'll be sure to post some pix. Although a handful of ice cold Bass could do the trick sooner :D

The only thing I can say is that it's potentially a nipper, although I hope it would be at a minimum. Even if it is, oh well.
Took these two shots a few days ago before the last large colony came out. You can gauge it's overall size somewhat based on everything else. It's the one towards the front and left of center of tank, right above the red Favites on the sand that looks like a big boob :D


Its very unfortuante what you are going through Kenny. The PBT looks fat and healthy. Good luck in your new addition(s).
Kenny, sorry about your acro troubles, hope it starts to turn for the better soon. But on the positive side everything else there do look really great. I'm envious of your fish collection.