Post Pics of Pulsing Sinularia??


I would love to see some updated pics. I has been like a year, they should be big now. Im about to buy on of these, and would really like see them, and read up on how they live. There is almost no info on the net about them...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9612675#post9612675 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by scoutmaniak

I would love to see some updated pics. I has been like a year, they should be big now. Im about to buy on of these, and would really like see them, and read up on how they live. There is almost no info on the net about them...



WAY back in March of 05, this is the frag we recieved.


And today it looks like this. Mind you, the image is misleading. It is easilly 8-10" in diameter, and equally as tall. It has been fragged numerous times as well.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9625848#post9625848 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by crrichey
Someone HAS to have a video!!!!!

I tried this weekend to get a video because when I had the flow turned off for the water change - the polyps were really going at it, however my camera isn't fantastic at video and by the time I got the video camera out, they had all receded and the coral scrunched up. I'll try to get one next time I'm home.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9625848#post9625848 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by crrichey
Someone HAS to have a video!!!!!

Why? I think you would be severely disappointed. They don't pulse like crazy like Xenia or other fast moving corals. If you shut off all water flow, and a fish or something swims by or irritates the coral, you will see the tips pulse for a brief time. It's not a constant motion like Xenia.
Sorry for the whole tank pic. This picture is a few months old; the coral is the big pink think in the middle. Mine has gentle constant flow and is under PCs.

I get the best polyp extension when the water is good. It pulsed like crazy for a few months; now it pulses randomly. It seems to act differently in different tanks.

They're pretty corals, and they grow well. The specimen I have is a 1/4 frag off the parent, and I've fragged it at least five times in the last six months!

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Gant, I love the whole tank!! Thanks for sharing the full tank shot, it looks better that way! I still like a tank full of softies. There is alot more movement. Ill post a pick when mine gets here tomarow!! I cant wait...

Gflat that isnt a pulsing sinularia, looks more like nepthya to me.

As for the actual pulsing, its differs alot from tank to tank. I have two 8-10 inch colonies and mine pulse 100% of the time, under T-5's with low-moderate flow. Its not all the polyps at once but several polyps pulsing in totally different areas of the leather at a time. Very sporatic and random. Has nothing to do with being irritated or touched by another inhabitant.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9642722#post9642722 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jamokie01
Gflat that isnt a pulsing sinularia, looks more like nepthya to me.

As for the actual pulsing, its differs alot from tank to tank. I have two 8-10 inch colonies and mine pulse 100% of the time, under T-5's with low-moderate flow. Its not all the polyps at once but several polyps pulsing in totally different areas of the leather at a time. Very sporatic and random. Has nothing to do with being irritated or touched by another inhabitant.

I'd love to see a picture. Not to doubt you, but that's not my experience nor anyone else's I've read. I wonder if there is something in your tank that promotes active constant pulsing. Mine is in a very high flow area.
Interesting. Never heard of a pulsing Nephthea... The polyps are three to four times the size of the other corals I've always called nephthea. It is an unusual growth form, too (not like any of my other softies).
I dunno why mine pulses the way it does. I fragged it a couple times and the people who got the frags say it doesnt pulse. I also noticed the color and polyp size is drastically different under different lighting. Mine is a tan/brown color under high wattage T-5 lighting. The frag I gave to a guy with a 400 watt halide above it looks more blue/gray. And my friend put his under pc and his polyps got much larger and look bright pink. Im also going to be changing the flow in my tank by replacing my powerheads with 2 hydor koralias, Im wondering how it will behave then. As for getting a pic Id says it unlikely, the distance of the coral from the glass, the size of the polyps, and the fact that Id have to zoom in so much to catch individual polyps pulsing when I have no idea which ones will pulse next, all add up to a difficult pic to take. Ill try though, Ill have my buddy bring his new cam over. If I get anything decent Ill post it.
What color are your t-5 bulbs?? I have a tek 6 bulb, but have alot of blue so maybe mine will look more pink... How is the growth under t-5's?? My payment didnt go through till today, so I should be getting my frag tomarrow some time. Ill see how long it takes to fully aclamate to my tank. I know my xenia pulse like theres no tomarrow, so mybe ill have some luck getting the sinularia to pulse.....
Right now I have an 8 bulb setup of half 10k and half actinic, Id really like the color to be a bit more blue, but Im having a hell of a time finding bulbs aside from 10k, 6500, and actinic. Im looking for a 12k, I think giesmann makes an 11k. Anyways, my softies love the T-5s, my zoanthid growth is crazy, my leathers have grown significantly, and my shrooms expand alot.
Sounds great!!! I think ATI bulbs makes a 12k now. Check out, they seem to have the best selection of bulbs. Ive got a 6 bulb, with 2 actincs, 2 blue plus, 1 11k, and 1 6.5k. It's just about like a 14k MH. I cant wait for my leather to come it!!!!! USPS is the worst shipper!! They are a day late now, so I hope it's ok...

the polyps on this leather i posted for an id on here pulsate also not all at one time, but randomly. i just figured it was doing some kind of filter feeding.
I used to think it was a feeding response as well, but if you look close the polyps arent closing or retracting, theyre actually opening more fully, until the tentacles of the polyp kinda smush against the flesh of the coral.
Seems to be some confusion here. Many photos in this thread depict Alcyoniids other than Sinularia. Most show Cladiella. Polyps on these retract and emerge rapidly, you only have to wave your hand past them and the polyps retract, but I've never seen any documented cases of 'pulsing'.

So, just to clarify, of those claiming their corals pulse, you're saying they do so rhythmically like Xenia does?

Quick read about Cladiella from AIMS' soft coral Atlas:
"COLONY MORPHOLOGY: Encrusting to erect, firm to fleshy, lobate colonies commonly of relatively small size. Asexual reproduction is by colony fission. Lobes generally more regular than Sinularia, and do not form ridges. Colonies with limited powers of contraction. Polyps are monomorphic, retractile, small, with short bodies. When expanded, the tentacle tips bend far back to form an inverted bowl shape. Colonies are generally white or pale brown when contracted. Polyps are brown due to dense concentrations of zooxanthellae. The rapid retraction of polyps upon disturbance results in a characteristic instantaneous colour change from brown to white."