There's nothing scientific, nor even good anecdotal evidence to support the need to test for and dose those elements.
oh there is, growth of corals, bacteria, algae and so on ... will take up elements.
regular tanks, with weekly or bi weekly water changes, do get replenished for those elements.
in ULNS systems, Bacteria use up Iron, hence it might deplete more.
if you use Zeoliths rocks, K+ is reported to be consumed more often.
iodine have to be carefull. it will poison every thing if overdosed.
Saying a bunch of things in our tank take up some elements isn't actually support for the need to dose them. I've never heard of a tank being deficient in any of those elements and then showing adverse effects directly attributable to that depletion. Just wild speculation that one of those things may be a problem...
If you're growing massive amounts of algaes perhaps iron supplementation would be worthwhile, but in an average reef none of these are anything to be concerned about. The fact that remains is that there are MANY very successful tanks that don't worry about dosing and supplementing anything other than calcium, alakalinity and magnesium.
I respectfully disagree. check out carbon dosing tanks, like Zeovit, and Potassium [K+] depletion
but I agree with you partially, my first sentence was : "regular tanks, with weekly or bi weekly water changes, do get replenished for those elements." which is true most of the times
I dose pottasium and Iron in my SPS tank ... I test it as well of course, and dose when lacking my weekly water changes are done also.
I disagree. I had a 20h that I could not keep a cleaner shrimp alive past a few months. It would always die around molting. I started adding one drop of iodine to my tank every week or two and I have had the same shrimps for 2 years. These shrimps were all coming from the same source.In the case of iodine just feeding your fish will keep levels high enough.
lol thanks guys.
Ptreef ... these elements, except for potassium [New salifert test kit] we cant really test them for sure, so testing is much harder than KH and CA++.
I go based on colours of Corals and their health. it takes some time to learn, but once you do, everything becomes easier. you no longer would need to test for CA++ or KH neither.
for example ... when K+ is lacking, you will notice dull color on orange corals, specially monti caps, less PE on most corals, pocilopora looks like it was just touched [retracted PE] and stylopora might even show tissue recession. if you see these, you lack K+.
Iron .... your green corals are the sign, if the green fades, you lack iron. if you dose it and your Yellow SPS turn green, you have overdosed. if algae blooms, you overdosed yesterday. lol
Iodine ... thats the last supplement for me ... I personally Believe it helps with purple and blues. I rarely use it though, as my blues are usually top notch. maybe once a month I add a drop.
Randy explains Here about how water changes effect elements. again, Except K+ which is one of the main elements of seawater like calcium, others like iron and iodine are trace elements, present at very low concentration.