Protocol for using antibiotics to treat infected anemones ~Added to 7/30/14

Can I have both rbta and green haddoni in the same QT?

I realize that most people can't set up two QT tanks, but ideally treatment should be administered separately. Also, I can't stress the importance of running the full course when using Cipro -- from 5-7 days. Antibiotics can show results almost immediately, but the key is to make sure that it wipes everything out, hence the 5-7 day course.
D-Nak, how long is too long though when treating? Im only on day 4.

5 to 6 days is recommended. I have treated nems for 7 days, then observed them in QT without meds for another week or so. If all is well, they return to the DT.

What is the minimum size tank I need to get? For filtration, can I use hob filter with flourecent light?

Since 250mg is the typical size of a Cipro tablet, I recommend a 10 gallon tank as the minimum size since it's the easiest to dose.

No filtration is needed in the tank. If you were to run carbon filters, it would remove the medication. You can use an empty HOB filter to provide water movement if you like. Per Minh's original treatment recommendation, I use a small powerhead and heater on one side of the tank, separated by an eggcrate wall, which prevents the nem from floating and getting sucked into the powerhead or burned by the heater. Since you're doing a 50% water change every day, pollutants shouldn't be an issue.

Lighting depends on the condition and species of nem being treated. For example, for gigantea and magnifica, you can blast them with light. I've used both a 250 watt halide and a Kessil A150. Both worked well, though the Kessil was better since it didn't produce any heat. Keep in mind that light breaks down Cipro, so treatment should be done at night after lights out.
Got it!
I live in Taiwan and it's fairly hot 80f+ thru out the day, do I need a heater?

If I don't have hallide? Should I get one or can i have the tank outside with natural lighting? It's overcast in taipei right now.
D-Nak, how long is too long though when treating? Im only on day 4.
You should treat it for 3-4 days more after it return to essentially normal. Likely 7-10 days total. If it does not responsed, by 10 days it is likely dead already.
Got it!
I live in Taiwan and it's fairly hot 80f+ thru out the day, do I need a heater?

If I don't have hallide? Should I get one or can i have the tank outside with natural lighting? It's overcast in taipei right now.
It need temp stability. I think 5 degree swing from day to night is likely too much. Don't quote me on this because I do not have experience with this type of temp swing in my tank.
I put a fan on the tank during the day. Heater on at night. Tmp swing is often within 2 degree at the max
I got everything setup but I have a problem. My green haddoni is stuck on the rock and it won't budge. I tried my best to yank him out but no luck. I think I might kill it before I get him out of the dt.

I guess I will treat the rbta first.

Any suggestions on how to remove Mr Green?

This is him before eating the Hawaii tang about 3 weeks ago.

This is my red haddoni today.

This is the QT with rbta
That green carpet is a Gigantea instead of Haddoni. You can remove the whole rock to treatment. You can put a larger PVC pipe over him. He will move and attach to the PVC and you then can remove the PVC.
Hie is a very nice Gigantea. Good luck with him.
OrionN, thank you for pointing that out. Unfortunately he is stuck to my main tree so i can remove the entire rock however I got him out by using a credit card (master card) with some patience.

This is my Tree and it's located in my kindergarten called Tree House Academy in Taipei, Taiwan.
I ground the cipro into fine powder with my master card, turned off the lights and mixed it into the tank.

I should change water after 24 hours. Do I need to dose again after water change? Or is it just one dosage?

I will turn on the lights in the morning and turn it off again at the same time.

Day 0, 8 pm taipei time: This is them in the QT
I have never seen mr green with his mouth gaping open before. Does he have a chance?
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Day 0, 15 hours: I just switched on the lights. This is Mr. Green and his mouth is closed so I can only guess he is doing better because his mesentry and pharynx are not showing.


I hope the light will do him some good.

This is the rbta


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How much water in the treatment tank?
If you have 10 gal in the treatment tank, then change 5 gal and dose 250 mg Cipro. Cipro dissolves very easy so you don't have to ground it to a powder. Just hold it in your finger and rub it in front of the PH. It dissolves quickly in a min or so. The current will carry it to the rest of the tank.