R/O Waste Water Uses

I'm planning on using my waste water to water the grass in the back. Going to store waste water to 2 55 drums on wheels and tie them together and use a jacuzzi pump that is connected to a garden hose that is connected to a make shift sprinkler and connect the pump to a timer... hope it works. I hope that made sense.
I save waste water for tank maintenance tasks. Instead of running tap water to clean my skimmer, pumps, etc, I scrub in a waste collection tote and then rinse with a little RO/DI. The waste water is also fine for mopping my tile floors. The waste also gets dumped into the yard.
boy I have read through a bunch of these ideas in this thread, and they are all Great!! My issues is really other than the toilet and clothes washer, I don't have much use for the waste water..and I am trying to think right now how and where I would even store it in 55 gallon drums or what have you..the house i rent is not that big. there is a basement, but it's hard for me to get down there, due to ankle problems..for the life of me I can't figure out a decent setup to use an rodi system..
Just finished most of my plumbing. What I've done for this .. in my utilitiy room, which is about 10 feet from tank, I am pulling water in from my well tank, directly into my RODI system. RODI water goes into a 55 gallon drum elevated about 4 feet up. Under it, another drum, where I can drop the RODI water and make saltwater. Waste water line goes into a pipe, which goes into another drum in same room. Overflow, on RODI drum, goes into this waste water drum as well. Once drum hits 55 gallons, it drops into a small holding vessel, with a sump, and I run it outside, essentially water the garden in the summer and just dropping it in the ground in the winter. With the drum inside, I have a value on it so I can also use it for household plants, backup if we lose power I can flush toilets (on a well), fountain outside, etc.
Mine goes into my pool, it's not a huge amount, but It takes care of the water that's lost from the kids in and out all day
Plants and laundry! But I think I might start to run what I don't use through my skimmer collection cup to keep it clean in between my normal maintenance. I already have the drain hose running to a large drain, and I saw a nice similar setup earlier today.
There is a hookup on bulk reef supply to turn your waste water into more gallons per day on your RODI system.
You talking about this? It doesn't exactly "turn your waste water into more RODI", as much as it gives you more RODI per tap water in. It's just slapping on an extra membrane.
Plants and laundry! But I think I might start to run what I don't use through my skimmer collection cup to keep it clean in between my normal maintenance. I already have the drain hose running to a large drain, and I saw a nice similar setup earlier today.

Lame... I actually thought there was something to recycle bad water from RO/di unit back into ro/di filter to turn back into clean ro/di water
I have my sump and ro water set up in the basement. I was able to run a line for the waste water through the crawl space and now drips into the front garden.

My only concern is once the weather turns cold and freezing in the winter time??
I use it to water my a couple of trees that I want to provide shade on the house in the summer when the sun is setting. They have grown so fast, that the bark is splitting from not keeping up. The rejected water has all the things that the trees loves to consume.
For those of you using waste water to water your trees/grass, how are you storing it? Do you run the waste line directly to soaker hoses? Do you have large storage tanks sitting in your yard? Do you have your ro/di unit outside, inside, or garage?

I'm struggling to picture how the plumbing works....ideally I'd like to put the ro/di unit in the garage which shares a wall with our backyard. I could plumb the waste line through the wall directly into a storage tank. The only problem is theres no water outlet in the garage, although the water heater is there so theres obviously plumbing...is this DIY kind of stuff or should I hire a plumber?
I just received my BRS ro/di yesterday and hooked it up. We bought a large trash can for the waste and I'm thinking of making it into a rain barrel - basically adding a spigot to it so we can hook up a garden hose to use the waste water for plants. Still trying to figure the system out...our waste water can is out on the patio right now.

I already dumped some into my 55 gallon planted tank to top it off. I'm so glad we can still use the waste for other purposes.
I save my water in a 350 tank which is on the out side wall the RO is on the inside of this wall i used the water to flush the toilet.RO water will not show up on your water meter because of low flow.
Lame... I actually thought there was something to recycle bad water from RO/di unit back into ro/di filter to turn back into clean ro/di water

Well that's what it does. Waste from RO #1 goes into RO #2. It gets processed into product and waste. Net result is for a given amount of water in you get more product and less waste.