Premium Member
Wow, great job on organizing everything. Looks really clean! Sorry to hear you've had some troubles with the tank, but it looks good and ready for some acros again.
Nate, that's some serious organizing.
Like.... I think I just got a man crush after seeing all that neatness!
Sooo clean! Hopefully I'll be able to do something similar. Only thing would worry me is the water spilling on that vortech backup since both outlets are facing up
That's nearly as good looking as the corals!
Looks like a good plan to me.
Keep an eye on the alk. I seem to recall that new calcium carbonate sand can cause some initial precipitation and then stop, you might see your alk go up again..
Not sure you need to go all the way to 9dkh.. But it certainly won't hurt.. Why not level off closer to where you were before the drop and hold there for a while..
At this point in the young age of your system, it probably just makes sense to head toward the kh you want to keep it at and stay there.
Why the different kh depending on bb or sand ?
The tank is looking really good leaps and bounds as far as progress. How long have you had the matrix in there now? I think I may have to go over there and take some pictures of the corals to show some real beauty. Great progress keep the updates coming
nice tank!
looking good!!
Tank is looking really nice! :beer: Whats the current fish stock?