Hi Everyone,
I'm really sorry for not replying sooner, there have been many very large changes in my life in the last couple of weeks. Some have been good and others, I am sad to say, have been bad. In light of sharing both (and not just the "perfect shots") in this journal, here is an updated shot of the tank, in its new home and on it's new stand.
Your tank is looking great. Rimless clean lines with minimal rock. I assume SPS dominated based off your inspirations? I liked you first post in the thread. That it does take a artistic view to aquascape a tank. I'm curious to what you create. Also do you think you'll ever add sand in the future?
Hi neuwave, thank you for the compliments, and your assumption about SPS domination are correct. I will likely have a few LPS and clams, but they will be chosen very carefully. I don't think that I will add sand in the future, as I prefer the look of my aquarium the way it is, and I need fewer processes and equipment to keep it in good shape. Perhaps when I upgrade to a 180g (distant future) I will have sand. Although it will be only because I couldn't keep the bottom scraped easily on such a large tank.
Love the minimalist look! Also the BB is the way to go. After my last tank crashing from moving 3 different times and stirring up the sandbed, that i never stirred, I will probably never go back to sand. The only issues im having is the starboard used to look kinda like sand when it was white but now is getting covered with coraline. I also didnt silicone the starboard to the bottom of the tank since it looked like nothing was going to be able to get underneath it with all the rocks i have on top of it. Can't wait to see what your tank is going to look like with corals covering those three rocks and fish swimming around it.
Thank you sh8g8delik for the kind words - we both appreciate simplicity, with regards to aesthetics as well as reefkeeping methodology! I don't think that the silicone was necessary, I just wanted to fill in the gaps around the edges, and I wasn't completely sure the rock would hold the plastic down. Eventually Coraline Algae will begin to grow on the bottom of this tank, however I plan on scraping it weekly to keep it nice and white. I can't wait to get some corals in either. The move has set me back a couple weeks, and I still have a few fish to buy. After this, I will establish a Calcium and Alkalinity demand by adding some clams, and adjusting my parameters to where I want them. (Alk ~ 8.0, Calcium ~350, and Mg ~ 1300. After this is complete, I should have PO4 and NO3 in the ranges that I want to keep, and I will begin adding corals. :bounce3:
I guess I'm gonna re-evaluate my radion. It's only XR15, but I guess without a par meter I'm just estimating...
You're welcome on that Apex

I guess you're going to get the XMS module? I can't wait to see the vortechs and the radions all hooked up to it!
Whats left for the ATO? Breakout box and some sensors? Will you have leak detection sensors as well? What kind of fail-safe features do you have? Besides the dual return. Redundancy is key lol
Can't wait to see more progress and I'll get some pics up on my thread asap. Perhaps you can come visit some time take some pics with the cannon
I wouldn't re-evaluate your Radion settings necessarily - do what works for you! I do have the WXM module which will control my Vortechs and Radion, although it is not connected in its current state.
I have the breakout box, sensors, and wiring, I just need to connect them. For now, I don't have any leak detectors, but I will be getting some, especially now that I am in a 2nd floor apartment!
Hopefully I can find some time soon to come up and take a look at the tank, and see your new place. Still don't see any updated pics on your thread........
Nate, I am getting all giddy about the tank, I always love seeing the plans come together, what is in store in the near future is going to be awesome!!!
Hey Perry - man what a let down :facepalm: . I'm hoping I can get things back together here in the next couple of weeks. With the new stand I have a larger area underneath, which means a bigger sump (Thank you Danny for the 40b !!!). Here I will house some extra LR that I have been keeping cycled, and which will allow much more room for buffering capacity and of course, tinkering.
Now that I am getting settled in, I will have some more time to keep the thread updated. Hope you keep checking back!
This is coming together nicely. We do need to schedule some beer time!! Are you kidding 7? With Chris and I there lol we might have to triple that. How has fusion been treating you I know everything has not been up for long. I need to come over and see a visual update. Is this thing ready for coral yet!!?
Hey Dan, thanks for helping me move the tank, it would have been impossible without you. Yes, I need to get you, Chris, and Christian over for some beer time - but gotta get something for you guys to sit down on first! Fusion is awesome, but I haven't had much time to customize. Over the next couple of weeks, I will be able to get things adjusted and fine-tuned.