my update on my second order from BLUEZOOAQUATICS
my update on my second order from BLUEZOOAQUATICS
MY first order was a disaster, most of the fish were DOA and remaining died in my QT.
Bluezooaquatics dealt with the issue as if it was one time mistake and it won't repeat again, but it turns out that's not true.
I think they have a third party vendor who ships fish in the name of bluezooaquatics, so the bluezooaquatics representatives really have no control over the shipment and customer requests.
Long story short, once again there was several DOA chromis and it is clear this time that the fish died due to URONEMA, and may not be due to shipping alone.
My main problem now is not about sick chromis (because I anticipated that) but because of the hippo blue tang they sent me.
The blue tang had severe ick, one bulged opaque white eye opened up (it didn't look like an eye but more like hanging white tissue with a worm inside it) and a red worm hanging on it. The tail was again missing, seemed like the tail got eroded away due to ick. Why did they once again ship a fish like that? In my previous order they shipped me a tail less clownfish. This truly doesn't seem like a mistake. The guy who ships fish seems to think that if he ships one or two severely sick dead fish while the others are in ok condition then he thinks he can save some money. Clearly no thought about reputation or credibility. I repeat it once again. This was not a mistake, but intentional. An effort to save money. He just mixes couple of bad ones with some good ones.
Absent mindedly I used the same net that I used to scoop up the dead blue tang in my display tank. Now I'm somewhat scared that the ick may come into my display. Well I have a strong UV sterilizer so I HOPE that prevents it from happening.
Let the photos speak for itself now. The red lesions you see is URONEMA on chromis. Usually I wait 48 hrs to treat any fish for medication but now I don't think I have time to wait. I will start the treatment today with chloroquine Phosphate.
even the living chromis in my QT tank has red sores on their bodies (please see photo). Last night alone another 10 chromis died of this red lesions. I'm going to treat them right away with chloroquine phosphate. I will update you on this, i.e., how they respond to CP medication.
Again, here is my question. why did they catch an eyeless/tail-less hippo blue tang with severe ick and sent it to me. They knew it will die. So the conclusion is that the third party vendor don't care about the reputation of bluezooaquatics, and they are willing to go through the hassle to save a buck for themselves. Clearly the guy who shipped the fish thinks he is invisible because he knows that he is hiding behind Bluezooaquatics and he also knows that it is the problem of bluezooaquatics and not his. I really don't think bluezooaquatics has much control over this nasty third party vendor.