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Uronema on chromis

Uronema on chromis

Alright, here is the update. Three more chromis out of six died last night due to red lesions. They didn't have it before CP treatment and even with the CP treatment they developed it and died. I have 3 left. So in summary, if chromis has URONEMA then please don't buy it in the hope that you can treat this disease. It is simply not treatable (just my experience). It is waste of time, money and your energy. Also, you have to watch them die one after another which is painful and not good for your energy too. Just simply stay away from the supplier who sells chromis with URONEMA infection. Period. I'm posting this so that other hobbyist can learn from my mistake instead of they themselves going through what I went through. Because, most likely you won't get any desired results with treating this non-treatable uronema on chromis.
uronema seems chromis specific to the most part.

uronema seems chromis specific to the most part.

Please don't take what I'm going to say to be a universal truth, but it is just my observation.
All my other fish are doing fine but only this chromis is getting wiped out with few hours. They usually get wiped out because of red lesions within 48 hrs. Chromis will be eating and happily swimming one minute and in next hr or so, they will be dead with red lesions. This disease seems to be chromis specific. No other fish that came in contact with these chromis developed this red lesions. This is very strange. If any one has more knowledge in this area please share your knowledge and I will appreciate it.
Just placed my first order with them Tuesday for Thrs delivery - six starki damsels. I've been waiting for these to show up in a group from anyone for quite a while - close to nine months now.

Got the Fed Ex tracking number and will be tracking it.

Maddhugan, CP won't do anything for bacterial issues, it is parasite only.
Just got my order in. Five of the six are looking good, one is struggling a bit. In acclimation now. Very impressed with the packaging of the fish. I'll make a new thread with pics.
A customer from Connecticut wrote:

Just wanna let you know as always you guys are amazing at BlueZoo! The only company I order from online ! There should be more companies out there that are at your level ... Amazing ! Thank you!!!
A customer in Florida wrote:

Thank you Greg and your Associates, you provided me with a great shipment!!
You truly do have the best fish and service !!
I am a very happy repeat customer!
A customer in Texas wrote:


I received my order and I was quite impressed. I should have trusted forums and other sources then what I was going by. You guys in truly care about the health of your animals and the success of your customers. Mostly you don't fraud your customers.

Sadly, I can not say the same about other vendors. Once again thank you. My animals look great and they weren't skinny. Ate right when it was time to eat after following your drip instructions. You can expect me to post great things on yelp, fb, and forums!

did you just say "1/4 with air?"

did you just say "1/4 with air?"

If water is the reason, why did my 3 anthias come in DOA from live aquaria? They filled their bags 3/4 the way with water and 1/4 with air.

Did you just say 1/4" air? do you think they have a cylinder full of compressed air? I rest my case right there. I really hate to argue with you because there is no point.
never placed an order with LA

never placed an order with LA

If water is the reason, why did my 3 anthias come in DOA from live aquaria? They filled their bags 3/4 the way with water and 1/4 with air.

I have never placed an order with LA so I have no idea. My input was purely based on my observations with BZ. Live aquaria might be having some other problem which is irrelevant in this situation. May be LA sent you already dying fish that was starving and who knows what happened.
I have never placed an order with LA so I have no idea. My input was purely based on my observations with BZ. Live aquaria might be having some other problem which is irrelevant in this situation. May be LA sent you already dying fish that was starving and who knows what happened.

It shoudnt matter if the fish was sick or not according to you, your post above said if they shipped the fish in more water they would have survived.

I ment to say the bag had 3/4th water and 1/4 air. Not inches sorry.

Im just saying shipping is very hard on fish no matter how well you package them. Yes i dont order many fish because i have no need to as all my fish are happy and healthy so i dont have room to keep buying fish. But even the best fish places have die off's there is no way around it.


It shoudnt matter if the fish was sick or not according to you, your post above said if they shipped the fish in more water they would have survived.

I ment to say the bag had 3/4th water and 1/4 air. Not inches sorry.

Im just saying shipping is very hard on fish no matter how well you package them. Yes i dont order many fish because i have no need to as all my fish are happy and healthy so i dont have room to keep buying fish. But even the best fish places have die off's there is no way around it.

and it has never crossed your mind that it might be oxygen and not air? you think they fill up 1/4th of the bag with air and not oxygen?
and it has never crossed your mind that it might be oxygen and not air? you think they fill up 1/4th of the bag with air and not oxygen?

I dont know, never asked, but most companies including live aquaria does use oxygen to fill their bags when shipping. Ive even been to lfs's that use oxygen to bag up fish
First Live Fish Order

First Live Fish Order

Hello fellow reefers!

Today I received my first ever order of live fish. So far I have been very pleased with Blue Zoo and am happy to report that thus far, everything I've ordered is alive. It has only been a few hours - but other than a little stress, all of my fish appear to be in good health.

Here's what I ordered:
1 Yellow Eye Kole Tang
1 One Spot Fox Face
2 Clownfish
1 Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp
1 Fromia Red Tile SeaStar

The Tang and Fox Face were shipped in black out bags. The Fox Face was (and still is) REALLY stressed out, so I think that was probably good for him. All of the fish sent were within the size specifications of what I ordered. The Fox Face was even a little bigger than I was expecting.

I used drip acclimation to acclimate everyone. It took about an hour and a half for the salinity to match - during the process I just made sure to empty out some of the water from the bucket to make sure there wasn't too much amonia build up. Currently the star fish is still being acclimated. I have a VERY slow drip and plan to acclimate it for another couple of hours. From reading forums online it sounds like my starfish is already doomed as they seem to be very hard to keep alive, but I'm hoping for the best!

All of the fish are in QT, and will be for at least the next 6 weeks during which I will treat for any potential disease/pests. Better safe than sorry.

Overall I'm very pleased with what I received. Shipping was really quick - the fish didn't ship out until the last minute Monday evening (around 6:30) and arrived promptly this morning at about 9:30.


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that's awesome

that's awesome

Hello fellow reefers!

Today I received my first ever order of live fish. So far I have been very pleased with Blue Zoo and am happy to report that thus far, everything I've ordered is alive. It has only been a few hours - but other than a little stress, all of my fish appear to be in good health.

Here's what I ordered:
1 Yellow Eye Kole Tang
1 One Spot Fox Face
2 Clownfish
1 Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp
1 Fromia Red Tile SeaStar

The Tang and Fox Face were shipped in black out bags. The Fox Face was (and still is) REALLY stressed out, so I think that was probably good for him. All of the fish sent were within the size specifications of what I ordered. The Fox Face was even a little bigger than I was expecting.

I used drip acclimation to acclimate everyone. It took about an hour and a half for the salinity to match - during the process I just made sure to empty out some of the water from the bucket to make sure there wasn't too much amonia build up. Currently the star fish is still being acclimated. I have a VERY slow drip and plan to acclimate it for another couple of hours. From reading forums online it sounds like my starfish is already doomed as they seem to be very hard to keep alive, but I'm hoping for the best!

All of the fish are in QT, and will be for at least the next 6 weeks during which I will treat for any potential disease/pests. Better safe than sorry.

Overall I'm very pleased with what I received. Shipping was really quick - the fish didn't ship out until the last minute Monday evening (around 6:30) and arrived promptly this morning at about 9:30.

Hey man, I'm really happy for you. seems like they are doing an awesome job. I guess I was just unlucky. well I will try again with bluezooaquatics. Thanks for your feedback. This is how we learn.
shifty you may be right on something

shifty you may be right on something

I dont know, never asked, but most companies including live aquaria does use oxygen to fill their bags when shipping. Ive even been to lfs's that use oxygen to bag up fish

I still disagree with you on lot of things but I do have to agree with you on something. sometimes it's good to keep my ego away and share the truth. ok here is the story. My powerful UV kept the ichs in control without a bloom but it kept getting worse, And shifty was correct on that. With Uv you can prevent a tank wipeout but to be successful hobbyist you need to kill the ich period.
I'm using chloroquine phosphate noe with my UV turned off. here is my update. Please don't use CP if you have corals. it will kill it. it is not reef safe. cp may not kill biological filtration (atleast that's what they say) but it will surely kill your corals. ok let's ask this. will it kill your shrimps? I truly don't know but I removed all the shrimp as well. my biopellet reactor is still running though, in the hope that CP is anti-protozoan and not anti-bacterial. I may be wrong. will let you all know soon. anyway, when you treat the QT with CP you will still see white spots for 4 to 7 days and please don't panic. CP cannot kill ich when it is in your fish's body but it will kill it when it falls off and gets into free swimming stage. Just after treating my fish had even more white spots. I waited for four more days and then I saw the spots disappear. not my fish is spot free. Please don't run UV when you treat your tank with CP. The UV will break down the CP and the effects will change. It doesn't matter if you get your fish from live aquaria or bluezooaquatics, always have a qt tank. do yourself a favor. well, I will keep my experience posted. so here is my experience:
1: after treating with CP just after two day the white spots increased and I thought the medication was not working
2: however after 3 days all spot disappeared and water seems cloudy
3: fish are eating well
It kind of makes sense why the white spots won't instantaneously disappear after treatment, the reason is that even CP can kill ich only in its free swimming stage. I will keep you all updated. btw I used ich shield powder from new life spectrum. they also sell new life spectrum ick shield food and that's useless since not all fish will eat them. please erveyone, feel free to critique my findings. that's how we learn
here are my findings and observations

here are my findings and observations

Please don't think UV is useless. It will buy you time. It will prevent a ich bloom and prevent the fish wipeout. in few hrs or days. what I mean by wipe out is that if you don't have POWERFUL UV your fish may die of ich within 24 hrs but on the other hand if you have powerful uv such as emperor aquatics then your fish won't doe for months and you still have time to figure out things about treatment but don't rely on uv for ever. At some point you need to eliminate ich. period. But surely UV saves you money by preventing fish death which happens without uv in 24 hrs. Please don't even thing that the aquaultraviolet uv will help you on this situation. It will not , but the emperor aquatics HO unit will help you. this is just my experience.
However, if you want to be clear of the woods then just quarantine the tank and treat your fish with new life spectrum cp. The problem I had with this company is that the medication came without a seal. just a cap and a plastic container and when you open the container there is no seal. How would you know that this is authentic medication? well I put a pinch in my mouth and it tasted bitter. lol not a real way to find out but I still did it. stupid me. I won't get malaria atleast, if it was not tampered.
one more thing about bluezooaquatics

one more thing about bluezooaquatics

Although I got DOA, the bluezooaquatics customer service is awesome and they refunded me the money for my lost fish. so be confident and buy from them. After all, any source you get your fish from will most likely have ich. Bluezooaquatics atleast has great customer service.
Update on Order

Update on Order


Well - the starfish didn't make it :( Which isn't something I am going to attribute to Blue Zoo - it arrived and looked very healthy and I had no concerns. Even after drip acclimating very slowly for about 4 hours, it still slowly started to disintegrate and melt away. It was still moving around, but this morning it had moved into the central area and was looking really bad. So, I cut my losses and removed him. Lesson learned - probably no more star fish for me. Again - I think they are just extremely fragile and sensitive and probably between the stress of shipping and change in water parameters it just couldn't hold up.

On a positive note - the four fish are all eating and adjusting well. My tang and foxface are getting along great given their cramped living quarters for the time being. The cleaner shrimp is healthy and happy as well. None of the fish are showing any signs of disease or illness. I will probably wait a few more days before I start dosing the medications.

So - as of today I'm still satisfied with my order! Thanks Blue Zoo!