redtop03's 360 gallon plywood adventure

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15047441#post15047441 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MattShack
I'm thinking the mopping the floor excuse isn't going to work now. I just walked outside in the garage and there is water running out from under the walls into the garage. Maybe she won't notice. "It rained?" "I mopped the garage?" :eek1: :eek1: :eek1:

:eek: Ah man, sorry to hear that but right now for your life!:eek1: Run like hell!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15044542#post15044542 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chriscobb
Might have missed it Willie, but what thickness of glass did you use? Starphire?

sorry chris I thought matt ask about the glass,its 1/2" standard tempered,I couldn't afford the starphire....the starphire would have been nice though
Willie, your new dentures look good.:D Tank is looking really good. Coming together nice. They did a great job on the teeth.

Yes, thank goodness only a few gallons on carpet. Part of the room I made the mess in is my future fish room and it has a brick floor, so once i got through sweeping water out the door and mopped for a while it wasn't too bad.

Mightyevil, You were right. It didn't work. Went something like this...

Wife: What are you doing?
Me: Mopping.. Wanted to help you out a little..:D
Me: Nothing:D

Then my daughter ratted me out. She thought it was pretty funny that I made such a huge mess.

Good news is the floor is clean.
glad it wasn't catastrophic,have you got a float valve on your top off?

kids like seeing dad in trouble with mom for big messes,especially if its a bigger mess than they have ever made,I don't know why they want to be like that :)
Yeah, they like to see me in trouble. Guess it's payback for them getting in trouble.

I have a float valve, but this was a 100 gallon container I have seperated that I manually fill. I have 3 tanks right now and was doing water changes. I used the 100 gallons and was filling it back up. While waiting I was cleaning the outside of the glass on one of the tanks. Totally forgetting about the water running, then I heard a loud crash. Apparently it started over flowing and got top heavy and fell over. I passed the rug floating by as I went to check on the noise.
I understand now how the flood happened..... you're just too busy.....I don't know how you find time for anything like that with all you got going on...

"" I passed the rug floating by as I went to check on the noise ""

this ain't funny .....why can't I stop laughing.....:)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15031240#post15031240 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by marinelife
Have you washed the tank out per the sweetwater paint instructions. It is not safe until you do they say.

I was reading back through my thread again,don't know how I missed this........marinelife I've not yet washed the tank,I will before any critters go in there though...probably several times...but some dummy threw their paint can away....what was it they said to use to wash it with?
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I bought thse little alarms you set on the floor to detect any spills at the first second. You can even set them an inch or two below the top of the tank hanging inside so you completely avoid the spill. My wife hates spills, but the alarm is so loud she threw them all out.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15050281#post15050281 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Rhodophyta
I bought thse little alarms you set on the floor to detect any spills at the first second. You can even set them an inch or two below the top of the tank hanging inside so you completely avoid the spill. My wife hates spills, but the alarm is so loud she threw them all out.

that would be a wise investment,especially if you have hardwood flooring,or any flooring that water would destroy......don't know if it would have helped Matt though,his container toppled over,creating a typhoon.......maybe installed in the container itself,had it alarmed before it toppled over...

I'm still giggling thinking about the rug floating by...sorry Matt... :)
its half full and no leaks yet,I'll leave it like this for a few days then fill it on up,if no leaks silicon was cured on the inside and the outside but its probably still not in the center of the gasket,but to my understanding,the moisture helps with the curing....





the wife ask me the day before yesterday how long the silicon would take to cure...I told her on the tube it says 24 hr...she said I couldn't wait that long.....I showed was about 36 hrs.....I couldn't stand it no longer
you probably can't tell in the pics,but I grinning from ear to ear :)

I have a mess to clean from the frame....who ever said silicon doesn't adhere good to epoxy has never had to cut it off
Water testing already, that is no fair!!! :( I still have a few more days to wait.

For cleaning, wash all surfaces with a solution of one cup non-sudsing ammonia to one gallon water and flush with water.
thanks marinelife,I knew it was ammonia,but couldn't remember what kind and how much......

no fair ?:lolspin: yours is bigger than where even :lolspin:

I may be rushing the water test a little but the silicon that I could touch,felt cured,so I figured a little water wouldn't hurt,its looking good,no leaks yet :)

I'm not filling it any deeper,I'll let it set like this for a for a few days,if everything still looks good,I'll fill it on up and let it set a week or so,then maybe give it a good cleaning :).
I'm still giggling thinking about the rug floating by...sorry Matt... :) [/B]

Ok. It is funny today... But I wasn't laughing yesterday. :rollface:
I think I had about a 10 second delay before I started cleaning because I was in shock and trying to process why my socks were getting wet through my shoes and the rug surfing the wave. I had about 3 to 4 inches. The cat almost drowned. Don't think he was expecting it either. :lol:

I would have trouble waiting too. I think you're safe. If it hasn't leaked so far, I would be pretty comfortable that it won't leak at all. Great job.
tagging along with EBOLII on that topic as well.....I have ideas what I want to do the outside of mine like, but don't know if it's possible.......
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15052147#post15052147 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MattShack
Ok. It is funny today... But I wasn't laughing yesterday. :rollface:
I think I had about a 10 second delay before I started cleaning because I was in shock and trying to process why my socks were getting wet through my shoes and the rug surfing the wave. I had about 3 to 4 inches. The cat almost drowned. Don't think he was expecting it either. :lol:

I would have trouble waiting too. I think you're safe. If it hasn't leaked so far, I would be pretty comfortable that it won't leak at all. Great job.

Matt,I was telling the guy that helped me with my glass,about your endeavor today(still giggling)....

he told me one about himself,thats pretty good too.....he was sitting at on the couch,remote in hand,watching TV and drinking a glass of water....he set the glass of water on the coffee table...kicked back through his feet up on the table to relax...almost kicked over the water,threw the remote to catch the water.....he caught the water before it spilled.....the remote hit the 10 gallon tank...burst...flooded the floor vent.....the glass only had a drink or 2 left in it :)......his name is Matt too