redtop03's 360 gallon plywood adventure

thanks matt,
I did use the fiberglass in the sump,just not as heavy as the tank,but I got 2 good coats of the epoxy in there,and 4 or 5 coats of the sweetwater paint.....I think I figured it up to be about 60 to 65 gallons,I'll probably only run it at about 25 or 30 gallons,just depends on the drain off from the tank with the pump off....I hadn't noticed my reflection,I'm glad that wasn't more clear,that would have destroyed my camera,I'll try and be more careful next time :)

the sump holding has got me excited about getting the tank wet as well :)

I'm anxious to get started on your build....I can only imagine how you feel........thats gonna be a sweet system :)
You may already know this, but a tank with your dimensions should drain about 15 gallons into the sump when the pumps are off. That might help you come up with a starting point on your water level.

Say yours is 60 gallons, you could probably run it at a comfortable 40 gallons and still catch the overflow.

I was going to start it at the end of June, but I can't wait that long after reading all of these threads. :)

My wife has informed me that I better be finished by December so I don't mess up her Christmas decorating. Also, I have agreed to completely remodel the room that I'm taking part of for the fish room, complete with built-in entertainment center for the children. Which also has to be complete by December. (I hope she was talking about December 2010, but I'm not bringing it up) :)
no I didn't know,thanks,I was just gonna fill my tank and let it drain into the sump until the sump was about full,than go from there....I just want to make sure that what ever pump I use doesn't start sucking air while running,I have still got to figure out a bubble trap system for the sump

I wish I lived close enough to help have got your hands full...with all that work you'll be cutting it close,but I think you can do it.....

if you don't have it all finished before Christmas,just hide the construction with garland and tensile,and pretty flashing lights,maybe no one will notice the mess :lol:

thats gonna be the best room in the house :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15028626#post15028626 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by redtop03

if you don't have it all finished before Christmas,just hide the construction with garland and tensile,and pretty flashing lights,maybe no one will notice the mess :lol:

Great idea... That will be plan "B" :lol:
Looks sweet Redtop03....How much of a lip did you leave? Have you thought about or are you using the bumper/felt pad idea like AcroSteve did in his build? Makes perfectly good sense......We need pics....Sump looks good!!!!!
I plan on using the bumper pads as well,it makes perfect sense to use them,that will keep the silicon thickness evenly distributed around the frame,and keep the glass from squeezing too muck out....I need to find those also,glade you mentioned it,.......I'll try to get a little more done this week and post some may be next week though,my work is shutting down for 12 days,because of the drop in I have a little more time,just makes money problems worse though......hows your build coming along?
Build coming along slow.....finally got the sump complete 48x36x20......Been trying to juggle getting odds and ends completed around the house for my granddaughters first birthday party!!!!!!! After that should hopefully pick up!!!!!!!
Chris, I was trying to work that out last night actually. I'm going to have a 7' x 7' room behind the tank to fit everything in, which includes my two pairs of mated clowns, and a few frag tanks. Right now, my plan is to have no less than 350 gallons. I figured I could squeeze a DIY sump that size in my space. I will also have approx 100 gallon refugium, and two 29 gallon tanks for the clowns in the system. So... so far about 500 gallons in addition to the tank. I would like to have a minimum of 50% of the tank volume in the sump and refugium. Actual tank volume will be between 1090 and 1100 gallons.
chris,I missed 1 of your questions yesterday,the lip for the glass is 2"

I have my glass for the tank now....I'll try to get pics tomorrow,may start the install Wednesday,I got to round up some help with the glass,it's kinda heavy,but it's laying in the frame right now and it looks great :)

I also have the rubber bumpers and 10 tubes of silicon,so hopefully more progress will be made this week
hello mightyevil,
jump in any time you like.....its been an interesting adventure for me for sure,and I've enjoyed every minute so far :)
Alright! The glass is in! It's getting close now. I would help if i were a few hundrend miles closer :)

Can't wait to see some pics and some water in there.

Where did you get the silicon? I can't find any tubes locally that don't have mildew inhibitor in it.

Not sure if the sump question was for me or willie, but I'm leaning towards fiberglass and epoxy like willie did his, but I haven't ruled out the pond liner yet. I'm going to do some more research on the liner.
matt is even in the tank,just not sealed in yet :) ...wally world had the GE 1... no mold or mildew inhibitor 100% silicon $4.22 a tube,and the little rubber bumpers 12 to a pack for $ .98.......just make sure you get the clear...I grabbed up 10 tubes from the shelf,when I got to to check out,I had 2 tubes of white :)

Rhodophyta,the pond liner....I didn't think of that...but I had the paint and the fiberglass and epoxy already,so I just did it that way...I kinda wish I'd did the sump first to gain some knowledge of the fiberglass,but hopefully it'll all turn out fine :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15034970#post15034970 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by redtop03
hello mightyevil,
jump in any time you like.....its been an interesting adventure for me for sure,and I've enjoyed every minute so far :)

Thanks! I cant wait to see this up and running, do you have all the equipment yet? If yes, is it all DIY, if no, are you going to DIY?
The best of luck man!
mightyevil,thank you,I need all the luck I can get

I'd do all DIY if I could,but some thing I'm just not real handy with.......I'll still need some upgraded equipment,but for now I'm gonna try and make do with what I have with my current tanks,.....I will probably try to get my closed loop pump and Oceans Motions wave maker soon
Willie, Thanks for the tip on the silicone. I didn't think of wal-mart. I'll have to see if my local store has it. I'm sure they will.
matt,heres what I used