redtop03's 360 gallon plywood adventure

heres the glass test fit

here its propped up so I could install the bumpers and silicon

here is the little bumpers 12" apart

here is silicon oozing out
you can see the bumpers through the glass,these are 1/8" thick so the silicon should be that thickness all the way around,


I temporarily installed my top to make sure everything stays square until the silicon sets,thin I'll mount it permanently


I just gobbed it in there and tried to wipe off as much excess as I could without getting it on everything,its siliconed really well but I have a lot of clean up to do
redtop, it may be in this thread and I missed it (I have been reading it for a while now). But, have you sat down and figured out how much surface area you epoxied and how much epoxy it took to get an actual coverage figure? I know that most materials will give you a coverage but they very seldom match the coverage you actually get.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15043539#post15043539 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by One Dumm Hikk
redtop, it may be in this thread and I missed it (I have been reading it for a while now). But, have you sat down and figured out how much surface area you epoxied and how much epoxy it took to get an actual coverage figure? I know that most materials will give you a coverage but they very seldom match the coverage you actually get.

One Dumm Hikk, i lik ur user nam......we mite B kin... :beer: ....I didn't try to figure any of that out,I just assumed I had enough with the 1 gallon kit and the thinnest fiber matt......I think on the site where I got my epoxy,it tells how much area it will cover per what ever weight of fiberglass you use.....IMO the more you use the better ....if you try to calculate the area coverage you'll have to take into account,the plywood will absorb some.....

I really didn't know what I was doing,but I knew I wanted to epoxy and "glas it before the sweetwater paint.....this has all been a learning thing for me,I think anyone with any kind of building skills could do it though.....I'm not that good at building anything,I do have some concept of cutting wood straight and square,and I know to measure 2 or 3 times before cutting,and I've still got all my fingers :lol:

I have managed to acquire some decent wood working tools.....this helps a lot
If you are related to me, I wouldn't admit it :)

Where did you get your Epoxy Paint from? I am planning a setup that has 6 tanks that uses 11 sheets of plywood so trying to figure out how much epoxy paint I will need in order to cover it all so that I can come up with a budget for this project of mine.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15043803#post15043803 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by One Dumm Hikk
If you are related to me, I wouldn't admit it :)

Where did you get your Epoxy Paint from? I am planning a setup that has 6 tanks that uses 11 sheets of plywood so trying to figure out how much epoxy paint I will need in order to cover it all so that I can come up with a budget for this project of mine.

:lol: :rollface: :lol: man you have got a project on your hands I like there product,it has very little odor and I think if you'll do the pour method it will work great for you,

I think Matt found some thats a little cheaper,its in an earlier post where,but I can remember what the site was
One Dumm Hikk,I went back and found it,MattShack found his epoxy at U.S. Composites a little cheaper than what I used,good luck with your project
mightyevil,I saw in your profile,your planning a 180 gallon reef....I hope you'll post your progress on'll have a lot of help with things that maybe you didn't think of,....there's a wealth of knowledge here,and most are more than happy to share....good luck to you :)
Thank you. I looked it up and I think, from calculations, that 3 gallons should give me a 4-5 mil thick layer on it. Thats if I can add and divide properly.

3 gallons = ~690 cubic inches.
11 sheets plywood = 101,376 sq inches (48*96*2*11)
If the "depth" is .0068, then it takes 3 gallons to "fill" it. I am taking 1 or 2 mils off for spillage, extra in corners/edges, soak in, etc.. The bottom of mine will have a covering of some sort. Probably eggcrate. But nothing will be sitting directly on it that can move to cause abrasion so I am hoping the 4 mils would be enough.

Of course, thats IF a dumm hikk can add/multiply :)
Great Job. Good news is the glass fits:D

The silicone looks excellent. You did a great job with that. I'm already nervous about testing mine and I haven't even cut the first piece of wood yet :lol: How are your nerves holding up for the big wet test coming soon?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15043902#post15043902 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by redtop03
mightyevil,I saw in your profile,your planning a 180 gallon reef....I hope you'll post your progress on'll have a lot of help with things that maybe you didn't think of,....there's a wealth of knowledge here,and most are more than happy to share....good luck to you :)

:D Indeed I am working on my 180 gallon, Unfortunately all my progress has not been recorded (regretably) because my darn camera decided to malfunction and I have not gotten a new one yet. So far, I have sanded and polished my used tank (bought for $400 used), built a stand (which still needs skin) and I just purchased my Nova Extreme Pro 72" ($528.41) which had a broken splash lense so I returned and got a new one but the new one has a little problem with a ballast so I must also return. Between all of this I had to build some bunk beds for my kids because the wifey said so.

It is an extremely slow process for me, this has been on the works since early last year and this is how far I am, and you thought you were moving slow...thanks for wishing me luck as I do too need it and more than luck I need money:p

I will try to post something soon, at least a pic of my empty tank or something.
Note to self: Turn off the make up water BEFORE the door mat that belongs in the other room comes floating through the living room.

100 gallons looks like a lot more on the floor than it does in an aquarium.

I have to get this mess cleaned up before my wife gets back.... "But honey, I was just mopping so you don't have to..." Yeah something like that may work.... :)
I'm thinking the mopping the floor excuse isn't going to work now. I just walked outside in the garage and there is water running out from under the walls into the garage. Maybe she won't notice. "It rained?" "I mopped the garage?" :eek1: :eek1: :eek1:
mightyevil,just hang in there,it'll be great when you get it done,thats a nice tank,my stepbro has that same size in glass

matt,I used 1/2" tempered standard glass,I just couldn't afford the starphire.....I'm not too nervous...more anxious than anything...its killing me to wait on the silicon to fully cure,I can't do anything to it until thats ready.....I did silicon my overflow teeth on it today,and fastened the top on permanently :)

sounds like you have a mess.....I hope thats all concrete flooring

the mopping excuse wouldn't work for me,you might get lucky :lol:

here's my overflow fixed these for me....they labeled them ""custom dentures for Willie""on there web site when they fixed 'em :lol: :rollface: :lol:
