mightyevil,dark maple,mahogany both would be beautiful,I also like cherry.....but I guess you could call me an acorn......because I'm an oak nut
marinelife,In the living room,where the tank will be...the walls are painted three different colors,blotted on the walls with a plastic bag...combo of bone white,beige and a medium brown.....the wifes paint job and it looks pretty good ....our coffee and end tables are red oak...our entertainment center is black

if the tank and stand turns out to my liking,the entertainment center may get a paint job and some oak trim as well.......the couch and love seat are a beige and we have a forest green carpet which I'd love to replace with a stone look ceramic tile...
Matt,no leaks yet

...the front of the tank and stand is all that will be seen in the living room,I wanted a color that would work with oak trim.....thats the best I could do at wally world and I liked the textured look.....which the walls have also....and I can always change it later,it'll probably be skinned up terribly before I get it in here anyway,but after scraping,scratching,digging,clawing and sanding the excess silicon off,around the glass

it needed something to make it look a little better......by the time I got that stuff off,it wasn't looking too good........I learned a lesson though,if you don't want silicon on something,use masking tape...and I don't care what they say...silicon bonds well to epoxy paint