redtop03's 360 gallon plywood adventure

I figured its time for some more's my newest family member,I have him in my fuge right now,because I am afraid my other tangs would kill him,if I just turned him loose in the display,

I wouldn't have him except my sister bought it before reading about the size they he gets to go in the 360 :)

but I'd like to put him in the 150 for now......though he seems very happy in the fuge :) anybody have any suggestions how I can put him in my 150 safely,or should I just let him live in piece and tranquility for a while longer,and maybe move him in a buddy to hang out with?


hes been in the fuge for 8 days now,got him the day I picked up my glass,first few days he kinda humped up in a corner behind a piece of rubble,now hes out exploring and cleaning out my pod collection :)
Cool little hippo!!! Why dont you try taking out the other tangs, rescape the 150 and then add all at the same time...could work right? Or is this method just for freshwater?
thats probably what I'd have to do so I'll just leave everything as is for now,and when I set up the 360,he'll be first in....I don't like to add new fish to my system without quarantine first.....and I hadn't planned on a new fish so I didn't have a QT tank set up,but my sister bought him for her tank before reading much about 'em.....realized she couldn't keep it long term,so I ended up with it...:)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15080266#post15080266 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mightyevil
Well then just tell her to keep buying, this way you will stock up pretty soon for your 360 :D

she's bought most of my fish and most of my coral,all my rock,all my sand,and my 150g aquarium,and she has about $400 in my wooden tank......and did I mention,I love my sister...... :lol:
Wow, my sister wont even buy me lunch as a payback for all the times I have bought her are one lucky brother!!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15081212#post15081212 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mightyevil
Wow, my sister wont even buy me lunch as a payback for all the times I have bought her are one lucky brother!!!

I agree,I'm her favorite brother too,the only one she's got...I have 2 other sisters too,but they don't count,they're not into the salty creatures like we are :lol:
cap'n,I'm gonna try and get the little giant 4-MDQX-SC for my return,that with the hammerhead should give me about 20x turn over in the tank,that should be plenty of flow for what I'm keeping,and if I need more I still have my Polario at 5500 gph,I just hope I can keep the sand where it belongs :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15083949#post15083949 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by redtop03
cap'n,I'm gonna try and get the little giant 4-MDQX-SC for my return,that with the hammerhead should give me about 20x turn over in the tank,that should be plenty of flow for what I'm keeping,and if I need more I still have my Polario at 5500 gph,I just hope I can keep the sand where it belongs :)

what are you planning to keep?
just the mushroom and zoos for now,easy stuff,I not comfortable with trying sps yet but who knows in a few years...:)
right now I just dose calcium as needed,which is not too often...if I start adding sps and such,the calcium usage will increase dramatically and I would want a reactor in place,and all the automation to run it,with my neptune controller,before hand.....these systems are kinda expensive,with the CO2 and all....I'm just not ready for that aspect of the hobby yet
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15083985#post15083985 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by redtop03
just the mushroom and zoos for now,easy stuff,I not comfortable with trying sps yet but who knows in a few years...:)

what fish are you planning to keep --other then the blue tang;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15084061#post15084061 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by redtop03
right now I just dose calcium as needed,which is not too often...if I start adding sps and such,the calcium usage will increase dramatically and I would want a reactor in place,and all the automation to run it,with my neptune controller,before hand.....these systems are kinda expensive,with the CO2 and all....I'm just not ready for that aspect of the hobby yet

I hear you--I have been getting along fine with dosing 2 part for the last three years--no sps corals however but I have one big mother clam in there:lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15084157#post15084157 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by capn_hylinur
what fish are you planning to keep --other then the blue tang;)

well in the 360,I'll put the hippo in there,my yellow tang,my naso tank,a pair of perculas,a PJ cardinal,a royal grammas(I thinks how thats spelled),a psychedelic dragonette,I have a bi-color angel now,but I think my sister will get it and I want a flame angel,other than that probably not much more,I'd love to have a powder blue tang but that's probably not gonna happen :) and I'd love a school of blue/green chromis don't know about that either :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15084162#post15084162 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by capn_hylinur
I hear you--I have been getting along fine with dosing 2 part for the last three years--no sps corals however but I have one big mother clam in there:lol:

I'd love a big clam also,but I want to get this thing up and running and get through the cycling process again :( before much more goes in the tank......I have finally got past the cayno in my 150 and now I'll be tearing it down for the 360.....and start all over,but I'll be much happier in the long run,and I think my fish will too....
Great Pump.;) I think the Little Giant will be fine for the return also.

I have a Hippo Tang in a tank with a mated pair of Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish. Believe it or not, the tang doesn't let them bully her. She runs them back into their anemone. I was worried about it at first, but she holds her own. It took her a few days to stand up for herself though. (I guess she's a girl, I don't know):lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15086872#post15086872 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MattShack
Great Pump.;) I think the Little Giant will be fine for the return also.

I have a Hippo Tang in a tank with a mated pair of Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish. Believe it or not, the tang doesn't let them bully her. She runs them back into their anemone. I was worried about it at first, but she holds her own. It took her a few days to stand up for herself though. (I guess she's a girl, I don't know):lol:

I was gonna go with the Barracuda but the Hammerhead was only a few bucks more and about 1400gph more so I went that route and if its too much,I can throttle it back I just need the OM 4 way,and a bunch of plumbing........then the the SCWD and the little giant and a bunch more plumbing,by the time I get all this plumbing glued up,I'll have even more brain damage from the glue :crazy1:

the maroons are beautiful,I had 1 for a while,but wanted the perculas,so the maroon went to the pet store,...I hope my hippo makes it,they are a beautiful fish....I've been calling it a he,but I don't know...might be a she :)

I'm afraid my yellow tang and my naso tang will pick at it,so when I get the 360 going the hippo gets it first,I may let it settle in a few days first,before the others go in,and I may get rid or the naso,don't know why but it shows some attitude toward my bi-color angel anyway,
I have a yellow tang in the same tank and the hippo and yellow stay side by side all day. I think they're best friends haha... I have a mated pair of australian black oscellaris and a mated pair of orange oscellaris also, in two other tanks.

In the tank with the hippo i also have a six line wrasse, 2 blue chromis, psy madarin, 2 convict gobies, 2 other kind of chromis (forgot what they are) and about 30 sps and lps corals sitting around everywhere that are getting ready for their soon to be new home.